
2024-2025 Board

President: Jim Walker

Vice-President: Rich Warosh

Secretary: Linda Rollins

Treasurer: Joe Crueger

Newsletter: Sue Goodacre

Website: LuAnn Elsinger

Membership: Carol Gardner

1908 Home Coming

Reprinted from Pedigree Pointers, Vol. IX, No. 3, Spring 1987; Vol. IX, No. 4, Summer 1987; and Vol. X, No. 1, Fall 1987

In the spring of 1908 the residents of Stevens Point started planning for a "Home Coming" to be held from August 5th through 8th.  It started out being a 50th reunion of all the people who had attended the Old White School, but soon expanded to include all of the people who had at one time or another lived in Stevens Point.  On June 20, 1908, in the STEVENS POINT JOURNAL appeared a list of former residents to whom invitations had been sent to attend the Home Coming.  It is sort of a Who's Who of former residents and where they moved.  The Home Coming activities were described in great detail in the paper.  One evening a banquet was held.  A picnic was held one day and another evening they had a reception.  A Progressive Ball was given one evening at the Masonic, Eagles, and Rothman Halls.  Guests were asked to move from one hall to the other after they had danced three dances.  A parade was held one afternoon, and on the final evening a carnival was held where it was estimated that 4,000 to 5,000 people attended.  The GAZETTE of August 12, 1908, lists the names of the people who attended the Home Coming and who had signed the register.  There may have been others who attended but did not sign the register.

The June 20th and August 12th lists have been combined and alphabetized.  Those who have an * by their name indicates that they came to Stevens Point for the Home Coming.  The names of people living in Portage County were not included.  Many people from the county came.  The cities are all in Wisconsin unless otherwise noted.

*Aber, John, Indianapolis, Indiana
Adams, Mrs. Dan, Baraboo
Addleman, Dr. I. M., Wausau
Addleman, Mr. & Mrs. L. M., Tomahawk
Addleman, Miss Nellie, Tomahawk
Agnew, A. J., Mt. Clemens, Michigan
*Agnew, Alice, Waukesha
*Agnew, Mrs. D. A., Canyon City, Colorado
*Agnew, Sam, Canyon City, Colorado
Agnew, Mr. & Mrs. W. B., Waukesha
Agnew, Walter F., Wausau
Ainsworth, W. E., Brokaw
Alban, Mr. & Mrs. Harris, Rhinelander
*Alban, Robert B., Toledo, Ohio
Alban, W. L., St. Paul, Minnesota
Aldrich, Frank, Livingston, Montana
Aldrich, Jack, Helena, Montana
Allen, Fred, Dunkirk, New York
*Allen, Katherine, Menominee, Michigan
*Allen, Nellie, Milwaukee
*Allen, Sadie, Milwaukee
*Allen, Sarah W., Watters, Michigan
Allen, W. E., Spokane, Washington
Alsep, Mrs. Chauncy, Black Duck, Minnesota
Ambrose, Mrs. F. M., Yonkers, New York
Ambrose, John E., Owen
*Ambrose, Marie, Medford
Anderson, A. H., Kindred, North Dakota
Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Myron, Chicago, Illinois
Anderson, Peter M., Chicago Heights, Illinois
Andrews, W. T., Chicago, Illinois
Ansen, L. W., Merrill
*Antram, H. A., Chicago, Illinois
Armstrong, Mrs. Ella, Madison
Augustine, Mrs. J. R., Long Island City, New York
*Aune, Leah Gilbert, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Aune, Dr. Martin, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Avery, A. W., Spearfish, South Dakota

Bablige, John, Abbotsford
Badger, Rev. A. S., Waukesha
Bahner, Mr. & Mrs. Kellogg, Brainerd, Minnesota
Bailey, Mr. & Mrs. Chicago, Illinois
*Bailey, Virginia L. Brawley, Oak Park, Illinois
Bakens, Mr. & Mrs. W. W., North Fond du Lac
Baker, Allen S., Spencer, Iowa
Baker, E. H., Groveton, Texas
Baker, Galen R., Sioux Rapids, Iowa
Baker, J. H., Merrill
Baker, Mrs. J. M., Oshkosh
Baker, W. A., Roswell, Idaho
Baker, W. B., Livingston, Texas
Balmat, Mrs. Kate E., Alda, Nebraska
Banker, Mrs. Geo., Berlin
Banker, John, Berlin
Banker, John, Kaukauna
Barlow, A. J., Niagara
Barnes, Mrs. Walter, Kenosha
Barnesdale, Dr., West Superior
*Barnhardt, Mr. & Mrs. Geo. R., St. Paul, Minnesota
Barron, Jacob, McMillan
Barton, Thos., St. Cloud, Minnesota
Bauer, Mr. & Mrs. H. C., Fond du Lac
Bauer, Mr. & Mrs. J. & family, Milwaukee
*Bauer, Mrs. Theo. A., Weyauwega
*Bauer, Mr. & Mrs. W. F., Slater, Missouri
*Beach, Mrs. Jane, Appleton
Bean, D. V., Hamilton, Montana
Bean, O. W., Port Orchard, Washington
Bean, S. L., Los Angeles, California
Bean, Zimri, Calumet, Oklahoma
Beaudreau, Mrs. Clara & family, Chicago, Illinois
Beaudreau, David, Hillhurst, Washington
*Beck, Cora Miller, North Fond du Lac
Beck, Henry, Granville, North Dakota
Beck, Otto, Bradley
Beebe, Mr. & Mrs. R. H., Ashland
Beeble, Mrs. John, Palmer, Michigan
Beene, L., North Fond du Lac
Behrendt, G. H., Minneapolis, Minnesota
Behrendt, M., Elmwood
Bellinger, James M., Grand Rapids
Bells, Mrs. M. Patch, Washington, D.C.
Bender, H. D., Columbus, Ohio
Benhan, A. J., Fresno, California
Bentley, “Doc", Wausau
Bentley, E. D., Lewis, Minnesota
*Bentley, Kate E., Wausau
Berendt, Charles, Clinton, Minnesota
Berman, W. J., Neillsville
Berndt, Aug., Columbus, Montana
Berry, Mr. & Mrs. B. D., Chicago, Illinois
Berry, Mrs. Ella Ponse, Chicago, Illinois
Berry, Frank, Duluth, Minnesota
*Berry, Howard E., Milwaukee
Betteys, Mrs. W. H., Houghton, Michigan
Betts, Mrs. Wm., Marinette
*Biegler, Mrs. Hattie, Hayward
Billiter, Mrs. Frank, Minneapolis, Minnesota
*Birch, Mrs. A. V., Fond du Lac
Bischoff, Mr. & Mrs. August, Portage
Bismarck, Mrs. C. F., Wausau
*Bismark, Mrs. Essie Kimball, Wausau
Bissing, Mrs. B. H., Appleton
Bissing, Miss Lizzie, Appleton
Bixby, E. N., England, Arkansas
Black, Mrs. Mary, Chicago, Illinois
Blades, Wm., Kansas City, Missouri
Blair, Mrs. John, Bellingham, Washington
*Blanchard, Homer B., Chicago, Illinois
Bliss, Franklin, Livingston, Montana
Bliss, Harvey, Big Timber, Montana
Blodgett, Mr. & Mrs. Chas., Marshfield
Blodgett, Miss Delia, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Boehm, Jos., West Seattle, Washington
Booth, Mrs. C. A., Baraboo
Borchardt, F. E., Chicago, Illinois
Boston, F. T., Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Boursier, Clair, Gary, Indiana
Bousha, Kate, Mosinee
Bow, Helen Walton, Oshkosh
Bowdish, H. A., Menominee, Michigan
*Bowe, Mrs. Nellie Walton, Oshkosh
Bowen, Mr. & Mrs. B. F., Abbotsford
*Boyce, Mrs. Emily, Eau Claire
Boyce, Frank B., Sheldon, Iowa
Boyington, C. K., Hurley
*Boyington, Miss Celia, Rockford, Illinois
Boyington, J. N., Rockford, Illinois
Boyington, W. E., Freeport, Illinois
Bozlee, Frank, Lansford, North Dakota
Brabent, Algie, Marinette
*Bradfield, Annie Herbert, Chicago, Illinois
Bradt, Mrs. P. Y., Schnectedy, New York
*Bremmer, C. A., Chicago, Illinois
Brennan, J. H., Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Brice, Mrs. Lottie Ponce, Chicago, Illinois
Bridge, J. B., Bucatunna, Mississippi
Brigham, O. P., Hermiston, Oregon
Brill, B., Green Bay
Brill, Louis, Tampa, Florida
Britz, John, Chicago, Illinois
Brown, Mr. & Mrs. A. W., Rhinelander
*Brown, Amy M., Menominee, Michigan
Brown, Mr. & Mrs. E. O., Rhinelander
*Brown, Edgar, Menominee, Michigan
*Brown, F. L., Menominee, Michigan
Brown, Fannie Avery, Belle Fourche, South Dakota
Brown, Miss Helen, Rhinelander
*Brown, Kate Avery, Menominee
Brown, Miss May, Rhinelander
Brown, Marien, Tacoma, Washington
Brown, Mr. & Mrs. W. E., Rhinelander
*Brown, W. W., Menominee, Michigan
Brown, Walter Scott, Milton, Oregon
Brown, Wylie, Auburn, Washington
*Bullock, Nellie E. Nelson, Madison
Bungert, Nick, Marathon
*Burdick, Mrs. J. A., Milwaukee
Burgis, Mr. & Mrs. Stafford, Mt. Clemens, Michigan
Burke, G. E., Haley, North Dakota
Burr, Mr. & Mrs. E., Spokane, Washington
*Bush, Arthur L., Fond du Lac
*Bush, Mrs. W. I., Fond du Lac
Busky, Jos. A., Racine
*Butterfield, R. H., Milwaukee

