
2024-2025 Board

President: Jim Walker

Vice-President: Rich Warosh

Secretary: Linda Rollins

Treasurer: Joe Crueger

Newsletter: Sue Goodacre

Website: LuAnn Elsinger

Membership: Carol Gardner

Civil War Veterans Living in Portage County in 1880

Surnames A - M

The following list of names is taken from the January 31, 1880 issue of the Stevens Point Journal.  It lists names of Civil War veterans living in Portage County in 1880. (This was originally published in the April 1981 issue of Pedigree Pointers.)

If the individual served in a Wisconsin unit, there may be additional information about them available on the Wisconsin Historical Society's website   "Roster of Wisconsin Volunteers, War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865".  

N - Z

Name Unit Where Living in 1880
Adams, Jerome 16 th Wis. Inf. Buena Vista
Adams, M.R. 7 th Ill. Cav. Almond
Agnew, W.B. 8 th Wis. Bat. Stevens Point
Alban, S.O. 18 th Wis. Inf. Plover
Aldrich, Worth 46 th Wis. Inf. Amherst
Allen, Edgar 8 th Wis. Inf. Amherst
Allen, Geo. B. 8 th Mass. Inf. Amherst
Altenberg, Isiah 7 th Wis. Inf. Buena Vista
Anderson, Andrew 47 th Wis. Inf. Amherst
Anderson, C. 47 th Wis. Inf. Amherst
Andrews, Nels 3 rd Wis. Inf. Amherst
Andrews, S.B. 5 th Wis. Inf. Linwood
Anson, J. 5 th Wis. Inf. Plover
Bagley, Ralph J. 16 th Wis. Inf. Stockton
Baken, Christopher 18 th Wis. Inf. Belmont
Baker, John W. 8 th Wis. Bat. Pine Grove
Bancroft, Jerome 5 th Wis. Inf. Amherst
Barrows, Rev. D.L. Plover
Bartlett, W.R. 134 th Ill. Inf. Amherst
Barton, Daniel 21 st Wis. Inf. Amherst
Beggs, Jas. 5 th Wis. Inf. Almond
Bell, A.W. 18 th Wis. Inf. Plover
Benedict, O.A. 38 th Wis. Inf. Buena Vista
Bentley, D.P. 8 th Wis. Bat. Eau Pleine
Berry, John 18 th Wis. Inf. Plover
Blair, Henry 38 th Wis. Inf. Lanark
Blair, Robert 38 th Wis. Inf. Lanark
Boss, H.H. 18 th Wis. Inf. Amherst
Boss, T.W. 32 nd Wis. Inf. Amherst
Brawley, Jay 3 rd Wis. Cav. Stevens Point
Bremmer, James 1 st Wis. Inf. Stockton
Bremmer, S. 18 th Wis. Inf. Plover
Briggs, Frank Almond
Briggs, Freeman Almond
Brimhall, S. 5 th Wis. Inf. Amherst
Brown, D.C. 3 rd Wis. Cav. Stevens Point
Brown, Samuel N. 32 nd Wis. Inf. Almond
Buck, L.E. 18 th Wis. Inf. Belmont
Bullock, D.S. 1 st Wis. Inf. Eau Pleine
Carlisle, J.H. 1 st Wis. Cav. Stevens Point
Carpenter, Sid 18 th Wis. Inf. Plover
Carpenter, Wm. H. 12 th Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Casbeer, John 8 th Wis. Inf. Stockton
Ceam, Frank 5 th Wis. Inf. Almond
Chesley, John Plover
Clark, Mike 21 st Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Clark, Owen 3 rd Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Clark, S.D. Plover
Cooley, T.F. Paymaster Plover
Cornwell, Byron 30 th Wis. Inf. Pine Grove
Cornwell, LeRoy Pine Grove
Covel, W.L. Chicago Marine Artillery Stevens Point
Craig, Geo. 18 th Wis. Inf. Almond
Creasy, Wm. 7thWis. Inf. Plover
Crocker, George Plover
Crocker, S.G.H. 1 st Wis. Cav. Eau Pleine
Curran, H. 5 th Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Curran, J.D. 5 th Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Curtice, R.H. 89 th Ill. Inf. Stevens Point
Day, H. H. 33 rd Iowa Inf. Stevens Point
Devoe, W.J. 2 nd N.Y. Vet. Cav. Stevens Point
DeVoin, C.S. 42 nd Wis. Inf. Belmont
DeVoin, S.F. 8 th Wis. Inf. Belmont
Digman, William 92 nd Ill. Inf. Amherst
Dille, Marshall A. 3 rd Wis. Inf. & 2 nd Wis. Cav. Stevens Point
Dopp, Cyrus 19 th Mich. Inf. Plover
Downing, Geo. 5 th Wis. Inf. Plover
Dunn, P. 24 th N.Y. Inf. Lanark
Dwinnell, C.H. 5 th Wis. Inf. Stockton
Eastling, C. 37 th Wis. Inf. Almond
