
2024-2025 Board

President: Jim Walker

Vice-President: Rich Warosh

Secretary: Linda Rollins

Treasurer: Joe Crueger

Newsletter: Sue Goodacre

Website: LuAnn Elsinger

Membership: Carol Gardner


Surnames M - P

A - C          D - G          H - L          R - U          V - Z

(Ed. Note: Published in sections in the SPAGS newsletter, "Pedigree Pointers," October 1982 through Winter 1984. The source: Roster of Wisconsin Volunteers, War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865 . Compiled by authority of the Legislature, under the direction of Jeremiah M. Rusk, governor, and Chandler P. Chapman, adjutant general. Publisher: Madison, Democrat printing co., state printers, 1886. 2 vol.)

Starting with this issue I will be listing alphabetically those men from Portage County who fought in the Civil War. I got the names from going through the two volumes of Rusk & Chap­man's ROSTER OF WISCONSIN VOLUNTEERS page by page. I am sure that there are errors even though I have tried to be as thorough as possible.

Rusk & Chapman did not differentiate between the town­ship of Sharon and the village of Sharon in southern Wisconsin. The same is true for the township of Belmont and the village of Belmont in southern Wisconsin. (Malcolm) Rosholt in OUR COUNTY, OUR STORY, states that Jordan did not have a post office until 1864. I have listed men from Jordan and do not know if there was another town by that name in the state or not. Therefore, for men listed from Belmont, Jordan, and Sharon, they possibly may not have been from Portage County.

I also have included men who came from Knowlton even though it is in Marathon County. It is so close to the border that I felt it should be included.

The other thing to remember is that these are men who enlisted or were drafted from Portage County. It does not include the names of men who fought in the war and settled in Portage County after­wards. And these men did not necessarily live here after the war.

Donna Hanson (Oct. 1982)


McAULIFF, Daniel; Stevens Point; disch July 27, 1863, disabil; Co G 7th Reg Inf.

McAULIFF, Martin M.; Stevens Point; Vet; Corp; wounded Laurel Hill; died June 15, 1864, Alexandria, VA of wounds; Co G 7th Reg Inf

McCAIN, John; Buena Vista; Co F 2nd Reg Cav.

McCALL, James; Amherst; prisoner Bentonsville, NC; Co I 31st Reg Inf.

McCALLEN, Henry; Almond; Corp; Co F 5th Reg Inf

McCOLLUM, Hiram; Plover; Corp; Co C 52nd Reg Inf.

McDILL, James E.; Plover; trans to reorgan Co A; Co H 3rd Reg Cav.

McGOWN, John; Plover; Corp; Co B 14th Reg Inf.

McINTYRE, William; Hull; Co B 14th Reg Inf.

McLEAN, Henry; Stevens Point; Vet; 8th Battery Light Artillery.

McLEAN, John D.; Stevens Point; Jr. 1st lieut; Sr. 2nd lieut; 8th Battery Light Artillery.

McMAHON, Patrick; Stevens Point; Vet; 8th Battery Light Artillery­

McMILLEN, Peter; Stockton; Corp; disch August 3, 1862, disabil; Co E 18th Reg Inf.

McMURPHY, James; Stevens Point; died September 28, 1862, Jackson, TN, disease; 8th Battery Light Artillery.

McMURPHY, Lewis; Stevens Point; died January 5, 1863, Nashville, TN, disease; 8th Battery Light Artillery.

McNAIR, Thomas B.; Stevens Point; Q.M. sergt; Jr. 1st lieut; Jr. 2nd lieut; 8th Battery Light Artillery.

MANLEY, Samuel M.; Almond; wounded Petersburg, VA; disch June 16, 1865 from wounds; Co F 5th Reg Inf.

MANN, Azro; Stevens Point; Corp; Co G 12th Reg Inf; promoted to 2nd lieut; 8th Battery Light Artillery.

MANN, Ezra; Stevens Point; killed in action May 25, 1863, Ft. Gibson, C.N.; Co H 3rd Reg Cav.

MARGESON, Job; Plover; Co F 5th Reg Inf.

MARSHALL, Francis S.; Linwood; Vet; promoted to U.S.C.T.; Co B 14th Reg Inf.

MARX, Phillip; Stockton; prisoner Shiloh, TN and Altoona, PA; Co E 18th Reg Inf.

MASON, Henry; Stevens Point; Co B 14th Reg Inf.

MATHEWSON, Benjamin B.; Buena Vista; Co A 42nd Reg Inf.

MATZ, August; Meehan; drafted; Co H 1st Reg Cav.

MAXUM, Henry D.; Stevens Point; Corp; Co B 46th Reg Inf.

MEIZNER, Henry G.; Stevens Point; Co B 14th Reg Inf.