*Cadman, Percy, Devils Lake, North Dakota
Cadman, Wm., Santa Monica, California
Calkins, L. A., Green Bay
Callahan, D. J., Cherokee, Iowa
Camp, Geo. F., Parma, Idaho
*Campbell, C. F., Racine
Campbell, J. Jas., Hope, Idaho
Campbell, John C., Demorest, Georgia
Campbell, Robert, Jacksonville, Florida
Campbell, S. J., Slater, Missouri
*Canniff, Mrs. Gussie Henning, Fond du Lac
*Carlson, Albin H., St. Paul, Minnesota
Carlson, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew, Florence, Washington
*Carlson, Mrs. Florence Cary, St. Paul, Minnesota
Carlson, Mr. & Mrs. Peter, Stanwood, Washington
*Carpenter, Mrs. Alice Meehan, Milwaukee
*Carr, Jennie Empey, Abbotsford
Carr, Mr. & Mrs. L. G., Fond du Lac
Carr, W. S., Abbotsford
Carver, Fred, Colby
*Carver, Marie, Wausau
*Carver, Minerva Judd, Wausau
*Cary, Miss Lillian C., Merriam Park, Minnesota
Cashin, Geo. W., Jamestown, North Dakota
Cass, A. B., Cadillac, Michigan
Cass, Don, Hopkins, Minnesota
*Cassidy, Mary, Chicago, Illinois
Cate, Henry, Coldwater, Michigan
*Cate, Mrs. L. B., Milwaukee
Cate, Lynn B., Toledo, Ohio
Cate, W. S., Ashland
Cauley, Mrs. Delbert, Wausau
Cauley, Miss Kate, Wausau
Cauley, M. J., Wausau
*Cawley, Miss Kate, Wausau
Chafee, Mr. & Mrs. Chas., Rhinelander
Chamberlain, A. C., Chicago, Illinois
*Chamberlain, Don R., New York City, New York
*Chamberlain, Kittie, Chicago, Illinois
*Chandler, Miss Leila, Menominee, Michigan
*Chapman, H. V. V., Fond du Lac
Charlton, Mrs. C., Portland, Oregon
Christianson, Matt, Phillips
*Christmann, Miss Laura, St. Louis, Missouri
Chynoweth, Mrs. J. E., Laurium, Michigan
Claffy, Mrs. Joe, St. Paul, Minnesota
*Claflin, Dorothy, Washington, D.C.
Claflin, Elton, San Diego, California
Claflin, H. E., Washington, D.C.
Claflin, Mr. & Mrs. P. C., Washington, D.C.
Clark Sisters, Chicago, Illinois
*Clark, Ann Gardiner, Madison
Clark, C. L., Tomahawk
Clark, E., Chicago, Illinois
Clark, Frank, Manistique, Michigan
Clark, Mr. & Mrs. J. L. & family, Blue Island, Illinois
Clark, Mrs. Louise, Columbia, Tennessee
Clark, Miss Margaret, Oshkosh
Clark, Mr. & Mrs. Owen, Madison
Clark, P. W., Ramona, Oklahoma
Clement, Wm. H., Wausau
Clements, Mrs. Eva, Chicago, Illinois
Clifford, Rev. G. A., Chilton
Clifford, Rev. M. H., Oshkosh
*Cochran, Coila, Minneapolis, Minnesota
*Cochran, Lizzie McLean, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Cochrane, R. S., Minneapolis, Minnesota
*Coglan, Gladys, Chicago, Illinois
*Colby, Florence, Fond du Lac
*Colby, Helen, Fond du Lac
Colby, Miss Marie, Wausau
Coleman, Albert, Newark, New York
Coleman, S. B., Sodus Center, New York
Collar, Mrs. Chas., Appleton
Collar, Mrs. D. A., Hortonville
Collins, Mrs. John, Grand Rapids
Collins, John D., Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Collins, Mal., Bena, Minnesota
Collins, W. H., Plainfield
*Colwell, Mrs. Nellie Sellers, Chicago, Illinois
Congdon, Mr. & Mrs. F. W., Knoxville, Tennessee
Coniff, Mrs. John, Mosinee
Cook, Mr. & Mrs. George, Fond du Lac
Cook, Miss Marie, Kearney, Nebraska
Cooper, Clay C., New York City, New York
Cormack, Mrs. Wm., Seattle, Washington
*Corrigan, Miss Faith, Hamilton, Texas
*Corrigan, James E., Hamilton, Texas
*Corrigan, W. D., Chicago, Illinois
*Covel, Mr. & Mrs. W. L., Biloxi, Mississippi
Cowles, Harry, Houpt, Minnesota
Cragan, Will J., Denver, Colorado
Craig, Mrs. Wm. A., Rochester, New York
Crawford, Mrs. Mattie Hoover, Greensburg, Indiana
Cronk, L. M., Chicago Heights, Illinois
Cronyn, Mrs. W. J., Milwaukee
Crueger, Wm., Brokaw
Cullham, Victor, Sheffield, Ontario
Cupp, Mrs. W. H., New London
Curtice, Frank B., Enderlin, North Dakota
Curtis, Mrs. C., Milwaukee
Cutter, Mrs. Allen, Grafton, Pennsylvania
Cutter, Mr. & Mrs. M. B., Bethleham, Pennsylvania
Czeskleba, Mrs. E. W., Waupaca

Dahl, G. M., Cleveland, Ohio
Dahlgren, Miss Alma, Jacksonville, Illinois
Danielson, Miss Barbara, Idaho Falls, Idaho
Danielson, Miss Julia, Chicago, Illinois
*Dauber, Mrs. F. C., Oshkosh
Davenport, Merwin, Baraboo
Davenport, Will C., Klamath Falls, Oregon
Davidson, Jas. C., Abbotsford
*Davidson, Mabel E., Plainfield
Davis, Mrs. I. L., Maumee, Ohio
*Davis, Mrs. Laura Boyce, Eau Claire
*Davis, Miss Roy, Eau Claire
Day, William, San Diego, California
DeForest, Mrs. Emma Martin, Ocean Side, California
Degan, Adeie, Wausau
Degan, F. A., Dowden, North Dakota
Deitrich, Will, Hurley
Delehanty, Martin & family, Milwaukee
Delleree, E., Willmar, Minnesota
*DeMeules, Sophia C., Minneapolis, Minnesota
Derosia, N., Merrill
Deschamps, Mr. & Mrs. Peter, Culdesac, Idaho
Dever, Thos. E., Milwaukee
*DeVoe, Mrs. Adelaide Gouldsberry, Wausau
DeVoe, W. J., Waynesboro, Mississippi
Dickerson, Miss F. E., Oshkosh
Dickerson, Mrs. L. M., Duluth, Minnesota
Dickinson, M. J., Anacortes, Washington
*Dietrich, Mr. & Mrs. W., Hurley
*Dignum, John, Chicago, Illinois
Dingman, L. M., Green Bay
*Dirimple, Belle, Seattle, Washington
Docka, Nels, Kasson, Minnesota
Doenitz, Emil, Fond du Lac
*Dolloff, Mrs. Mary L., Waupaca
*Donahue, Miss Helen, Ashland
Donahue, Patrick, Ashland
Dorsky, Ed., Bandette, Minnesota
Dougherty, Mrs. Mary E., Milwaukee
*Dowsett, Wm. J., Galion, Ohio
Doyle, Miss Etta, Milwaukee
Doyle, Mrs. James, Rhinelander
Doyle, M. W., Cadott
Doyle, Martin, Milwaukee
Doyle, Mike, Belfield, North Dakota
Driscol, Mike, Glidden
*Dunbar, Mrs. Louis L., Wausau
*Duncan, Alice A., Kenosha
Durand, Mrs. Susie, Irma
Duranso, Sam, Merrill
Dwinnell, Geo. L., Waukesha

