
2024-2025 Board

President: Jim Walker

Vice-President: Rich Warosh

Secretary: Linda Rollins

Treasurer: Joe Crueger

Newsletter: Sue Goodacre

Website: LuAnn Elsinger

Membership: Carol Gardner

1913 List of Deaths from the Stevens Point Journal

Reprinted from Pedigree Pointers, Vol. II, No. 4, July 1980

From the Stevens Point Daily Journal, December 31, 1913, comes a list of deaths that occurred during 1913.


Adams, Peter M., Stevens Point, 26th
Charlesworth, Mrs. A. J., Stevens Point, 10th
Christenson, Christian M. , Eau Pleine, 5th
Cornwell, L. L. , Pine Grove, 6th
Grabowski, Sr., Mrs. John, Stevens Point, 15th
Herman, Fred, Plover, 21st
Martin, L. A., Stevens Point, at Abbotsford, 23rd
Murphy, James, Stevens Point, 9th
Rambeck, Mrs. O. J., New Hope, 17th
Rohrdanz, Carl , Stevens Point, 6th
Simpeir, Mrs. Henry, Linwood, 11th
Sparks, Rev. R. D. , Plainfield, 7th

Calkins, L. A., formerly district attorney, at Green Bay, 6th
Chafee, Charles, at Rhinelander, 11th
Gill, John, Stevens Point, 1st
Hammer, George, EauPleine, 7th
Heath, Mrs. 0. K., of Amherst Junction, 22nd
Kirwan, F. J., at Rochester, Minn., 5th
Knapp, Mrs. Hanna M., Stevens Point, 1st
Olbrantz, Mathias, at county farm, 24th
Pipe, John S., Stevens Point, 23rd
Root, John E., at Portland, Ore., 15th
Sullivan, Jerry, at county farm, 28th
Weston, Paul, at Sanger, Cal., 26th
Woodworth, Mrs. H. N., in Kansas Stevens Point, 11th

Butterfield, Eugene, Linwood, 22nd
Dumbleton, Mrs. Anne, Stevens Point, 25th
Everson, Mrs. G. M., Orlando, Florida, 31st
Fields, Mrs. Nana M., Stevens Point, 20th
Johnson, Mrs. P. C., Stevens Point, 12th
Kabot, Nicholas, Buena Vista, 15th
Kubisiak, Jos. D., Stevens Point, 10th
Quinn, William P., Neenah, 5th
Raymond, Harry A., Spokane, 23rd
Wolworth, Hartwell C., Stevens Point, 2nd

Berna, Mrs. Apolina, Stevens Point, 9th
Berry, Frank E., Duluth, 2nd
Dignum, John, Chicago, 18th
Eiden, Mathias, Sharon, 7th
Eldredge, Mrs. H. A., Seattle, 25th
Gaedke, August H., Stevens Point, 12th
Glaza, Francis, Stevens Point, 5th
Goodhue, Geo. J., Spokane, 7th
Hammon, Mrs. S. F., Linwood, 4th
Kilbba, William, Hull, 6th
Kronenwetter, Mrs. Henry, Kronenwetter, 27th
Lutz, Mrs. Andrew, Plover, 24th
Maciejewski, Mrs. Katherine, Stevens Point, 6th
Pagel, Mrs. W. E., Stevens Point, 29th
Potter, Mrs. Eliza, Pine Grove, 20th
Sutton, Jonathan, Stevens Point, 5th
Winiecki, Martin, Stevens Point, 9th

Bozlee, Frank, Lansford, N.D, 16th
Brusky, Mrs. John, Arnott, 19th
Clark, Milo, Oshkosh, 21st
Feeley, William, Stevens Point, 31st
Gilden, William B., Denver, 12th
Gottery, Mrs. A. S., Pine City, Minn., 23rd
Hein, Mrs. William F., Minneapolis, 1st
Herschleib, Mrs. Wilbur, Fond du Lac, 16th
Hibbard, Louis, Stevens Point, 19th
Martin, Walter, Stevens Point, 18th
Okray, John, Stevens Point, 24th
Parks, W. A., Stevens Point, 12th
Parsons, Ralph, Plover, 6th
Piotrowski, John, Stevens Point, 19th
Simpson, Chas. A., Chippewa Falls, 12th
Stenka, Joseph, Stevens Point, 6th
Stinson, Patrick, Belmont, 26th
Tufte, Mrs. Ole, Stevens Point, 16th