MELNE, Jacob; Stevens Point; Co K 50th Reg Inf.

MERCER, Joseph; Buena Vista; Co G 44th Reg Inf.

MERRILL, Clifton G.; Almond; killed in action April 6, 1862, Shiloh, TN; Co E 18th Reg Inf.

MESSING, George; Almond; Co B 46th Reg Inf.

MESSING, Jacob; Stevens Point; Co K 50th Reg Inf.

METIER, John; Plover; Co C 52nd Reg Inf.

MICHELKAMP, Herman; Sharon; drafted; Co D 32nd Reg Inf.

MICHELTREE, William F.; Linwood; Corp; deserted; Co E 18th Reg Inf.

MILIUS, Jacob; Almond; Co B 46th Reg Inf.

MILLER, George C.; Stevens Point; trans to reorgan Co A; Co H 3rd Reg Cav.

MITCHAM, Uriah 0.; Amherst; died November 1, 1863 Amherst, WI, disease; Co E 32nd Reg Inf.

MITCHELL, David W.; Stanton; 2nd lieut; killed in action October 8, 1862, Chaplin Hills, KY; Co C 21st Reg Inf.; sergt; 1st sergt; Co G 7th Reg Inf.

MITCHELL, Ely; Plover; disch November 11, 1861, disabil; Co E 5th Reg Cav.

MITCHUM, Oscar U.; Amherst; prisoner July 30, l864, Petersburg, VA; died December 29, 1864, Danville, VA; Co B 38th Reg Inf.

MORGAN, David R.; Belmont; trans to Co I; trans to V.R.C. Co H 16th Reg Inf.

MORGAN, Henry; Stevens Point; Co F 5th Reg Inf.

MORGAN, Merville W.; Eau Pleine; prisoner Bloomfield, MO; Co B 1st Reg Cav.

MORRISON, Benjamin F.; Amherst; Vet; recruiter; 8th Battery Light Artillery.

MORRISON, Hiram R.; Amherst; Vet; Corp; trans to reorgan Co A; Co H 3rd Reg Cav.

MORRISON, Rolla; Buena Vista; Co E 32nd Reg Inf.

MOSS, Elisha; Buena Vista; Co E 32nd Reg Inf.

MOSS, Hubbard; Plover; prisoner Altoona, PA; Co E 18th Reg Inf

MOSS, Isaac M.; Buena Vista; Vet; 8th Battery Light Artillery

MOYER, Abram; Stevens Point; disch April 12, 1862 disabil; 8th Battery Light Artillery

MOYER, Abram; Stevens Point; Co B 46th Reg Inf.

MULKINS, Joseph; Buena Vista; Disch November 25, 1865 disabil; Co G 18th Reg Inf

MULKINS, William H.; Stockton; from Co G 1st Reg Inf; trans to 3rd Reg Inf; Co E 21 st Reg Inf.

MUZZY, Orlan B.; Stevens Point; prisoner Gainesville, AR; Co B 1st Reg Cav

MYERS, Charles M.; Buena Vista; Co B 14th Reg Inf.

MYERS, Theodore; Stanton; Vet; Co B 14th Reg Inf.

NELSON, Andrew; Stockton; Co E 32nd Reg Inf.

NELSON, Jerome; Amherst; Corp; 1st sergt; 2nd lieut; prom 1 st lieut reorgan Co A; Co H 3rd Reg Cav.

NELSON, Johan; Amherst; Co B 46th Reg Inf.

NELSON, Nels; Amherst; Corp; Co D 47th Reg Inf.

NEUMANN, Phillip; Stevens Point; Corp; Sergt; 1st Sergt; Co H 9th Reg Inf.

NEWBY, George C.; Buena Vista; Co C 52nd Reg Inf.

NEWBY, John; Buena Vista; Co E 32nd Reg Inf.

NEWBY, Robert; Buena Vista; Co E 32nd Reg Inf.

NILSON, Ole C.; Stevens Point; died October 2, 1863 Natchez, MS disease; Co G 12th Reg Inf.

NORTHRUP, Eaton B.; Stevens Point; Corp; disch December 4, 1862 disabil; 8th Battery Light Artillery.

NORTON, John; Plover; wounded August 17, 1864 Atlanta, GA; absent wounded at M.O. of reg; Co E 32nd Reg Inf.

O'BRIEN, Patrick; Stockton; wounded February 3, 1865 River's Bridge, SC; Co E 32nd Reg Inf.

OLESON, Andrew; Stevens Point; Vet; Corp; in Capt. Langworthy's expedition to Federal fleet announcing Sherman's occupation of Savannah; wounded Kenesaw; Co G 12th Reg Inf.