Ecke, O. H., Fond du Lac
Eckhart, Mrs. Louise Lauber, La Crosse
Eckles, Wm., Wausau
Eddy, Mrs. A. E., Ashland
Eggleston, Mr. & Mrs. John, Bellingham, Washington
Eilertson, J. C., Brighton, Washington
Eldredge, Ira, West Seattle, Washington
Ellenwood, Sidney W., Spencer, Iowa
Ellis, Nellis Kline, Antigo
Ellis, Mrs. S. J., Berlin
Ellis, Mrs. Will, Peshtigo
Emmons, Mrs. Hattie, New York City, New York
Emmons, Miss Myra, New York City, New York
Emmons, Miss Zella, New York City, New York
*Empey, Alex F., Merrill
*Empey, A. J., Milladore
*Empey, Hamilton, Wausau
*Entzminger, Wm., Green Bay
Ernest, Mrs. Mary, Princeton
Evans, Frank E., Seattle, Washington
Evans, Miss Vina, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Evens, Mrs. J. E., Germania

Fallon, Edward, Milwaukee
Fallon, M. J., Milwaukee
Farr, Mrs. Louise V. B., Hinsdale, Illinois
Farrell, Mr. & Mrs. Wm., Tacoma, Washington
Faskell, Mrs. John, Royalton
Featherly, Mr. & Mrs. F., North Fond du Lac
Feeley, J. E., Fifield
Feeley, T. J., Chicago, Illinois
*Feldman, Mrs. S., Plainfield
Felker, G. A., Milwaukee
*Felker, Marion L. Finch, Milwaukee
Fenwick, Mr. & Mrs., Allegan, Michigan
Fernean, Ralph, Greenwood
Fields, J. H., Plainfield
Filby, Mrs. Jos., Nashville, Tennessee
Filkins, G. W., Strongs Prairie
Finch, R. B., Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Finnean, Mrs. Margaret, Grand Rapids, Minnesota
Finnessy, Miss Ruth, Cumberland
Fischer, Mrs. Mary, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Fisher, L. D., St. Joseph, Michigan
Fitch, Dick, Waupaca
Fletcher, Mrs. G. W., Westfield
Fletcher, Mr. & Mrs. Gardner, Puyallup, Washington
Foat, Mrs. Sarah, East Troy
Ford, F. X., Everett, Washington
Forde, N., Starbuck, Minnesota
Forest, Mrs. L. A., Ocean Side, California
Forrest, Miss Dorothy, Los Angeles, California
Forsyth, Joseph, Ten Strike, Minnesota
Foss, C. R., St. John's, Oregon
Foster, H. V., New York City, New York
Fott, Mrs. H. J., Appleton
Fox, A. M., Seattle, Washington
Fox, Frank P., St. Louis, Missouri
Frame, Mrs. Nellie, Zanesville, Ohio
*Francis, Mr. & Mrs. E. W., Abbotsford
*Frank, Aug. P., Bellingham, Washington
Frank, Mr. & Mrs. Chas., Milwaukee
Frank, Robert, Fond du Lac
Frank, Mr. & Mrs. Sam, Jackson
*Frazer, Anna, Chicago, Illinois
Freeman, A. J., Rhinelander
*Freenor, Mrs. J., Fond du Lac
*Freenor, Miss Susie, Fond du Lac
Frost, Geo. E., Portland, Washington
Fuller, Mrs. C. E., Adrian, Michigan
*Fulton, Miss Katherine, Milwaukee
Funk, Harvey, Marshfield

Gallaghan, Thos., Merrill
*Gardiner, Almon, Hancock
Gardiner, John, Spencer
Gardner, H. L., Liberty Pole
Gavin, W. J., Abbotsford
Gee, F. A., St. John's, Oregon
*Gee, Mrs. Flora A., Ashland
Gee, Mr. & Mrs. James, St. John's Oregon
Gee, N. A., St. John's, Oregon
*Gemberling, Mrs. Helena Tack, Fond du Lac
George, H. A., Superior
Geraughty, Edward, Leavenworth, Kansas
Gerow, Mrs. M. E., Cambridge, New York
*Ghoca, Mr. & Mrs. Geo. W., Waupaca
*Ghoca, Ora, Waupaca
Gilden, B. H., Denver, Colorado
Gile, Mrs. R. H., Milwaukee
Gilkey, R. W., Bartlesvllle, Oklahoma
Gilmore, Mrs. P. B., Milwaukee
Glennon, Edward C., Chicago, Illinois
Glocksine, C. A., Minot, Minnesota
*Goltz, Mrs. W. D., Oshkosh
Gonya, Mrs. E. E., Randolph, Vermont
Good, Mrs. Chas., Ashland
Goodhue, Mrs. Chas., Green Bay
Goodhue, George, Spokane, Washington
Goodhue, Henry, Spokane, Washington
Gooding, Mrs. Lucy, Wausau
Goodrich, Mr. & Mrs. C. W., Flint, Michigan
Gorman, Thos., Bartlesville, Oklahoma
*Gormley, Mr. & Mrs. H. E., Milwaukee
*Gotchey, Homer, La Crosse
Gotchey, J. A., Wausau
Gothia, Chas., Gladys, North Dakota
*Gottery, Mr. & Mrs. A. S., Pine City, Minnesota
Gottery, Ed C., Reedsburg
Gottery, W. P., Pine City, Minnesota
*Gottry, Will J., Pine City, Minnesota
Grange, Alex, Fort Covington, New York
Grant, Albert V., Annapolis, Maryland
Grant, Forest, Brooklyn, New York
*Grassy, Mrs. Mamie Roth, Fond du Lac
Grasy, Mr. & Mrs. J. C., North Fond du Lac
Gray, Albert, Portage
*Gray, Jno., Fulton, Alabama
*Gray, Mr. & Mrs. Thos. T., Rib Lake
Green, Mr. & Mrs. F. A., Ontanogan, Michigan
Green, Frank L., Brooklyn, New York
*Green, Fred J., Springfield, Ohio
*Green, Harriet B., Chicago, Illinois
*Green, Henry L., Chicago, Illinois
*Green, Marion M., Chicago, Illinois
Greer, Mrs. N. L., Church's Ferry, North Dakota
Griep, Mrs. F. O., Minneapolis, Minnesota
*Griffin, Ella, Milwaukee
*Griffin, Mayme, Chicago, Illinois
*Griffith, Mrs. Alice Clifford, Green Bay
*Griffith, Mr. & Mrs. W. H., Green Bay
Grili, Mrs. S. A., Chicago, Illinois
Grimes, Frank, Abbotsford
Griswold, Gus, Chicago, Illinois
Groelle, F. F., Manitowoc
Gross, Mrs. Frank, Fond du Lac
*Gross, Henry, Wausau
Gross, Mr. & Mrs. John, Madison
*Gross, Mrs. Mary Watters, Wausau
Gross, Mrs. Matt, Fond du Lac
Gruber, F. J., Plainfield
Gspangle, Paul, St. Cloud, Minnesota
Guerney, Leo, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Guilday, Richard, Rhinelander
Gunderson, A. J., Seattle, Washington
Gutsch, Mrs. M. F., Los Angeles, California
*Guttenstein, Mrs. Sarah Brill, Milwaukee

