"Native Realm: The Polish-American Community of Portage County, 1857-1992 "
Surname Index
"Native Realm: The Polish-American Community of Portage County, 1857-1992" by Michael J. Goc. ©2001 by Worzalla Publishing and New Past Press, Inc.
This is a Surname "only" Index. There is much more in the index on the Portage County Polish-American community. This book circulates and is available through inter-library loan. Check with your local library for details. It is also available for sale from the Portage County Historical Society.
Anderson, John, 135 Bannach, Marion, 108, 109 Bannach, Lawrence, 96 Bannach, Frances,108,109 Bannach, John,121 Bartosz, Bernice, 130, 131 Bartosz, Adam, 133 Belke, Emil, 90, 94 Bemowski, John, 74 Bemowski, Felix, 74 Berens, Emily, 99 Bishop Paul Rhode, 100 Bishop John Henni, 46 Bogacki, Anthony, 72 Bogaczyk, Anna, 131 Bogaczyk, Steve, 138 Boharewicz, Jan, 138 Borchardt, John, 76 Bosworth, A. Earl, 68 Boyer, Anna, 81 Boyer, John, 76, 96 Brezinski, Henry, 125 Bukolt, John J., 90, 94, 112, 113, 114 Ceary, John, 77 Ceplina, Anton, 96 Chilla, Kasimir, 90, 92 Chilla, Stanislaus, 96 Chilla, Anna, 99 Ciecholinski, Joseph, 99 Ciecholinski, John, 74 Copps, E.M., 68, 77, 88 Coyner, John M., 105 Cyrzan, Clara, 100 Czeck, Augusta, 99 Dabrowski, Joseph, 38, 46, 48 Demke, August, 71 Derzinski, Frank, 94, 122 Domaszek, Matt, 105 Dopp, August, 82 Dreyfus, Lee, 138 Drosinski, John, 75 Dzwankowski, Christian and Josephine, 31 Eiden, Nick, 82 Esker, Peter and Agnes, 29 Firkus, Anton, 96 Firkus, Al, 96, 122 Fiskofski, Simon and Mary, 32 Fr. Wenceslaus Kruszka, 56 Fr. Julius Chylinski, 122 Fr. John Pollak, 71 Fr. Waclav Polarczyk, 111 Fr. Zygmunt Wozny, 81 Fr. John Frydrychowicz, 50 Fr. John O'Brien, 81 Fr. Luke Pescinski, 81, 87 Fr. Stanislaus Elbert, 110 Friday, Helen, 131 Frost, Carrie, 89 Gerlach, J.H., 81, 82 Gerschewski, Joseph, 96 Glennon, Edward, 81 Glinecki, Mathias and Mary, 28 Glinski, Joseph, 74, 77 Glinski, Frank, 76 Glisczinski, Mary, 100 Gliszinski, "Big Bill", 34 Glodowski, John and Antoinette, 28 Golla, John, 100 Gordon, Launcelot, 108 Guth, Stanislaus, 37 Heffron, John J., 44 Hering, Alfons, 132 Hoard, William D., 78 Hoppa, Nick, 135 Huntley, Frederick, 82 Hutter, Sigmund, 81, 82 Jacoboski, Alois, 122, 126 Januskey, Andrew, 75, 77 Jazdewski, Christian and Josephine, 31 Jenkins, Robert C., 138 Jerzack, Katherine, 100 Jerzak, Joseph, 97 Joanis, John, 139 Johnson, William, 26 Jozefkowig, John, 94 Kaczmarek, 96 Kallas, John, 77 Kamrowski, Joseph, 74 Kamrowski, Felix, 74 Kawleski, Anton, 35 Kieliszewski, John, 75 King, Jim, 142 Kitowski, Frank, 74 Kitowski, 99, 100 Klesmit, Adam, 31 Kluck, Dan, 121 Kluck, Alex, 91 Kluczykowski, August, 32 Knauf, John, 77 Kociczkowski, Michael, 16 Kocik, Lucjan, 141 Koczewski, Joseph, 96 Kolinski, Dora, 100 Kolinski, Frank, 35 Kolinski, John, 97 Kolinski, Dennis, 57 Kolpacki, Bernard, 77 Konopacki, Nic, 111 Konopacki, Peter and Mary, 28, 31 Kosmatka, Pearl, 100 Kosmicki, Vincent, 100 Koss, Bernard, 112 Kosshellek, John, 97 Kostecki, Agnes, 90 Kostka, August, 75, 97 Kostka, Robert, 122 Kostuck, John T., 120 Koziczkowski, Michael and Frances, 10, 31 Krogwald, Lawrence, 120 Krol, John, 142 Krutza, Teofil, 74, 81 Kryger, Theresa, 100 Kryzewski, Joseph, 100 Kubisiak, John, 76, 91, 113 |
