
2024-2025 Board

President: Jim Walker

Vice-President: Rich Warosh

Secretary: Linda Rollins

Treasurer: Joe Crueger

Newsletter: Sue Goodacre

Website: LuAnn Elsinger

Membership: Carol Gardner

Portage County Early Marriage License-Record Index

This Early Marriage License-Record Index is different than the Early Marriage Index.  It has been compiled from original early marriage licenses that are housed at the Area Resource Center, University Archives, UW-SP Library.  It contains earlier marriages than what are available at the Portage County Register of Deeds. 

The documents that these records pertain to are usually one page, handwritten licenses and/or marriage records.  They are stored loose in folders and boxes at the Archives and are available for copying at a nominal fee. The Archives charges a minimum fee of $10.00 (for up to 5 pages). 

Because these documents are so old, the handwriting is not always easy to decipher.  Make sure to check out alternative spellings. If you suspect one of these to be an ancestor, it's recommended that you obtain a copy of the record to make sure.  Some (but not all) of these records provide much more information than just the bride and groom's names. 

When contacting the Archives or a volunteer you must provide the following information:

1) The title: County Register of Deeds, Registration of Marriages, Series 12
2) Both the date of the license and the marriage (if given).  They tend to be filed according to license date and not marriage date.
3) The names of the parties
4) The Box and Folder numbers
5) Number of pages (each page costs as one photocopy).  It's important to get all copies as sometimes one page will contain more information.

Early Marriage License-Record Index - Sorted by Groom
Early Marriage License-Record Index - Sorted by Bride