Hadeltine, Sarah, Washington, Kansas
Haertel, Charles, Wausau
Hafsoos, Eric, Milwaukee
Hall, Mr. & Mrs., Antigo
Hall, James, Ft. Pierre, South Dakota
Halsted, Mr. & Mrs. A. L., Abbotsford
Halverson, Mr. & Mrs. Harvey, North Fond du Lac
Halverson, O. C., Chassell, Michigan
Hamilton, Mrs. Jennie, Cupertino, California
Hamilton, W. C., Houghton, Michigan
Hammond, George, Hayden, Nebraska
Hanchett, James, Rhinelander
Hanig, Mrs. J. M., Ontonagon, Michigan
Hansen, Mrs. Lisabeth, Cyrus, Minnesota
Hanson, Jas., Withee
Hanson, Louis, Hortonville
Hanson, Miss Mauda, Appleton
Harbaugh, Chas., Lake Villa, Illinois
Harger, Kate Schofield, Wausau
Harrigan, J. M., Detroit, Michigan
Harrigan, Mrs. Wm., Fulton, Alabama
Harrington, Mrs. O. C., Waupaca
*Harris, C. E., Duluth, Minnesota
Harris, Mrs. V. V., Duluth, Minnesota
Harrison, S., Peshtigo
Harshaw, Geo. M., Highland Park, Illinois
*Hartman, Mrs. Lucy, Endeavor
Harvey, Mrs. Libbie Humiston, Seffner, Florida
Haskins, Ira, Hancock
*Haskins, Mrs. Marie Empey, Wausau
Hass, Mr. & Mrs. E., Rhinelander
Hass, E. A., Ripon
*Hauff, Bessie Nelson, Tacoma, Washington
*Hauff, C. A., Tacoma, Washington
Hautziner, S., Chicago, Illinois
Hawn, Fred J., Tyler, Texas
Hawn, Russell J., Fordwick, Virginia
*Hayden, Mrs. Lorena Gardener, Holton, Kansas
Hayes, Edward, Cupertino, California
Hazelton, Mrs. Catherine F., Ripley, Maine
Hazelton, Charles, Ripon
Heaney, Mrs. John, Berlin
Heartel, Frank, Wausau
Heathcote, Guy, Fond du Lac
Heffron, D. W., Chicago, Illinois
Heidke, Wm., Milwaukee
*Hein, Hattie R., Chicago, Illinois
Hein, W. F., International Falls, Minnesota
Henry, Thos. A., Eau Galle
*Herbert, John L., Chicago, Illinois
Herman, Arnold, Lena
Herman, Mrs. Fred, Suring
Herman, Geo., Ashley
Herren, Mr. & Mrs. E. R., Fond du Lac
Herren, Wm., Thief River Falls, Minnesota
*Heyd, Mary Jane Harris, Milwaukee
Hibbard, Carl, Merrill
Hibbing, Mrs. B., Duluth, Minnesota
*Hildreth, Mrs. E. J., Fond du Lac
Hill, Mrs. L. J., Freeport, Illinois
*Hinckley, C. D., Abbotsford
*Hinckley, Mrs. Margaret Gaines, Abbotsford
Hinton, Leon, Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Hodge, Wm., Oshkosh
Hoeffel, L. C., Portland, Oregon
*Hoeffler, Adolph, Milwaukee
Hoerter, Mike, Oshkosh
Hoffman, F. J., Seattle, Washington
*Hoffman, Mae, Chicago, Illinois
Hoffman, Martin, Bee, Nebraska
Hogle, W. H. H., Hancock
Hoile, Mrs. Ellsworth, Wausau
*Holt, Mrs. Lillian Luce, Madison
Holt, Mrs. J. W., Portland, Oregon
Homrig, Mrs. Augusta, Wausau
*Homsted, Gus, Dorchester
Hood, S. K., Frances, North Dakota
*Hopkins, Lettie Corrigan, Star Lake
*Hoppenyan, Mrs. E. J., Ashland
*Horn, Mrs. A. R., Fond du Lac
*Horn, Estella Combs, Chicago, Illinois
Horton, H. E., Waukegan, Illinois
Houlehan, Bernard, Hurley
Houlehan, Ed, Tomahawk
Houlehan, R. J., Clintonville
Howard, Dr., Los Angeles, California
Howard, Mrs. Hepsy B., Asotin, Washington
Howe, Miss Grace A., Minneapolis
*Howley, Miss Kate, Chicago, Illinois
*Howley, Phillip, Chicago, Illinois
*Hubbard, Miss Ida, Wausau
*Hubbard, James K., Wausau
*Huber, Mrs. Estella, Ashland
*Huber, Mrs. Harriet Holmes, Pembine
Huber, Henry, Ashland
*Huber, Will, Ashland
*Hughes, Lottie M., Duluth, Minnesota
*Hughes, Minnie Nelson, Chicago, Illinois
Hughes, W. E., Merrill
Hulce, W. G., Milladore
Humlong, Mrs. Earl, Minneapolis
Hungerford, E. M., Milwaukee
Hungerford, M. A., Abbotsford
Hunt, Mrs. S. E., Waukegan, Illinois
Hunter, Mrs. Anna, Cleveland, Ohio
*Huntington, Laura Lucile, Milwaukee
Huntoon, Mrs. Allie Bentley, Schofield
Hyman, D. S., Minneapolis, Minnesota
Hyman, L. A., Wausau

Ingersoll, H. G., Brainerd, Minnesota
Ingersoll, N. H., Brainerd, Minnesota
Ireland, Alex, Abbotsford
Iroy, John, Sioux City, Iowa

Jackson, E., Fond du Lac
*Jackson, Fern, Fond du Lac
Jacobson, David, Chicago, Illinois
Jacobson, Nathan, Chicago, Illinois
Jarock, V. J., Milwaukee
Jeffers, J. H., Aberdeen, South Dakota
Jenner, Rev. A. G., Providence, Rhode Island
Jenner, Marie A., Fond du Lac
Jensen, Mrs. J. L., Chicago, Illinois
*Johnson, C. C., Chippewa Falls
Johnson, Mrs. G. W., Tomah
Johnson, Gus, Vicksburg, Michigan
*Johnson, Ina Redfield, Chippewa Falls
Johnson, J. V., Stanley
Johnson, Dr. J. V., Eveleth, Minnesota
Johnson, Julia Leary, Rhinelander
*Johnson, Mrs. May Dent, Milwaukee
Johnson, Mrs. Pat, Rhinelander
Johnson, Mrs. R. H., Wausau
Johnson, Miss Tina, Seattle, Washington
Johnson, Mrs. W. R., Wausau
*Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. W. S., Milwaukee
Johnston, Mrs. J., Rhinelander
*Johnston, Martina, Seattle, Washington
*Jonas, Mr. & Mrs. F. J., Edgar
Jones, Mrs. D. Lloyd, Ashland
Jones, Frank J., Edgar
*Joy, Ross E., Shuswap, British Columbia
July, Rev. N., Stockbridge

Kaltnecker, F. J., Chicago, Illinois
Kamrowski, Rose, Eau Claire
Kane, Mrs. Tom, Milwaukee
*Karner, Chas., San Diego, California
Karner, Clarence, Spokane, Washington
Karner, Jos., Marsailles, Illinois
Kavanaugh, Mr. & Mrs. James, Kenosha
Kayler, Mrs. C. F., Olympia, Washington
Kean, John T., Woonsocket, South Dakota
Keating, J. H., Duluth, Minnesota
Keckler, Mrs. Amelia, Neenah
Keith, Susie Peare, Quincy, Illinois
Keller, S. E., New York City, New York
Kelley, Mrs. N. T., Wausau
Kelnhofer, Mrs. Joseph, Roseville, California
*Kenetick, Mrs. Lucile Clifford, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Kennedy, Caroline, Boise, Idaho
Kennedy, Mrs., Willet, California
Kenyon, D. C., Spokane, Washington
*Kenyon, Mrs. Elizabeth Scott, Dodson, Montana
Kerr, W. D., Chicago Heights, Illinois
*Kheil, Frances, Fond du Lac
*Kheil, Mrs. John, Fond du Lac
Killinger, J. A., Abbotsford
Kimball, Richard, Merrill
Kimbel, Ezzie, Wausau
King, Florella Crosby, Abbotsford
King, Louis, Tomahawk
King, Mrs. Margaret, Fond du Lac
King, Mrs. Will, Fond du Lac
*Kingsbury, Mrs. Alice Page, Antigo
*Kingsbury, F. W., Evansville, Indiana
*Kingsbury, Mr. & Mrs. Jerome J., Antigo
*Kingsbury, Miss Tina M., Antigo
Kingsbury, Mr. & Mrs. Walter, Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Kinney, Mrs. Sarah, Grand Rapids, Minnesota
Kirwin, F. G., Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Kitowski, Aug., New London
Klug, Charley, Milwaukee
Knauf, Mrs. Sophia, Sheboygan
Knoller, Mrs. Geo., Dancy
Knox, Hiram, Livingston, Texas
Knox, S. G., Superior
Koblitz, Mrs. T., Oshkosh
Koch, Mr. & Mrs. Henry, Milwaukee
Koeppen, Eunice Soper, Boise City, Idaho
Kohorn, B. H., Milwaukee
Kolz, Peter, Fond du Lac
Koppa, Jas., Wausau
Kord, Jos., Tacoma, Washington
Krake, Mr. & Mrs. Morris, Waupaca
Kranter, Louis, Deming, New Mexico
Kreutzer, Mrs. Minnie Knox, Wausau
Kronnenwetter, Mrs. Henry, Mosinee
Kryger, A. A., Milwaukee
Kryshak, J. P., Winona, Minnesota
Kuehnast, Miss Ida, Milwaukee
Kujawa, A. J., Rudolph
Kummer, Peter J., Tomahawk
Kuntz, Mrs. E. P., Ashland
Kurke, John A., Green Bay

