
2024-2025 Board

President: Jim Walker

Vice-President: Rich Warosh

Secretary: Linda Rollins

Treasurer: Joe Crueger

Newsletter: Sue Goodacre

Website: LuAnn Elsinger

Membership: Carol Gardner

Early Marriages taken from the Wisconsin Pinery

The Wisconsin Pinery was the earliest newspaper published in Stevens Point. The dates in bold are the dates of the newspaper, not the event.

Friday, January 21, 1853

Married in this town, on Tuesday, the 30th of November, by Rev. George Turner, Mr. John Hawn, of Stevens Point, to Miss Lamira Long, of Rockford, Illinois.

Friday, May 13, 1853

Married in this village on the 25th by Rev. C. Lord, Dr. A.W. Hackley of Berlin, Marquette Co., to Miss Lavernia Elizabeth, daughter of WM. Seymour, Esq. of this place. (Madison State Journal)

Wednesday, June 29, 1853

Married in this town on the 26th by Hon. E.G. Bean, Mr. William Bean to Miss Mary Jane Crosier, all of this place.

Wednesday, July 13, 1853

Married at Willow Prairie by Robert Gordon, Esq., Mr. B.B. Kimball, of this town, to Miss Eliza Crim, of Portridge.

Wednesday, September 14, 1853

Married at Plover on the 11th, at the house of Hon. J. S. Alban, by the Rev. George Turner, of Stevens Point, Luther Hanchett, Esq., Attorney at Law, to Miss Lucinda, daughter of Judge Alban.

Wednesday, December 28, 1853

Married in Rockton, Ill., Dec. 19th, by Rev. Mr. Cartwright, Mr. William Griffin, of this village, to Miss Olive Shurtleft, of Rockton.

Saturday, January 7, 1854

Married in this village by the Rev. Thomas Greene, on the evening of the 6th , Mr. Joel King, to Miss Lousa Ward, all of Stevens Point.

Married on Christmas day evening, by the Rev. Geo. Turner, Mr. Benjamin Fulton to Miss Catherine Griffith, all of this village.

Thursday, February, 16, 1854

Hamacker-Knoub at Springfield, on the 31st, Jan. by Rev.  Mr. __?__, Amos G. Hamacker, Esq. of this village to Miss Mary Ann Knoub of the former place.

Thursday, April 27, 1854

MARRIED: McLaughlin-Chesley at Berlin, April 11, by Rev. Merritt House; Mr. Claudius R. McLaughlin, of Norwich, to Mrs. Caroline E. Chesley of Rosedale.

Thursday, May 11, 1854

Married in this place May 7th by Rev. Thomas G. __?__, Mr. Ruben Edminister of Lynd, Waupaca, Co. to Mrs. A. Mary Lovejoy, of this place.

Tuesday, July 11, 1854

Married July 3rd by Rev. S. W. Martin, Mr. John C. Wilmot to Miss Elmira M. Rockeyfelow all of Stevens Point.

Married June 25th at the house of E. Wright, Esq., of the Town of Amherst, Portage Co., by the Rev. George Turner, Mr. Silvanus Brimhall to Miss Cordelia E. Wright.

Tuesday, August 29, 1854

Married August 30, 1854, by the Rev. George Turner at the house of widow Hall, Mr. M. A. Roussau to Miss Sophia K. Hall.

Saturday, October 24, 1854

Married in Brownington, Vt., October 5th , by Rev. S. R. Hall, Mr. John Phillips of Stevens Point, Wis., to Miss Ellen Hall of the former place, and daughter of officiating clergyman.

October 31, 1854

Married in Marcellon on the 15th by the Rev. Mr. Miner, Mr. William H. Gillchrist, of Stevens Point, and Miss Emily E. VanDusen of Marcellon.

Saturday, November 7, 1854

Married at Lake Thomas, at the house of Mr. Fancher, Sunday the 29th, by the Rev. Thomas Greene, Rector of the Church of the Intercession, Stevens Point, Mr. Jacob Fancher to Mary Nelson.

Saturday, December 4, 1854

Married on the 28th of November by Rev. Godfert, Mr. John W. Lind to Miss Amelia Sophia DeSmedt.

May 24, 1855

Married in this village, on the 16th, by C. Jackson, Esq., Mr. G. Edward Beath to Miss Ruth Bean, all of Stevens Point.

May 31, 1855

Married in Plover on the 24th, by Rev. Alverson, Mr. Jacob X. Brands of Stevens Point to Miss Jane Bachler of Plover.