
2024-2025 Board

President: Jim Walker

Vice-President: Rich Warosh

Secretary: Linda Rollins

Treasurer: Joe Crueger

Newsletter: Sue Goodacre

Website: LuAnn Elsinger

Membership: Carol Gardner

1915 List of Deaths from the Stevens Point Journal

Reprinted from Pedigree Pointers, Vol. XII, No. 1, Fall 1989

From the Stevens Point Weekly Journal, January 8, 1916, comes a list of deaths that occurred during 1915.


Kinder, Mrs. Bert, Linwood, 15th
Kryger, Mrs. Vincent, Green Bay, 6th
Omernik, Mrs. J. J., Polonia, 1st
Pierce, Mrs. James, Plover, 2nd
Porter, L.A., Plover, 30th
Porter, Aaron, prominent town of Plover farmer, killed by falling tree, 4th
Risk, Mrs. Bertha M., city, 6th
Schleis Sr., John, city, 5th
Schmitz, L.W., Soo line switchman, killed in local railroad yards, 23rd
Sicklesteel, D. I., District Attorney, city, 1st
Topping, Bernard, of the village of Plover, scalded to death, 13th
Wilkowski, John, Carson, 16th

Christianson, Arthur, city, 2nd
Dawson, Mrs. Julia, after killing son, commits suicide, 15th
Delzell, Everett N., city, 7th
Gullikson, Arve, New Hope, 25th
Hungerford, Seely, Seattle, 20th
Jagodzinski, Mrs. Frank, Stockton, 8th
Kitowski, Mrs. Katherine, city, 13th
Lane, Mrs. Charles A., city, 5th
McGuire, John J., Chicago, 26th
Orrick, Mrs. Clara E., Stone Lake, 14th
Simolke, Miss Agnes, killed by Soo line passenger train, near Wisconsin
      River railroad bridge, 18th
Stankie, Andrew, Chicago, 26th
Yach, Mrs. Stella, city, 13th

Bell, Mrs. J. D., Medford, Oregon, 25th
Biron, Jr., Francis, dies in Chippewa Falls hospital as result of injuries, 1st
Chilla, Anton, city, 5th
Falkiewicz, Jake, city, 29th
Glaza, Mrs. Anna, city, 25th
Grant, Mrs. Louise, city, 8th
Hamacker, Amos G., city, 12th
Julier, George, city, 8th
Kitowski, Mrs. Mary,aged 103, passes away in Sharon, 17th
Kyle, Earl, Soo line brakeman, meets death beneath wheels
      of Soo line freight at Chelsea, 22nd
Literski, Anton J., city, 30th
Martin, Mrs. Mercy, city, 21st
Numan, Albert F., city, 9th
Olds, Mrs. Frank, Carson, 12th
Pulchinski, Mrs. Leo, city, 24th
Rohn, Mrs. Chester F., Milwaukee, 10th
Walsh, Mrs. Katherine, Hartford, Wis., 22nd
Ward, Henry, Stockton, 26th
Wilmot, Fred G., Baudette, Minn., 15th
Zimmer, Mrs. Emil, city, 19th

Adams, Mrs. Adam, passes away as result of fall down cellar stairs
      2 days ago, 17th
Baker, Mrs. C. B., stricken with apoplexy, 3rd
Glennon, Edward D., 5th

Briscoe, Wm. P., Wales, Wis., 16th
Colby, Herman, city, 17th
Da Vore, Fred E., city, 26th
Formella, Winifred, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Formella,
      dies as a result of eating wild parsnips, 12th
Hodge, David, Milwaukee, 31st
Jorgenson, Rasmus, town of Alban farmer, suicide by hanging, 26th
Neuberger, Mrs. Martin, city, 4th
O'Connor, Mrs. Agnes, Black Rock, NM, 3rd
Palmer, Alfred D., city, 13th
Rogers, David R., Amherst Junction, 4th
Shea, Mrs. Thomas, Chicago, 29th
Skinner, W. H., city, 27th
Timm, Mrs. Mary, Grant, 7th
Topping, Fay, Plover, 17th

Blinco, Mrs. Lydia R., Plover, 17th
Bowersock, Mrs. Susan, city, 15th
Fowlie, Mrs. Mary, city, 8th
Hellar, Mrs. Mary, Marshfield, 21st
Klesczinski, Edward, drowns in river at foot of Main street , 30th
O'Brien, Katherine, city, 3rd
Tyson, George, city, 6th
Uptadel, Mrs. C., Hurley, 8th
Zorn, Carl, city, 12th

Altenberg, Mrs. M. H., Dancy, 27th
Bennett, Ernest, Buena Vista, 26th
Clayton, Japheth, city, 3rd
Docka, Mrs. Karen, Minneapolis, 30th
Dolloff, Mrs. Mary, Waupaca, 27th
Dusell, John, Buena Vista, 19th
Hauley, Olla B., Fallbrook, Cal., 26th
Hoffman, George, Knowlton, 25th
Karner, Paul, one of victims drowned in Eastland disaster in Chicago, 26th
Meyer, Otto, Menasha, 9th
Polebitski, Edward, city, 9th
Ragan, Mrs. Matthew, Pine Grove, 26th
Richmond, Royal, Las Vegas, NM, 10th
Shidel, Mrs. Lucy, city, 29th