Lahn, Dr. C. F., La Crosse
Lalley, Martin, Rhinelander
*La Mere, Anna R., Medford
*La Mere, Louis, Marathon
*Lamoreux, C. A., Milwaukee
Lamoreux, Mr. & Mrs. F. B., Ashland
*Lamoreux, Oliver, Milwaukee
*Lamp, Mr. & Mrs. N. M., Fond du Lac
Landeryou, Mr. John, Saint Maries, Idaho
Lands, Mrs. John, Waukegan, Illinois
Langdon, John, Wausau
*Larson, Andrew E., Plainfield
La Salle, W. B., Rhinelander
Latham, C. L., Abbotsford
Lauber, Louis, Minneapolis, Minnesota
La Vague, George, Duluth, Minnesota
La Vague, John, Duluth, Minnesota
Lawler, A. F., Fond du Lac
Lawson, Miss Etta, Syracuse, New York
Lawton, E. R., Isanti , Minnesota
Leadbetter, L. A., Rhinelander
*Lee, Miss Bertha, Winona, Minnesota
Lee, W. H., Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Lemke, Chas., Marinette
Lennon, Mrs. Mary, Rhinelander
Lennon, Tim, Woely, Washington
Lillie, F. M., Phillips
Lincoln, Mrs. E. A., Ashland
*Lincoln, Mrs. M., Ashland
Lind, Dr. C. L., Chicago, Illinois
Lind, Dr. Wm. H., Marshfield
Linder, John, Mosinee
Lindsay, Mrs. Mable Claflin, Washington, D.C.
Livingston, Marie Hinckley, Plainfield
*Loberg, Mrs. C. O., Manawa
*Loberg, Hjalmer C., Minneapolis, Minnesota
Loberg, O. G., New Lisbon
Lochner, Chas., North Fond du Lac
Lockwood, Mrs. K. F., Potsdam, New York
Lombard, Geo. H., Wausau
Lombard, Mrs. W., Wausau
Long, Miss Hattie E., Chicago, Illinois
Longevan, Henry, Germantown, Minnesota
Loomis, T. B., Mechanicsville, Iowa
Lord, Frank T., Morgan, Vermont
*Lorenze, A., Milwaukee
Lorigan, Rev. E. P., Hillman City, Washington
*Lott, Mrs. Jennie Ross, Milwaukee
*Lott, John C., Milwaukee
*Loucks, Mr. & Mrs. W., Fond du Lac
Lowder, Mrs. H. T., Bangor, Maine
*Lowell, Mr. & Mrs. H., Chicago, Illinois
*Lowell, Harry, Chicago, Illinois
*Luce, Mrs. Halcyone Horn, Minneapolis, Minnesota
*Luce, Jim R., Everett, Washington
Luce, Mrs. L. E., Mobile, Washington
Lueck, Mrs. J. T., Marshfield
*Lueck, Walter, Marshfield
Lutz, Chas., Milwaukee
Lutz, Jacob, Jr., Grand Rapids
Lynch, Wm., Staples, Minnesota
*Lyons, Mrs. Margaret Herbert, Chicago, Illinois
Lytle, J. H., Tacoma, Washington
Lytle, Wm., Seattle, Washington

McAdams, James, Abbotsford
McAleavey, Eugene, Omaha, Nebraska
McAleavey, T. F., Omaha, Nebraska
McCabe, Mrs. J., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
*McCadden, Mrs. James L., North Fond du Lac
McCair, E. J., West Allis
McCamley, Jas., Merrill
McCammons, Mrs. James, Oshkosh
*McCarthy, Chas. J., Chicago, Illinois
McClure, Rev. M. P., Council Bluffs, Iowa
McCrait, Edward, Quilcene, Washington
McCrait, Thomas, Seattle, Washington
*McCreedy, J. J., White River
McCulloch, Robert L., Fort Collins, Colorado
McCulloch, Sarah, Rockford, Illinois
McDonald, Mrs. E. J., Los Angeles, California
McDonald, Hugh, Boston, Massachusetts
*McDonald, Mrs. Mary, Rhinelander
McDonald, Walt, Walker, Minnesota
McGillis, Mrs. Jesse, Milwaukee
McGinley, James, North Fond du Lac
McGivern, John, North Fond du Lac
McGlachlin, Maj. E. F., Vancouver Barracks, Washington
McGowan, J. S., Kolze, Illinois
McGreer, John, Antigo
McGregor, L. E., Makanka, Illinois
McGuire, Mary F., Ogema
McGuire, T. D., Chicago, Illinois
McHugh, Dr. F. W., Ontanogan, Michigan
McHugh, Wm., Bath, South Dakota
McKeefe, John, Wausau
McKenzie, John, Milwaukee
McMahon, Mr. & Mrs. Jas., Fort Smith, Arkansas
MacMartin, Laura Mae Whitrock, Chicago, Illinois
McMillan, Mr. & Mrs. B. F., McMillan
*McMillan, Mr. & Mrs. C. V., Fond du Lac
*McMillan, Mrs. Kate Prentice, Fond du Lac
McMillan, Mrs. Mary, Malone, New York
Macnish, Sarah Megran, Berlin
Madden, John, Fond du Lac
Maddy, Albert, McGregor, Minnesota
Maddy, Mrs. Susie, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Maddy, Wm., Grand Rapids, Minnesota
*Maloney, J. C. F., Shawnee, Kansas
*Marchel, John B., Wausau
Marks, Chas., Waukegan, Illinois
Marsh, Miss Sarah, Chicago, Illinois
*Martin, Mrs. D. H., Madison
Martin, Mr. & Mrs. G. R., Bemidji, Minnesota
*Martin, Mrs. G. W., Fond du Lac
Martin, Mrs. H. E., Fond du Lac
*Martin, Hazel S., Madison
*Martin, Miss Ina, Wausau
*Martin, Mrs. Jessie Harvey, Wausau
Martin, Mrs. M. C., St. John's, Oregon
*Martin, Theron L., Wausau
Martin, Mr. & Mrs. W. E., Nymore, Minnesota
Martin, William H., Fresno, California
*Mason, George W., Madison
Matthews, W. E., Lewiston, Idaho
*Maxfield, Florence, Los Angeles, California
*Maxfield, Mrs. Laura A., Los Angeles, California
*Means, Florence, Milwaukee
Means, M. E., Hazelhurst
Mechinski, Miss A., Milwaukee
Medd, W. H., Knoxville, Tennessee
*Meehan, Mr. & Mrs. James, Milwaukee
Meehan, James, Jr., Minneapolis, Minnesota
Meloy, J. E., Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Merriman, Harry, Green Bay
Merryfield, C. E., Rhinelander
Merryfield, F. E., Everett, Washington
Merser, C. H., Newport, Oregon
Metcalf, Dr. A. A., Hancock
Michael, J. A., Chicago, Illinois
*Michalski, Dr. Frank A., Milwaukee
Mieding, Mr. & Mrs. R. H., Kenosha
Miklejohn, Anna, Fond du Lac
Miles, Mrs. E. H., Weyauwega
Miller, E. O., Long Beach, California
Miller, Frank, Fond du Lac
*Miller, Mr. & Mrs. George C., Weyauwega
Miller, Harry R., Marinette
Miller, Henry, Spokane, Washington
Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Olaf, Chicago, Illinois
Miller, Mr. & Mrs. S. J., Chicago, Illinois
Mitchell, Howard E., Milwaukee
Mitchell, J. S., Estherville, Iowa
Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley, Milwaukee
Moerke, Mrs. A. W., Blue Island, Illinois
Monroe, Mrs. H. J., Winnebago
Monroe, Dr. Laura, East Orange, New Jersey
Monsell, Mrs. Roana, Anadarke, Oklahoma
Monson, I. G., Kindred, North Dakota
Moore, Gerald, Bothell, Washington
Moore, Mrs. Lizzie B., Minneapolis, Minnesota
Moore, T. H., Rhinelander
*Moran, Mr. & Mrs. Dan W., Aurora, Illinois
*Moran, Mr. & Mrs. J. S., North Fond du Lac
Morey, George, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Morgan, C. D., Sacramento, California
Morrill, H. C., Gardenia, California
Morris, Mrs. C. F., Iron River
Morrison, Mrs. Jennie, Wisconsin Veterans Home, King
Morrison, Mrs. Marcia, Wausau
Mortell, Clarence A., Curtis
*Mullen, Ella M., Plainfield
Mulligan, Jennie Johnson, Eveleth, Minnesota
Mulvey, Mr. & Mrs. W. H., Portland, Oregon
Murray, Mrs. Hattie B., Missoula, Montana
*Muszynski, Miss Antenette, Milwaukee
*Muszynski, Peter, Milwaukee