OLESON, George; Hull; Co B 14th Reg Inf.

OLESON, John; New Hope; Co A 42nd Reg Inf.

OLSON, Albert; New Hope; died May 24, 1862 Island No. 10 TN,

disease; Co I 15th Reg Inf.

ORR, Edward J.; Almond; 6th Battery Light Artillery.

ORRICK, John H.; Stevens Point; 2nd asst. surgeon; 37th Reg Inf.

ORRICK, William L.; Stevens Point; sergt; Co B 46th Reg Inf.

PACE, Charles B.; Jordan; Co F 51st Reg Inf.

PACKARD, Charles T.; Plover; Corp; Co E 5th Reg Cav.

PACKER, Charles; Stockton; disch March 24, 1863 disabil; Co E 18th Reg Inf.

PACKER, Henry; Stockton; died October 3, 1861 Madison, WI disease; Co G 7th Reg Inf.

PACKER, John; Stockton; Corp; sergt; wounded Antietam and Wilderness; Co G 7th Reg Inf.

PAGE, William; Stevens Point; saddler; corp; killed in action May 25, 1863 Ft. Gibson, C.N.; Co H 3rd Reg Cav.

PALMER, Hiram; Stevens Point; Corp; sergt; 8th Battery Light Artillery

PALMER, Roderick B.; Amherst; sergt; Co D 47th Reg Inf.

PANRICA. Moses; (probably PUARIEA) Plover; wounded Gainesville; trans to V.R.C.; Co.G 7th Reg Inf.

PARK. Gilbert L.; Stevens Point; adjutant; prom to Capt.; Co G 18th Reg Inf.

PARK, John M.; Stevens Point; Co G 12th Reg Inf.

PARKS, Henry; Belmont; trans to Co I; died August 15, 1863 Vicksburg, MS disease; Co H 16th Reg Inf.

PARKS, Robert R.; Belmont; trans to Co I; vet; corp; Co H 16th Reg Inf.

PASCO, Chester B.; Lanark; Co C 44th Reg Inf.

PEANOR, James H.; Stevens Point; corp; Co G 18th Reg Inf; trans to 8th Battery Light Artillery.

PEASE, Charles 0.; Stanton; disch September 26, 1862 disabil; Co G 18th Reg Inf.

PENNY, Eber; Amherst; Co B 46th Reg Inf.

PERDY, John; Knowlton; corp; sergt; killed in action April 6, 1865, Sailor's Creek, VA; Co D 5th Reg Inf reorgan.

PERKINS, Francillo; Stevens Point; trans to reorgan Co A; Co H 3rd Reg Cav.

PETERSON, Adam; Amherst; Co B 46th Reg Inf.

PETERSON, Andrew; Amherst; Co C 44th Reg Inf.

PETERSON, Elias; New Hope; from Co I 15th Reg Inf to Co I 13th Reg Inf.

PETERSON, Jorgen; New Hope; Co D 47th Reg Inf.

PETERSON, Peter; New Hope; Co D 47th Reg Inf.

PHILLIPS, Franklin; Amherst; corp; sergt; 1st sergt; 2nd lieut; Co E 32nd Reg Inf.

PHILLIPS, Henry B.; Almond; died August 1864 Nashville, TN disease; 6th Battery Light Artillery.

PHILLIPS, Orrin A.; Stockton; died November 25, 1864 Madison, WI disease; Co E 32nd Reg Inf.

PHILLIPS, William L.; Stevens Point; wounded April 2, 1865; died April 13, 1865 Washington, D.C. of wounds; Co F 5th Reg Inf reorgan.

PICKARD, Charles H.; Almond; 6th Battery Light Artillery.

PICKERING, Milo; Buena Vista; Co H 12th Reg Inf.

PIERCE, James; Plover; corp; Co D 5th Reg Inf.reorgan.

PIERCE, Lewis H.; Plover; Co E 32nd Reg Inf.

POLLARD, James; Stevens Point; corp; sergt; Co H 3rd Reg Cav.

POLLARD, Theodore; Stockton; sergt; disch January 16, 1863 disabil; Co E 32nd Reg Inf.

POLLOCK, James; Buena Vista; died February 14, 1862 Madison, WI disease; Co A 16th Reg Inf.

POTTER, Royal L.; Stockton; 1st lieut; vet; corp; sergt; 1 st sergt; Co B 14th Reg Inf.

POWERS, Chester E.; Plover; died November 15, 1862; Co E 18th Reg Inf.

PRENTICE, Jackson L.; Stevens Point; Q.M. sergt; trans to reorgan Co A; Co H 3rd Reg Cav.

PRIMUS, Augustus C.; Stevens Point; Co B 46th Reg Inf.