Baxter Smith, Mrs. Polly, Stevens Point, 25th
Bender, Konnard, Milladore, 30th
Bungerz, Nicholas, Marathon City, 16th
Eaton, Mrs. Cordelia A., Stevens Point, 11th
Hetzel, John, Almond, 7th
Knox, William H., Houston, Texas, 26th
Kusmaul, Mrs.Mary, Great Falls, Mont., 27th
Leahy, Dennis, Lanark, 8th
Lenner, Mrs. Otto, Amherst, 15th
Wollenschlager, Mrs. L. P., Grand Rapids, 18th

Carr, Mrs. L. G., Chicago, 26th
Gotteny, A. S., Pine City, Minn., 9th
Hanson, Hans, Stevens Point, 3rd
Kotecki, Joseph, Hull, 9th
Slusser, Hiram, Mabton, Wash., 10th
Smith, Max, Columbus, Ohio, 7th
Walker, J. L., Erie, Pa., 18th

Bender, Mrs. Anna, St. Cloud, Minn., 24th
Berndt, Sr., William F., Stevens Point, 13th
Derek, Joseph, Stevens Point, 27th
Herbrechter, Mrs. Helen, Gilbert, Minn., 26th
Hetzel, Mrs. John, Almond, 4th
Hooper, Mrs. George, Milladore, 7th
Julier, Mrs. George, Stevens Point, 9th
Stockley, John, Stevens Point, 15th

Bourn, Mrs. A. H., Elkhart, Ind., 30th
Bovee, Mrs. Susan M., Pine Grove, 27th
Hutter, Mrs. S., Milwaukee, 14th
Knope, Mrs. Nicholas, Stevens Point, 23rd
Krienke, Mrs. R. C., Stevens Point, 15th
Manikoski, Mrs. Jacob, Stevens Point, 29th
McGregor, Mrs. Margaret, Milwaukee, 2nd
Quinn, John P., Oshkosh, 9th
Smith, Mrs. Nancy, Belmont, 21st
Stelmachowski, Peter, Dewey, 27th
Sutherland, Francis, Milwaukee, 13th
Wysocki, Matthew, Stevens Point, 27th

Brennan, Sidney T., Stevens Point, 25th
Davison, Mrs. Jane, Stevens Point, 12th
Dzienick, Anton, Linwood, 26th
Filmore, Harold, West Burlington, Iowa, 10th
Jackson, Mrs. Helen, Seattle, 29th
Strache, Christian F., Stevens Point, 22nd
Wilmott, Benjamin R., Amherst, 24th

Grooms, Mrs. Thomas, Rhinelander, 5th
Johnson, Henry, Kansas City, Mo., 11th
LaMieux, Mrs. Peter, Stevens Point, 11th
Longevan, Mrs. Mary, Stevens Point, 9th
McDonald, Mrs. Mary, Ashland, 23rd
Pipe, Mrs. Thomas, Chippewa Falls, 23rd
Puffer, Mrs. J. D., Ashland, 8th

Alban, S. H., Rhinelander, 27th
Ecke, Oscar H., Los Angeles, Cal., 24th
Edwards, Charles E., Portland, Ore., 5th
Guenther, Anthony, Wausau, 12th
Hafsoos, Mrs. Severt E., Stevens Point, 7th
Hake, Frank, Stevens Point, 11th
Hansen, Mrs., J. P., Rosholt, 10th
Machinski, Edward, Stevens Point, 21st
Mager, Andrew, Arnott, 12th
McGregor, Mrs. Alexander, Lanark, 29th
Nugent, Richard, Hull, 27th
Ollman, Mrs. Anna, Chicago, 24th
Schultz, Mrs. Catherine, Dewey, 8th
Shannon, Walter, Plover, 20th
Utpadel, Christian, Hurley, 24th
Werachowski, Nicholas, Arnott, 21st
Wlodarske, Thomas, Hull, 7th

Contributed by Doris Travis.