Neff, Mrs. G. D., Kaukauna
Nelson, A. B., Merrill
Neuberger, S. D., St. Paul, Minnesota
Neugebauer, Mrs. E., Milwaukee
*Neuman, Alma, Bartlesville, Oklahoma
*Neuman, Mrs. Theresa Podach, Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Neumann, Miss Anna, Bartlesville, Oklahoma
*Neumann, Mrs. Angie Cronkhite, North Milwaukee
*Neumann, E. F., North Milwaukee
Neumann, O. E., St. Paul, Minnesota
Neumann, Mr. & Mrs. Paul, Bartlesville, Oklahoma
*Neumann, Ruth, North Milwaukee
Neuwald, Miss Melia, Sheboygan
Neuwald, Max, James River, Virginia
*Newby, E. C., Eaton, Ohio
Newby, I. C., Sun Prairie
Nicholson, F. S., Fond du Lac
Nimits, Rev. & Mrs., Sheboygan
*Nolan, Larry, Rhinelander
Northrup, Mrs. Clara, Old Soldiers Home, Milwaukee
Northrup, E. B., Minneapolis, Minnesota
Norton, A., Idaho Springs, Colorado
Norton, Dr. V. P., Grand Rapids
Norton, Mrs. W. G., (No City Given)
Nowak, Rev. F. A., Green Bay
Nute, Mr. & Mrs. Fred, Red Wing, Minnesota
Nutter, Melinda Kimble, Wausau

*Oberst, Mrs. F., Abbotsford
*O'Brien, Grace, Waupaca
O'Brien, Rev. M. J., Green Bay
*O'Brien, Mrs. Mary C., Waupaca
O'Connor, Mrs. Agnes, Fort Yates, North Dakota
O'Connor, Agnes Campbell, White Earth, Minnesota
*O'Connor, Miss Alice, Ogema
*O'Connor, Mrs. Alice McGuire, Ogema
O'Keefe, E. W., Chicago, Illinois
O'Keefe, Miss Frances, Chicago, Illinois
*O'Keefe, Theresa C., Chicago, Illinois
Olin, Mr. & Mrs. F. R., Mill City, Oregon
Olin, Mr. & Mrs. W. H., Seattle, Washington
Ollman, Frank, Chicago, Illinois
*Olson, Olaf W., Laramie, Wyoming
O'Neil, F. R., Galesburg, Illinois
Opperman, Miss Emma, McMillan
Orbison, Thomas Watson, Appleton
Orme, John E., Sumner, Nebraska
Orrick, Miss Clara, Abbotsford
Orrick, John J., Greenwood
Oster, Mrs. Louise, Minneapolis, Minnesota
*Ostrander, Orsal, Fond du Lac
*Otto, Mr. & Mrs. Delbert, Bayfield

*Packard, Mr. & Mrs. Geo., Bayfield
*Packard, Mrs. W. H., Bayfield
Page, Charles, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Page, H. E., Appleton
Palmer, Mrs. Ida Woodworth, Kansas City, Missouri
Parker, Frank J., Eveleth, Minnesota
*Parker, Grace Etta, Grand Rapids
Parker, Miss Sadie, South Bellingham, Washington
Parker, Mr. & Mrs. T. L., South Bellingham, Washington
Parker, Wm., Knowlton
Parks, W. B., Phillips
Parmeter, Alva, Ashland
Parmeter, Ed., Fayette, North Dakota
Parmeter, H. E., Minneapolis, Minnesota
*Parmeter, Marian B. Earl, Minneapolis, Minnesota
*Paronto, A. M., Wausau
Parowski, Dr. S. W., Chicago, Illinois
Pasternacki, J. G., Tower, Minnesota
Pasternacki, P., Ironwood, Michigan
Patch, George, Mabton, Washington
Patterson, Mrs. F., Rhinelander
Payne, Mrs. Elsie Claflin, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Peck, Mike, Menasha
Peickard, J. F., Shawano
Peikard, Phillip, Manitowoc
Peikard, Fred, Rhinelander
*Pellerrels, Henry, Grand Rapids
Pendergast, Patrick, Winona, Minnesota
*Pepper, Mrs. Emma Purdy, Wausau
Perkins, Mr. & Mrs. Fred, Waukesha
Perkins, J. C., Appleton
Perkins, S. A., Waukesha
Pestka, Miss Anna, Milwaukee
Peterson, Mrs. Gena Paulson, Scandinavia
Peterson, Mrs. Julius, Trail, British Columbia
Pett, Jos. B., Waupaca
*Petzoldt, Mrs. Gertrude Bischoff, Wausau
Pfeiffer, L. C., Milwaukee
Phelps, A. A., Beloit
Phelps, Chas. E., Milwaukee
Phelps, Mr. & Mrs. F. W., Guthrie, Oklahoma
Phillips, Mrs. G. W., Westfield
Phillips, Jas. E., Medford
*Pickard, Adeline A., Manitowoc
*Pickard, Almina A., Manitowoc
*Pickard, Miss Myra, Manitowoc
*Pickard, Mr. & Mrs. P. L., Manitowoc
Pierce, Gabriel, Chicago, Illinois
Pierce, H. C., Woodville
Pitcher, Mrs. C. L., Ripon
*Pitcher, W. D., Ripon
Playman, Mr. & Mrs. Charley, Marinette
Ponse, L. F., McHenry, Illinois
Ponse, W. E., Scandinavia
Pope, T. J., Kansas City, Missouri
Potter, Claude, Nowatta, Oklahoma
Potter, E. A., Merrill
Potter, G. R., Oakland, California
Potter, Mrs. Martha, Autkin, Minnesota
*Powell, A. J., Whitewater
*Powell, E. T., Ironwood, Michigan
Powell, Dr. F. J., Wausau
Powell, Mrs. S. B., McMillan
*Powers, Mrs. Josephine Richardson, Blackwell
Powers, Sylvia Macnish, Pomona, California
Powers, Mr. & Mrs. Wm., Waterford
Pray, Allan T., Ashland
Pray, Mr. & Mrs. T. B., Macon, Mississippi
Prentice, E. H., Cement, Oklahoma
*Preston, Goldie, Neenah
Preston, Mr. & Mrs. W. G., Neenah
Puariea, E. M., New England, North Dakota
Pugh, Chas. L., Spokane, Washington
Purdy, Mrs. Fred, Tacoma, Washington
Putney, Mrs. G. W., Appleton

*Quandt, Carl, Kenosha
*Quandt, Mrs. Rose Bischoff, Kenosha
*Quandt, Miss V. M., Kenosha
Quinn, Miss Frances, Superior
*Quinn, J. M., Marshfield
Quinn, Jas. L. Seattle, Washington
Quinn, Miss M. C., Chicago, Illinois
*Quinn. M. Frances, Chicago, Illinois

Rait, James M., Minneapolis, Minnesota
Ramsdell, Mrs. T. M., Richmond, Virginia
Rand, Isreal, Tomahawk
*Rankin, Mrs. R. T., Abbotsford
Ray, Rev. N. M., Litchfield, Minnesota
Raymond, Mr. & Mrs. Harry, Rhinelander
Raymond, Mrs. J. O., Rhinelander
*Raymond, M. H., Rhinelander
Rawdell, Ed., Spring Valley, Minnesota
*Redfield, Mr. & Mrs. Chas. E., St. Louis, Missouri
Redfield, Fannie Agnew, Minneapolis, Minnesota
*Redfield, Mrs. Mary, Chippewa Falls
*Redford, Miss Annie J., St. Augustine, Florida
Reed, Bertie Kingsbury, Wausau
Reed, H. L., Vollmar, Idaho
Reed, Mrs. H. L., Lewiston, Idaho
Rees, Sarah Allen, Plainfield
Regan, E. J., St. Paul, Minnesota
Rehder, Mr. & Mrs. Fred, Ogema
Reichert, Mrs. Geo. J., Kennan
Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. James, Milwaukee
*Renne, Mrs. Lottie Parkhill, Grand Rapids
*Rennie, Edw., Grand Rapids
*Reton, Leora M., San Diego, California
Reton, Mrs. Marion, San Diego, California
Reton, Nels, Bellingham, Washington
*Rhoades, Ellen M., Fox Lake
*Rhoades, Mrs. Florence Phillips, Fox Lake
Rice, E. M., Seattle, Washington
Rice, H., Bemidji, Minnesota
Rice, Mr. & Mrs. H. E., Bemidji, Minnesota
Rice, John, Seattle, Washington
Rice, Martin, Superior
*Rice, Dr. R. H., Milwaukee
Richardson, Addie, Mosinee
Richardson, Fred, Irby, Washington
Richardson, H. N., Minneapolis, Minnesota
Richardson, Harry, Milwaukee
Richardson, Mrs. Mary C., Sioux Falls, South Dakota
*Richmond, Frank, Knowlton
*Richmond, Helen, Knowlton
*Richmond, Mrs. Katie Barker, Knowlton
Ringer, Jas., Morris, Minnesota
Ringer, O. J., Peoria, Illinois
Roach, M. J., Greenleaf
Roberts, F. A., Chelsea, Massachusetts
*Roberts, Mrs. May Bolton, Sparta
Robertson, Mrs. Ellery, San Francisco, California
Robertson, Mrs. J. S., Spokane, Washington
Rodd, Mr. & Mrs. Geo. S., Ashland
Roe, Mrs. Anna Coleman, Newark, New Jersey
Roe, Charles, Orange, California
Roe, Wm. J., Kingman, Arizona
Roettger, Mrs. M., Milwaukee
*Rohrdanz, Mr. & Mrs. A. F., Fond du Lac
*Rollins, Mrs. H. F., Clerburne, Texas
*Rollins, Sam, Clerburne, Texas
Rood, Edward, South Omaha, Nebraska
*Rood, Esther, Bartlesville, Oklahoma
*Rood, Ethel Kirwan, Bartlesville, Oklahoma
*Rood, Galen, Jr., Milwaukee
*Rood, Helena Heyd, Milwaukee
*Rood, Jane, Milwaukee
*Rood, Katharene, Bartlesville, Oklahoma
*Rood, Dr. Price W., Milwaukee
*Rood, Dr. Robert D., Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Rooney, Miss Grace, Milwaukee
Roor, Mrs. Bernard, Sparta
Rosche, Chas., Tomahawk
Rose, H. H., Leff, North Dakota
Ross, Geo., Dale
Ross, Mr. & Mrs. Homer, Milwaukee
Roth, Frank, St. Charles, Missouri
Roth, John, Minneapolis, Minnesota
*Roundseville, Dr. G. L. B., Milladore
*Rousek, Miss E. M., Chicago, Illinois
Rousseau, L. A., Rib Lake
*Rowe, Mrs. Anna, Maple
Rowe, Arthur, Three Lakes, Washington
Rowe, Mrs. Clara, Three Lakes, Washington
Rowe, Germain, Three Lakes, Washington
Rubin, E. E., Oshkosh
Ruppold, Rev. M., St. John's
Russell, S. D., Oshkosh

