
2024-2025 Board

President: Jim Walker

Vice-President: Rich Warosh

Secretary: Linda Rollins

Treasurer: Joe Crueger

Newsletter: Sue Goodacre

Website: LuAnn Elsinger

Membership: Carol Gardner

Civil War Veterans Living in Portage County in 1880

Surnames N - Z

The following list of names is taken from the January 31, 1880 issue of the Stevens Point Journal.  It lists names of Civil War veterans living in Portage County in 1880. (This was originally published in the April 1981 issue of Pedigree Pointers.)

If the individual served in a Wisconsin unit, there may be additional information about them available on the Wisconsin Historical Society's website   "Roster of Wisconsin Volunteers, War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865".  

A - M

Nelson, Gardner 32 nd Wis. Inf. Stockton
Nelson, J.J. 42 nd Wis. Inf. Amherst
Nelson, Jerome 3 rd Wis. Inf. Amherst
Nelson, John 46 th Wis. Inf. Amherst
Neumann, Phillip 9 th Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Newby, John 32 nd Wis. Inf. Buena Vista
Newton, J.B. 14 th Wis. Inf. Carson
Osborn, Edward 38 th Wis. Inf. Amherst
Park, G.L. 18 th Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Parmeter, Caleb Maine Inf.
Parsons, W.S. 85 th N.Y. Inf. Almond
Pashy, Jo 1 st Wis. Cav. Eau Pleine
Pattee, J.R. 8thWis. Bat. Stockton
Pease, N. 94 th N.Y. Inf. Amherst
Peterson, Ole 56 th Wis. Inf. Amherst
Phillips, Frank 32 nd Wis. Inf. Amherst
Pierce, James 5 th Wis. Inf. Plover
Pollard, James 3 rd Wis. Cav. Stevens Point
Potter, James 37 th Wis. Inf. Pine Grove
Pouquet, Pete 1 st Wis. Cav. Eau Pleine
Puariea, Moses 7 th Wis. Inf. Plover
Quimby, L.H. 6 th Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Remington, Dr. C.W. 13 th Mich. Inf. Stevens Point
Rice, Lemuel G. 32 nd Wis. Inf. Plover
Rice, Truman 32 nd Wis. Inf. Plover
Rich, E.F. 37 th Wis. Inf. Pine Grove
Richmond, C.D. 32 nd Wis. Inf. Stockton
Robbins, L. 16 th Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Rogers, C.L. 3 rd Wis. Inf. Stockton
Rogers, J.D. 18 th Wis. Inf. Plover
Rosell, James Pine Grove
Sample, James 1 st Wis. Cav. Pine Grove
Sanford, B.F. Plover
Sawyer, S.H. 18 th Wis. Inf. Belmont
Scott, Cockrell 7 th Wis. Inf. Plover
Shannon, Leary 18 th Wis. Inf. Plover
Shannon, Nat. Jr. 18 th Wis. Inf. Plover
Shannon, Norman 3 rd Wis. Cav. Plover
Sheerin, J.T. 3 rd Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Shepard, Wm. 18 th Wis. Inf. Plover
Sherman, A.A. 3 rd Wis. Cav. Buena Vista
Simcock, Isaac 38 th Wis. Inf. Amherst
Simonds, M. Plover
Simondson, Martin 12 th Wis. Inf. New Hope
Sitherwood, James 3 rd Wis. Cav. Hull
Sitzer, Wm. 6 th Wis. Inf. Stockton
Slussar, Hiram 5 th Wis. Inf. Linwood
Smith, A.J. U.S. Inf. Amherst
Smith, Casper 29 th Wis. Inf. Amherst
Smith, Hiram G. 18 th Ohio Inf. Almond
Smith, J. L. 42 nd Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Smith, Jerry Plover
Snyder, Henry M. 141 st N.Y. Inf. Stevens Point
Snyder, Oscar O. 8 th Wis. Bat. Amherst
Snyder, R.B. 18 th Wis. Inf. Pine Grove
Sparks, E.E. Heavy Artillery Pine Grove
Sparks, R.D. 16 th Wis. Inf. & 8 th Wis. Bat. Pine Grove
Spaulding, B.C. 17 th U.S. Inf. Stevens Point
Stapleton, Patrick 47 th Wis. & 69 th N.Y. Inf. Stockton
Starks, Edward 12 th Wis. Inf. Amherst
Stevens A. Almond
Stevens, Sidney 3 rd Wis. Cav. Plover
Stinson, Patrick 18 th Wis. Inf. Belmont
Stoddard, S.G. 8 th Wis. Inf. Hutchison
Stumpf, John 18 th Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Sutherland, Frank 18 th Wis. Inf. Plover
Swallow, Geo. Pine Grove
Swinnell, A.B. 14 th & 5 th Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Taylor, Albert 18 th Wis. Inf. Belmont
Taylor, R.W. 20 th & 35 th Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Tess, Fred 1 st Wis. Inf. Almond
Thorn, Squires P. 8 th Wis. Bat. Buena Vista
Towne, D.N. 44 th Wis. Inf. Belmont
Turner, Edwin 31 st Wis. Inf. Amherst
Tyler, Frank 3 rd Wis. Cav. Plover
Van Order, Arthur 3 rd Wis. Cav. Hull
Van Skiver, John 32 nd Wis. Inf. Amherst
Vaughn, David 3 rd Wis. Cav. Stevens Point
Wagner, John 1 st Wis. Cav. Stockton
Walker, F.R. 5 th Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Walter, John Jr. 46 th Wis. Inf. Almond
Warner, H.O. 21 st Wis. Inf. Stockton
Washburn, Henry 3 rd Wis. Bat. Almond
Washburn, Wm. 8 th Wis. Bat. Eau Pleine
Webster, C.E. 1 st Minn. & 46 th Wis. Inf. Almond
Webster, H.T. 2 nd Wis. Cav. Buena Vista
Webster, James Wis. Inf. Buena Vista
Webster, John N. 32 nd Wis. Inf. Amherst
Weller, Alonzo 6 th Wis. Inf. Amherst
Welty, Henry 5 th Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
West, Louis 1 st Wis. Cav. Belmont
Wheeler, H.L. 8 th Wis. Bat. Eau Pleine
Whitaker, S. 18 th Wis. Inf. Plover
White, Jonas 32 nd Wis. Inf. Plover
Wight, S. 32 nd Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Willard, Henry C. 5 th Wis. Inf. Stockton
Wilmot, A.C. 5 th Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Wilson, John Wis. Inf. Pine Grove
Wilson, Robert 44 th Wis. Inf. Amherst
Winslow, J.B. 5 th Wis. Inf. Plover
Witherby, H.F. 57 th Mass. Inf. Amherst
Withey, A.J. Mass. Reg.
Wright, Jeff 3 rd Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Wynans, H. 14 th Wis. Inf. Plover
York, Edson D. 6 th N.Y. Inf. Lanark
Young, Simon 3 rd Wis. Cav. Plover
Zimmer, William 9 th Wis. Inf. Stevens Point