Altenberg, Bert, Waupaca, 9th
Biron, Francis X., Biron, 18th
Bishop, Harney A., Franklinville, NY, 9th
Buaka, Frank J., Ashland, 8th
Bukolt, Edward, dies suddenly while driving automobile, 28th
Clark, Mrs. Johanna, Manistique, Mich., 26th
Docka, John G., city, 21st
Ferngren, Mrs. Matt, Eau Pleine, 4th
Frost, Walter, found dead in yard in rear of home on Water street, 16th
Krimkowski, Joseph, city, 18th
Kunz, Michael, town of Carson farmer, suffers broken neck in runaway
      on Church street, 16th
Lampe, Mrs. Augusta, Milwaukee, 2nd
Orphal, Seal, formerly of this city, found in canal near Portage, 28th
Paterick, Mrs. Sarah, Plover, 16th
Perry, G. H., Knowlton, 9th
Somers, John Joseph, city, 28th
Urban, Mrs. George, city, 23rd

Barker, Wm. H., city, 27th
Bembenek, Miss Helen, St. Paul, 5th
Bowers, Mrs. J. C., city, 29th
Ciezan, August, Hull, 24th
Currier, William, McDill, 10th
Daleke, John, city, 7th
Emmons, Miss Anna, city, 29th
Konda, Julius, city, 5th
Kurzynski, Peter, two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kurzynski,
      scalded to death in town of Dewey, 22nd
Pupp, Miss Helen, city, 16th
Reinhart, George W., city, 21st
Shaick, Frank, of town of Grant, accidentally shot while hunting, 9th
Soper, M. D., Veterans' Home, 24th
Stenke, Geo. S., city, 6th
Terrier, Louis, 80 years old resident of Wausau, found dead in
      room at Voyer hotel at Junction City, 4th
Webster, Charles E., Almond, 12th
Welch, William Emmet, Fond du Lac, 19th
Wilson, Oren, city, 9th

Borden, Mrs. Nathalie, Sharon, 3rd
Buza, Alice, Carson, 4th
Clark, Owen, city, 14th
Cooper, Mrs. B. F., Chicago, 21st
Demmerly, Mrs. John, McDill, 9th
Konkel, Joseph, city, 4th
Krohn, Mrs. Minnie, Almond, 11th
Land, John K., killed when auto turns turtle near Rosholt, 25th
Love, Mrs. Alexander, city, 17th
McPhail, John, city, 30th
Parson, Mrs. Emery, Parma, Idaho, 3rd
Patmont, August A., city, 4th
Saxton, Mrs. John W., Abbotsford, 12th
Somers, Mrs. Anton, city, 26th
Stafford, Six year old son of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Stafford, town of
      Linwood, dies as a result of accidental shooting, 27th

Dwinell, C. H., Amherst, 18th
Fonstad, Simon, city, 5th
Glocksine, Mrs. August, city, 30th
Gurney, Mrs. Augusta, McDill, 3rd
Hodell, Mrs. John, city, 26th
Maslowski, Miss Regina, takes own life while despondent, 8th
Mulligan, George W.’ Eveleth, Minn., 23rd
Nelson, Mrs. Emma, city, 5th
Norton, George N., McDill, 16th
Prell, Gerhard, city, 26th
Rhoades, Miss Nellie M., city, 5th
Rice, A., Almond, 8th
Sater, Mrs. Anna, city, 23rd
Sweeney, Michael, Carson, 17th
Voecks, Wm., dies from injuries sustained in runaway, 20th
Wiswall, Mrs. Oscar, Spokane, Wash., 23rd

Bembeneck, Bernard, city, 29th
Bigus, Anton, Custer, 6th
Calkins, Mrs. William, city, 24th
Cater, Lester, Buena Vista, 29th
Ford, Otto, city, 27th
Hanson, Mrs. Alfred, Minneapolis, 1st
Harvey, Mrs. Henry, city, 21st
Kiesesezwski, Theodore, commits suicide at home in town of Dewey, 13th
Kuykendall, Prof., Announcement of sudden death of at Bellingham, Wash. received, 7th
Lorbiecki, Nicholas, found dead in shack in town of Hull, 13th
Lytle, Mrs. John, Tacoma, Wash., 13th
Nogai, Mrs. Charles, city, 17th
Packard, Mrs. W. H., Hayward, 23rd
Pascavis, Mrs. George, Linwood, 18th
Pendergast, Patrick, Winona, Minn., 11th
Sherbert, Pearl M., suicide by drinking carbolic acid, 11th
Turner, Mrs. Imri, Tomahawk, 5th