1883 Stevens Point Telephone Subscribers
These businesses and residences had telephone connections in 1883. According to THE GAZETTE, June 6, 1883 edition, there were 79 telephone subscribers. The article went on to say, "The above list comprises seventy-nine subscribers, which is considerably in advance of any city of its size in the state, and nearly 50 per cent larger than Milwaukee, considering the population. Credit for this is due to the untiring perseverance of B. C. SPAULDING, the gentlemanly agent who is always on the alert to increase his business".
Blanchard, M. W.
Boyington, N.
Cadman, John
Campbell, G.
Cate, A. G.
Claflin, P. C.
Coleman, S. B.
Dorsey, J. P.
Foster, John
Goff, Dr. W. W.
Griswold, R. M.
Herren, E. R.
Hungerford, G. W.
Jones, D. Lloyd
July, Rev. N.
Lamb, L. R.
Miller, Rev. W.
Park, G. L.
Phillips, Dr. John
Raymond, J. O.
Remington, Dr. C. W.
Rood, Dr. G.
Smith, Dr. J.
Spaulding, R. C.
Spraggon, W. W.
Stenger, George
Vaughn, A. P.
Vaughn, D. H.
Wadleigh, M.
Walter, Ed
Week, John
Weston, W.
Wright, J.
Wyatt, A.F.
G. B., W & St. P. R. R.
R. A. Cook & Co.
Bosworth & Reilly
St/m Fire Engine House
Mansion House
W. C. Passenger Depot
W. C. Freight Depot
Watke & Cleary
Court House
C. Krembs & Bro.
John Rice & Bro.
Stenger & Betlach
John Stumpf & son
Curran House
Pipe & Mitchell
D. H. Vaughn
W. Stone
Journal Office
Raymond & Haseltine
G. W. Cate
J. Shannon
W. Clifford
Wadleigh & Vaughn
Gazette Office
B. Burr & son
A. G. Green
G. W. Hungerford & Co.
Peterson & Jensen
Jones & Sanborn
H. D. McCulloch
Coleman, Jackson & Co.
S. Wight
Brown Bros.
Herren & Wadleigh
Jacobs House
Ide & Winslow
Telegraph and Express Offices
Pavey & Schryver
F. W. Kingsbury & Bro.
Adams House
Menasha W. W. Co.
E. M. Copps & Co.
Stevens Point Boom Co.
S. H. Karner & Son
Reprinted from Pedigree Pointers, Vol. 28, No. 2, Spring 2006