Eaton, Elbridge G. 3 rd Wis. Bat. Almond
Ellenwood, D.J. 2 nd Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Ellinger, Fred 46 th Wis. Inf. Almond
Ellis, Chas. 8 th Wis. Bat. Pine Grove
Empey, A.J. 5 th Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Escenbaugh, Frank 5 th Wis. Inf. Plover
Evans, Hugh 7 th Wis. Inf. Stockton
Fancher, J.B. 32 nd Wis. Inf. Stockton
Fancher, O.L. 5 th Wis. Inf. Stockton
Farr, L.B. 3 rd Wis. Cav. Plover
Fehley, Patrick 16 th Wis. Inf. Stockton
Felch, J. Hosmer 2 nd Mass. Inf. Stockton
Felker, Albert 9 th Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Flemming, Benj. 46 th Wis. Inf. Amherst
Frazier, Walter 8thWis. Bat. Stevens Point
Frost, Ed Plover
Gee, Hiram 1 st Wis. Cav. Stevens Point
Gibbons, John 8 th Wis. Bat. Eau Pleine
Gordon, Peter 8 th Wis. Bat. Stevens Point
Gouldt, Geo. Almond
Grannis, Eli 5 th Wis. Inf. Pine Grove
Grant, E.B. 46 th Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Grant, Horace 46 th Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Guernsey, A.H. Surgeon, 2 nd Wis. Cav.
Guy, H.W. 48 th Ind. Inf. Stevens Point
Guy, T.B. 15 th Ind. Inf. Stevens Point
Haas, Albert 9 th Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Hadley, Geo. W. 14 th Wis. Inf. Amherst
Hall, George Plover
Halladay, W.S. 3 rd Wis. Cav. Plover
Halverson, Ole 51 st Wis. Inf. Amherst
Harvey, Moses 38 th Wis. Inf. Amherst
Heath, J.P. 96 th N.Y. & 2 nd N.Y. Vet. Cav. Stockton
Herald, Alf 18 th Wis. Inf. Sharon
Herren, E.R. 4 th Wis. Cav. Stevens Point
Higgins, P.E. 1 st Wis. Cav. Stevens Point
Hillstrom, Daniel 1 st Wis. Inf. Amherst
Hoffman, Herman H. 7 th Wis. Inf. Amherst
Hogie, H.H. 1 st Wis. Heavy Art. Stevens Point
Holly, Wm. C. 46 th Wis. Inf. Amherst
Homsted, Seth W. 1 st Wis. Cav. Stevens Point
Hunt, H. Almond
Hunt, H.T. 3 rd Wis. Bat. Almond
Hunter, Luther 5 th Wis. Inf. Stockton
Hutchison, C. 1 st Wis. & 17 th Ill. Cav. Hutchison
Hutchison, S.M. 96 th Ill. Inf. Hutchison
Ingersoll, H.G. 18 th Wis. Inf. Plover
Jackson, Ben S. 18 th Wis. Inf. Plover
Johnsen, J.O. 5 th & 45 th Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Johnson, Henry 18 th Wis. Inf. Plover
Jones, D. Lloyd 16 th Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Jorgenson, Knut 8 th Wis. Bat. New Hope
Kent, E.L. 18 th Wis. Inf. Almond
Kimball, J.M. 24 th Wis. Inf. Almond
Kimball, J.T. Plover
Knauf, John 27 th Mich. Inf. Stevens Point
Lant, David 16 th Wis. Inf. Almond
Lea, Jesse 32 nd Wis. Inf. Amherst
Lee, G. Plover
Lewison, Lewis 8 th Wis. Inf. Amherst
Loberg, Lars L. 46 th Wis. Inf. Amherst
Lombard, Leonidas 44 th Wis. Inf. Lanark
Lovejoy, Eugene 1 st Mich. Eng's Belmont
Luce, J.R. 3 rd Wis. Bat. Stevens Point
Lutz, Andrew 46 th Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Lysner, Henry 46 th Wis. Inf. Amherst
Manley, Monroe 5 th Wis. Inf. Almond
Mathewson, A.E. 18 th Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Maupin, R.B. 2 nd Ill. Light Artillery Stevens Point
McCallian, Henry 5 th Wis. Inf. Pine Grove
McDill, T.H. Paymaster Plover
McGlachlin, Edward 1 st Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
McGowan, John 14 th Wis. Inf. Plover
McLean, J.D. 8 th Wis. Bat. Stevens Point
McLeod, David 1 st Wis. Cav. Stockton
McMann, Patrick 8 th Wis. Bat. Stevens Point
Michael, George Plover
Mills, W.S. 22 nd Ind. Inf. Stevens Point
Mitchell, W.W. 5 th Wis. Inf. Stevens Point
Monroe, Manley 5 th Wis. Inf. Almond
Moore, H.H. Plover
Morgan, Marvin 1 st Wis. Cav. Eau Pleine
Morrison, John 5 th Wis. Inf. Plover
Morrison, R. 32 nd Wis. Inf. Amherst
Moss, Elisha 32 nd Wis. Inf. Amherst