
2024-2025 Board

President: Jim Walker

Vice-President: Rich Warosh

Secretary: Linda Rollins

Treasurer: Joe Crueger

Newsletter: Sue Goodacre

Website: LuAnn Elsinger

Membership: Carol Gardner


The Databases page is kind of a "catch all" for 1) Indexes of names compiled from books relating to Portage County and 2) Lists of names gathered from sources such as newspaper articles, church records, etc.

Indexes From Books

A Photo Album of the Past: Pioneer Scenes and Portraits From Central Wisconsin by Malcolm & Margaret Rosholt - Surname Index
First Baptist Church of Stevens Point - Prominent Parishioners
From the Indian Land by Malcolm Rosholt - Surname Index
History and Memories: Portage County, Belmont Township - Index to Biographies
Native Realm: The Polish-American Community of Portage County - Surname Index
Our Heritage, Almond and Vicinity by Ralph Tess - Surname Index
Out of the Shadows: Memorable People from Portage County’s Past
Pioneers of the Pinery by Malcolm Rosholt - Surname Index
West Central Wisconsin: a History by John G. Gregory - Index to Biographies


1871 Register of Electors - 1st Ward - Stevens Point
1871 Register of Electors - 2nd Ward - Stevens Point

1883 Birth Places and Ages (Of People Living in Stevens Point)
1883 Stevens Point Telephone Subscribers

1904 Plover Paper Company Employees (Payroll)

1908 Home Coming
Members of the First Presbyterian Church - 1894
Wisconsin Pinery - Gleanings - 1853