Kubisiak, Albert, 35 Kuchnowski, Joseph, 75, 97 Kuklinski, Thomas, 71, 90 Kurszewski, Mary, 100 Landowski, John, 111 Lasecki, Frank, 90, 93, 97, 122, 126 Lipinsky, Mary, 100 Lotzshefski, John, 74 Lubinski, Thomas, 74 Lukaszevig, Flora, 81, 86 Lukaszevig, Paul, 76, 77, 82 Lukaszewicz, John, 96 Majewski, Katherine, 100 Malkowski, Anton, 100 Maloney, Pat, 77 Manchewski, Adam, 97 Martenka, Stephen, 102 Maslowski, John, 74 McGlachlin, Edward, 78, 81 McGreer, Mary, 50 McGreer, Hugh, 26, 48 Melcher, John, 48 Meleski, Camilla, 131 Michalski, Laura, 86 Michalski, Frank, 76, 90 Mioskowski, Thomas, 93 Mitchell, Mathias, 26, 95 Mozuch Joseph, 96 Myers, Lon, 97 Nalborski, Roman, 111 Naliborski Brothers, Emil and Clement, 75 Neimczyk, Chet, 135 Noble, Harry, 116, 126 Nowak, Kate, 81 Nowak, Pauline, 100 Nowak, John, 76 O'Brien, Don, 124 Oberweiser, F.A., 122 Okray, Joseph, 76, 97 Okray, John, 76 Ossowski, Nick, 76, 77 Osterle, Joseph, 31 Ostrowski, Andres, 36 Paderewski, Jan, 112 Palicka, Anna, 75 Park, H.B., 81 Pasternacki, Paul, 99 Pasternacki, L.P., 90 Pasternacky, Frank, 75, 77 Pelowski, Michael, 96 Peplinski, John, 99 Peplinski, Anton, 74, 99 Perzynski, Clifford, 124 Peters, Virgil "Pete", 121 Piotrowski, Clem, 99 Platta, John and Josephine, 31 Pliszka, Peter, 37 Podewitz, Marvin, 124 Pogorzelski, Victor, 75 Poliski, Anna, 75 Pollak, John, 47 Prais, Joseph, 74, 104, 112 Prodzinski, Zavier and Magdalene, 28 Przelocki, Joseph, 110 Pulaski, Casimir, 140 Roach, May, 124 Romak, Joseph, 96 Rosholt, Malcolm, 34, 136 Rosholt, Carl, 126 Rustad, Martin, 35 Rybicki, John, 99 Schulfer, Joseph, 31 Shippy, V.J., 100 Shippy, John, 75 Silverman, Earl, 126 Sims, John, 112 Sister Clara Bialkowski, 88 Sister Felicia Jackulski, 88 Sister Josephine Marie Peplinski, 88 Skalski, George, 75 Slusarski, Dominic and Eleanor, 134 Smongeski, Anton, 92, 100, 112 Somers, John, 96 Somers, Phillip, 124 Somers, Helen, 100 Soroka, Olenka, 137 Soroka, Dr. Waclav, 137 Spalenka, Frank, 102 Spraggon, W.W. 82 Stanislawski, Andrew, 120 Stevens, George, 26 Suchoski, Mary, 100 Suchowski, Andrew, 88 Troyanoski, Gerard, 138 Urbanowski, Nicodemus, 75, 95, 97 Urbanowski, John, 99 Urowski, Frank, 99 von Neuport, Dr. Carl, 82 Waldherr, Frank, 124 Weeks, John, 89 Werachowski, Jacob, 31 Wheelock, O.C., 76 Wojcik, 97 Wojtyla, Karol, 139 Worzalla, Joseph, 82, 94, 115, 116 Worzalla, Mary, 100 Worzalla, Stephen, 81, 94, 115, 116, 122 Worzalla, John, 115 Worzallas, The, 154 Worzella, Joseph, 105 Worzella, Alex, 100 Woznicki, Paul, 99 Wyszynski, Stefan, 138 Zdroik, Maynard and Mary Jane, 139 Zielinski, Leshek, 142 Zinda, August, 96 Zlewski, Peter and Agnes Esker, 29 Zmich, Michael and Katherine, 29 Zmick, Thomas, 96 Zolandek, Frank, 100 Zolandek, Nicholas and Catherine, 36 Zorowski, Ladislaus, 90 Zynda, John and Anna, 31 |