Saenger, Mrs. Eugene, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Sahm, Aug., Medford
St. Sure, Frank, Chicago, Illinois
Salter, R. B., Colby
*Sanborn, A. W., Ashland
*Sanborn, Mrs. Jessie Walker, Ashland
Sande, G. L., Larimore, North Dakota
Sande, O. L., Hansboro, North Dakota
Sargent, Mrs. George, Brandon
*Sawtell, Chas. A., Wausau
*Sawyer, C. G., St. Louis, Missouri
Sax, Mr. & Mrs. Wm., Coaldale, Colorado
Schaefer, Will., Rhinelander
Schildgen, Mrs. Margery, Sheldon, Iowa
Schilling, F. S., Minocqua
Schleismann, A., Rhinelander
Schlosser, George, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Schoettel, John, Seattle, Washington
Schofield, Mr. & Mrs. Wm., Wausau
*Schroeder, Herman, North Fond du Lac
Schu, Nic, Chicago, Illinois
Schuetze, Gustave, Chicago, Illinois
Schulhof, Mr. & Mrs. E. H., Abbotsford
Schultz, Frank, Chicago, Illinois
Schuppner, Mrs. Fred, Milwaukee
Scott, J. D., Antigo
Scribner, C. J., Fond du Lac
Seeley, Mr. & Mrs. John, Denver, Colorado
*Seidler, Mrs. Wm., Milwaukee
Seims, Mrs. W. G., Denver, Colorado
Seivwright, J. W. Donaldson
*Sellers, Evelyn Cronkhite, Chicago, Illinois
Sendry, Mrs. Cora, Autkin, Minnesota
Serven, Miss Edith, Pasadena, California
Sexsmith, Mrs. Lyman, Glenco, Illinois
Shafton, J. W., Chicago, Illinois
Shannon, Mrs. Maggie Clifford, Winona, Minnesota
Sharmon, Helen Wilmot, Salt Lake City, Utah
Sharp, Mrs. F. C., Madison
Sharp, Wm., West Allis
Sharpstein, Mrs. Jennie, Walla Walla, Washington
Shaurette, Mrs. Joseph, Libby, Montana
Shea, Frank, Butte, Montana
Shea, James, Ashland
Shea, Jos. W., Ashland
*Shea, Mr. & Mrs. Thos., Chicago, Illinois
Sheldon, Mrs. Helen Pray, Macon, Mississippi
Shepard, F. W., Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sherhart, J. T., Baraboo
Sherley, Mrs. Mary C., Oakisdale, Washington
*Sherman, Arthur G., Ashland
Sherman, H. F., New Windsor, Colorado
*Sherman, Mrs. Mabel Gee, Ashland
*Sherman, Ruth, Ashland
Sherman, S. H., Sand Point, Idaho
Sherwin, Mrs. H. P., Dixon, Missouri
Sherwood, Mrs. M. C., Wisconsin Veterans Home, King
Shevlin, Mrs. John, Church's Ferry, North Dakota
Shilling, D. J., Benson, Minnesota
Short, Arthur, Ballard, Washington
Shuart, Mrs. Ellen Maine, Brandon
Sibley, Mrs. Homer, New York City, New York
Siamon, Mrs. L. E., Cleveland, Ohio
Simonds, H. A., Bothell, Washington
Simpson, Chas., Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sitherwood Bros., Livingston, Montana
*Sizer, Mr. & Mrs. Dayton A., Neenah
Skeel, A. H., North Fond du Lac
Slocum, Charles, Superior
Slosson, Mr. & Mrs. E. J., Rhinelander
Slusser, Mrs. Kate, Big Timber, Montana
*Smith, Mrs. Alice Clifford, Kent, Washington
Smith, Mr. & Mrs. F. T., Littleton, Colorado
Smith, Fred, Spokane, Washington
Smith, J. R., Grand Rapids, Michigan
Smith, Jesse, Hillyard, Washington
*Smith, Mrs. Lydia M. Dowsett, Elkhart, Indiana
Smith, M. W., Livingston, Montana
*Smith, Mabel Thompson, Chanute, Kansas
Smith, Mart, Milwaukee
Smith, Mrs. Wm., Elkhart, Indiana
Smoodie, L., Nekoosa
Solberg, Mrs. Hans, Eau Claire
Somers, C. F., Merrill
Sovey, Mrs. L. N., (No City Given)
Spaulding, H. E., Abbotsford
*Spees, Miss Charlotte E., Plainfield
Spoor, Oscar, Rhinelander
*Spraggon, Phillis, Fond du Lac
Staley, D. Frank, Los Angeles, California
Stanger, Mr. & Mrs. George, Green Bay
Stankosky, Chas., Chicago, Illinois
Stapleton, Mat, Rhinelander
Starks, Mr. & Mrs. E. C., Spencer, Iowa
Statter, Mrs. Minnie Sager, Boise, Idaho
Steek, Mrs. W. F., Muncy, Pennsylvania
Steele, Wm., Oakland, California
Steenberg, Mrs. Sarah, Chicago, Illinois
Stefaniak, Rev. L., Antigo
Stele, A. R., Beloit
Stele, Mr. & Mrs. Wm., Oakland, California
*Stenger, Geo., Green Bay
*Stenger, Mrs. Maggie July, Green Bay
Stevens, Mrs. Chas., Virginia, Minnesota
Stewart, Flora E., Elkhorn
Stewart, R. G., Wautoma
*Stockley, John, Abbotsford
*Stockley, Mrs. Lottie Gee, Abbotsford
Stoneburner, W. J., Kansas City, Missouri
*Stotler, Lennie Sager, Boise City, Idaho
Stout, Mr. & Mrs. Frank, Fort Meyers, Florida
*Stout, Olive E. Gardner, Fort Myers, Florida
*Strong, D. H., Faulkton, South Dakota
*Strong, P. C., Verdon, South Dakota
Strosin, Anton, Grand Rapids
Stuck, Mrs. Fannie, Milladore
*Stumpf, Ed O., Milwaukee
Stumpf, Mrs. Harriet M., Los Angeles, California
Stumpf, John, Los Angeles, California
Sturgis, Mr. & Mrs. H. H., Mansfield, Ohio
Suhs, Mrs. H., Waupaca
*Sullivan, Mrs. James A., Ironwood, Michigan
Sutherland, E. M., Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sutton, Mr. & Mrs. C. C., Aitkin, Minnesota
Swan, Mrs. C. J., Milwaukee
*Swan, Mr. & Mrs. Chas., Ladd, Illinois
Swanson, Mr. & Mrs. A., Wittenberg
Sweetnam, Geo. T., Duluth, Minnesota
Synon, T. H., Norfolk, Virginia

*Tack, Myron, Marshfield
Tack, T. A., Marshfield
Tardiff, Geo., Abbotsford
*Tascher, Julia M., New York City, New York
Tascher, Richard H., Waukegan, Illinois
*Taylor, Miss A., Chicago, Illinois
Taylor, D. A., Bangor
*Taylor, Mabel Whitrock, Bangor
Taylor, Robert, North Fond du Lac
Teichert, Chas., Marinette
Thiel, Ed., Manitowoc
*Thomas, Emma, Fond du Lac
*Thompson, Mr. & Mrs. A. L., Chicago, Illinois
Thompson, Mrs. Arthur, Kennan
Thompson, Rev. E., Sarasota, Florida
Thompson, E. W., Peru, Indiana
Thompson, F. B., Humboldt, Iowa
Thompson, W. W., Alexandria, Minnesota
Timm, Fred, Milwaukee
Tippett, Rev. & Mrs., Janesville
Torkley, M. P., Merrill
Townsend, Ella Wyatt, Green Bay
*Townsend, Evan, Green Bay
*Toynbee, C. A., Park Falls
Treenor, Mrs. J. H., North Fond du Lac
*Trevitt, Dr. & Mrs. A. W., Wausau
Trinmble, Dr. & Mrs. T. W., Waupaca
Trudell, Jos., Barber, North Dakota
Trudell, L. A., Deering, North Dakota
*Turnell, R. F., Bloomington, Illinois
Turner, Mr. & Mrs. Alex, Buffalo, New York
*Turner, Eva Mae Skinner, Buffalo, New York
Turrish, Henry, Duluth, Minnesota
Turrish, James, Spokane, Washington
Turrish, John, Denver, Colorado

Ule, Mr. & Mrs. Louis, Grand Rapids
Ule, Peter, Grand Rapids
Upthagrove, W. L., Firth, Nebraska
Upton, Mrs. C. B., Walla Walla, Washington
Utes, Mrs. Grace, Forest Park, Illinois
*Utter, Mrs. George, Fond du Lac

*Van Adestine, Miss Gertrude, Detroit, Michigan
Van Buren, Fannie Kollock, Green Lake
Van Buskirk, C. L., Lodi, California
Vance, J. J., Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Van Court, John, Sioux City, Iowa
*Van Epps, Olive Aldrich, Logan, Montana
*Van Hecke, Clyde, Chicago, Illinois
Van Hecke, D., Pratt, Kansas
Van Hecke, Jas. A., Chicago, Illinois
*Van Hecke, Mr. & Mrs. John, Merrill
*Van Hecke, Kathleen, Merrill
Van Hecke, L., Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Van Hecke, Leo, Aurora, Illinois
Van Laanen, E. J., North Fond du Lac
Van Order, C. A., Duluth, Minnesota
Vaughn, Mr. & Mrs. A. P., Bellingham, Washington
*Vaughn, D. B., Lansing, Minnesota
Vaughn, D. H., Rhinelander
Vaughn, Jesse G., Nymore, Minnesota
Vaughn, Ransom B., Corinth, New York
Vaughn, Mr. & Mrs. S. H., Des Moines, Iowa
Venne, H. A., Tomahawk
*Versen, Dorothy, Waupaca
*Versen, Etta Parmeter, Waupaca
Versen, Mrs. J. A., Waupaca
*Versen, Leota, Waupaca
*Volkouske, Hattie, North Fond du Lac

Wade, Chas. G., Milwaukee
Wade, L. T., Milwaukee
Wagner, J. P., Antigo
*Wahowiak, Miss Mary, Milwaukee
Wait, Miss Ellen A., Council Bluffs, Iowa
Wait, Mrs. Wealthy, Council Bluffs, Iowa
Wakley, Mrs. Rose, Beaverton, Oregon
Wakley, Mrs. S. C., Beaverton, Oregon
Walker, J. A., Ashland
Walker, J. L., Big Heart, Oklahoma
Wallace, Alex, Neenah
*Wallace, Chas., Park Falls
Wallace, Henry, Seattle, Washington
Walsh, P., Hayward
*Walters, Mrs. W. J., Bessamer, Michigan
*Walton, Dr. W. H., Appleton
*Ward, Mrs. Annie Cate, Milwaukee
*Ward, E. N., Milwaukee
Ward, Fred, Trout Creek, Montana
* Ward, Mrs. Harriet Huntley, Trout Creek, Montana
Ward, Rupert, Boonville, Iowa
*Warden, Mrs. May, Rhinelander
*Warner, Fred B., Grand Rapids
*Warner, Laird, Grand Rapids
*Warner, Miss May M., Appleton
*Warner, Mrs. Sadie Marshall, Grand Rapids
Warren, A. W., Chicago, Illinois
Warren, Mrs. Melvin, Kenosha
Warren, Pardee, Kenosha
*Washburn, Mrs. Alma Pattee, Duluth, Minnesota
Waston, Mrs. W. S., Ottawa, Illinois
Waszko, Mrs. S., Chicago, Illinois
*Watson, Miss Edith, Ottawa, Illinois
*Watson, Mrs. Lulu Wilson, Ottawa, Illinois
Watts, Rev. A. C., Fox Lake
*Webster, Mr. & Mrs. W. A., Minneapolis, Minnesota
Week, Miss C. A., New York City, New York
Week, E. R., Spokane, Washington
Week, J .A., Spokane, Washington
Welch, Carl, New York City, New York
Welch, Miss Inez, New York City, New York
*Weller, D. B., Fond du Lac
*Weller, Reginald, Fond du Lac
*Weller, Ruth, Fond du Lac
*Wells, Edith Frost, Ashland
*Wells, W. B., Ashland
Wert, Arthur A., Ashland
West, Mrs. N., Chicago, Illinois
Westcott, E. E., Howa, Illinois
Westfall, Anton W., Hillsboro, Michigan
Weston, Charles, Sanger, California
Weston, Fred, Sanger, California
Weston, Mrs. Geo., Cloverdale, California
Weston, Nathaniel, North Yakima, Washington
Weston, Paul, Alta, Iowa
Weston, Wm. R., Salt Lake City, Utah
Wheelock, E. B., Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Wheet, Dr. F. E., Rumford Falls, Maine
Wheritt, C. H., Marshfield
White, Arthur, Greenwood
White, Grant, Rhinelander
*White, Miss Maude, Pittsville
Whiting, Wilbert, Merrillan
Whitney, Clara, Grand Rapids
Whitney, David, Spearfish, South Dakota
Whitney, J. D., South Superior
Whittaker, Charles, Wausau
Wiesen, John, Rhinelander
Wiesner, Mrs. L., Milwaukee
Wiesner, Miss Mammie, Milwaukee
*Wiesner, Miss Regina, Milwaukee
Wight, L. A., Taber, North West Territory
Wight, Sylvestor, Santa Monica, California
Wilber, All, Aitken, Minnesota
Wilcox, Fred, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Wiley, Carl, Ashland
Williams, Mrs. Harry, Portage
Williams, L. D., Bevier, Missouri
Wilmot, Walter R., Minneapolis, Minnesota
Wilson, H. D., Siston, South Dakota
*Wilson, Mrs. H. W., Fond du Lac
*Wilson, L. E., Abbotsford
*Wing, Dorothy May, Chicago, Illinois
*Wing, Mrs. Mary Clements, Chicago, Illinois
Wing, Mrs. Thomas, Chicago, Illinois
Winkler, F. J., Chicago, Illinois
Winslow, Mrs. C. E., La Crosse
Winter, C. M., Fond du Lac
Winter, Mrs. Lena Knox, Duluth, Minnesota
Wiswall, Miss Margaret, Trail, British Columbia
*Wollenschlager, W. A., Neenah
*Wollenschlager, Winnie Durfee, Neenah
*Wolslagel, Mrs. A., Abbotsford
Wood, Rev. Chas. S., Urbana, Ohio
Woodrock, Earl, Neilsville
Woods, Mrs. William, New York City, New York
Woodworth, Mrs. Hiram, Kansas City, Missouri
Wright, Mrs. F., Kenosha
Wright, Jeff, Neenah
*Wright, Mrs. Mabel Duncan, Kenosha
*Wright, Mrs. T. J., Neenah
Wright, Will, Peshtigo
Wyatt, Irving, Newark, New Jersey
*Wyatt, Lester, Wausau
*Wyatt, Let, Wausau
Wyklas, John, Iron Mountain, Michigan
*Wysocky, Charles, Chippewa Falls

York, Mrs. M. W., Olympia, Washington
Young, Mr. & Mrs. C. O., Albuquerque, New Mexico
Young, Mrs. N. W., San Jose, California
Young, Mrs. Sarah C., Galesburg, Illinois

Zei, Peter, Chicago, Illinois
Zei, Wm., Chicago, Illinois
Zentner, W. R., Fall Creek
*Zimmer, C. E., Perry Iowa
Zimmer, Emil, Ashland
Zimmer, Fred, Staples, Minnesota
Zimmer, George, Las Vegas, New Mexico
*Zimmer, Howard, Perry, Iowa
Zimmer, L. G., Eau Claire
*Zimmer, Leah, Perry, Iowa
Zimmer, O. C., Anaconda, Montana