
2024-2025 Board

President: Jim Walker

Vice-President: Rich Warosh

Secretary: Linda Rollins

Treasurer: Joe Crueger

Newsletter: Sue Goodacre

Website: LuAnn Elsinger

Membership: Carol Gardner

Sprada - Lind

Reprinted from The Stevens Point Daily Journal, Monday, November 8, 1915, front page

Anton Sprada and Miss Jennie Lind were married at noon today at the home of the bride, 1006 Shaurette street. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lind and the ceremony was performed by Rev. James Blake of the Baptist church. The house was handsomely decorated and the ceremony was followed by a wedding dinner, at which members of the family and a few invited friends were present. Mr. and Mrs. Sprada left on the afternoon train on a wedding trip to Milwaukee.

Wachowiak - Ossowski

Reprinted from The Stevens Point Daily Journal, Monday, November 8, 1915, front page

Boleslaus Wachowiak and Agnes Ossowski were married this morning at seven o’clock at St. Peter’s church, Rev. S.A. Elbert performing the ceremony. The attendants were John Janikowski and Wanda Wachowiak, sister of the groom, and Frank Rychlewski and Mary Ossowski, sister of the bride.

A large circle of friends had breakfast, which was served at the bride’s home, and later the newlyweds left for Ripon, where they well spend about ten days. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wachowiak, 220 North avenue, and the bride is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ossowski, Whitney avenue. They will make their home for the present with the bride’s parents and later will commence housekeeping. The groom is employed by the John Week Lumber Co. Both have a large circle of friends who wish them a long and happy life. Many wedding presents were received.

Pfeifer - Engebretson

From the September 28, 1904 Rosholt News Gazetter

Reprinted from Pedigree Pointers, Vol. I, No. 3, April 1979

L.C. PFEIFER and Miss Olene ENGEBRETSON were married last Friday at Scandinavia. The Rev. Mr. NELSON performed the ceremony. The bride was dressed in white and the groom wore carnations and overalls. Everyone wished the barber and his wife a long and happy life. The usual tin and bank-saw band of Rosholt turned out in a body and did justice to a couple of kegs and lots of firewater.

Abraham - Thieg

Reprinted from the Stevens Point Daily Journal, Thursday, 25 Feb 1897, page 1

An Oriental Wedding
Miss Thieg of Douma al Batroun, Married to Geo. Abraham

At the church of the Intercession this afternoon at half-past one o’clock George Abraham and Thieg, daughter of Abdella Moses, were united in marriage. The bride and groom are natives of Syria, both having been born in or near the little village of Douma al Batroun, nestling among the tropical glories of the Lebanon Mountains. The groom is well known in this city, having conducted a fruit and vegetable store here for two or three years past. The bride came more recently from Syria and reached Stevens Point a few days since from LaCrosse. They, like many others of their countrymen, were driven from their native land by the tyranny of “the unspeakable Turk.” We wish them prosperity and happiness in their married life.

The event was evidently regarded as a very important ones in Syrian circles, a number of the twenty or more guests present having come from different parts of the state. A feature of the ceremony was that each person carried a candle which they lighted on entering the church and held in there hands as they stood in the pews during the service. Other than this the ceremony was that of the Episcopal church. At the close of the service the candles were presented to the Rector.

Sanders - Wilson

Reprinted from the Stevens Point Gazette, Wednesday, 3 Nov 1909, page 4

Married Monday Afternoon

John Sanders and Miss Katherine Wilson were married at the Baptist parsonage, Rev. James Blake officiating, at 3:30 Monday afternoon. The attendants were Mrs. Harry Packard, sister of the bride, and Fred Sanders, brother of the groom. The bride is an estimable young lady, the possessor of a kind, sunny disposition, and will prove a good companion and helpmate for the young man who has chosen her as his bride. The groom, who is a son of Mrs. Matilda Snow of this city, is industrious and reliable in all respects, and has long been a faithful employee of the Vetter Manufacturing Co. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders have already commenced housekeeping on Elk street, and their many friends tender congratulations and well wishes.

Zikowitz - Cigel

Reprinted from the Stevens Point Daily Journal, 5 Sep 1934, page 4

At a ceremony performed at Temple Beth Israel Sunday evening at 8:30 o'clock by Rabbi David Davis, Miss Celia Cigel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Sigel, 441 Water street, became the bride of Maurice Zikowitz of Milwaukee. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was attired in a long white satin gown and white tulle veil, and carried a sheaf of white, yellow and pink gladioli. The wedding music was played as a violin duet by Miss Grace Cauley and Miss Dorothy Richards. There were no attendants. Following the service a wedding reception and dinner were held in the recreation rooms of the temple. A number of guests from Milwaukee were present for the occasion.

Mr. and Mrs. Zikowitz will reside in Milwaukee.

Kellogg - Schantz

Reprinted from the Stevens Point Journal, Saturday, 29 Sep 1906, page 1

Morning Wedding
Miss Katherine Schantz Wedded to Elbert C. Kellogg

Miss Katherine Schantz of this city and Elbert C. Kellogg of Nekoosa were married at 10 o'clock Wednesday by Rev. W. J. Rice of St. Stephen's Catholic church at his residence in the presence of a small company composed of the relatives and intimate friends of the parties. The attendants were Miss Georgia Kellogg, sister of the groom, and Edward Schantz, brother of the bride. The wedding music was rendered on the piano by Miss Helen Hein.

The bride was handsomely gowned in a princess dress of white silk taffeta trimmed with Valenciennes lace and wore a single rose in her hair. The bridesmaid wore a dress of rose colored silk over taffeta.

Following the ceremony a very delightful breakfast was served at the home of the bride by Mrs. P. J. Kellar, assisted by the Misses Verena Weinmann, Anna Oxholm, Ruby Tack and Elizabeth Moll. The dining room was decorated in green and white with a beautiful bell of asters over the table from which ribbons were festooned. Palms, ferns and carnations were also used in the decorations.

After a brief reception, Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg took the 3:20 train

for a two weeks' trip, during which they will visit friends in Neenah, Appleton, Fond du Lac, Milwaukee and Racine. At the conclusion of the honeymoon they will go to housekeeping in a newly furnished house at Nekoosa.

The bride is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schantz, Sr., of 531 Church street. She has resided here since childhood and is a graduate of the High and Normal schools and has had several years of successful experience as a teacher. She taught last year at Nekoosa.

The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Kellogg of Grand Rapids. The father is one of the leading business men of that city being a member of Kellogg Bros. Lbr Co. He is also quite well known here, being a prominent member of Crusade Commandry. The groom is engaged in running a lumber yard at Nekoosa.

The guests from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Kellogg and daughters, Miss Georgia and Miss Kathryn of Grand Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Schantz, jr., and John Schantz of Fond du Lac and Miss Verena Weinmann of Iola.

Towle - Hill

Reprinted from the Stevens Point Daily Journal, Thursday, 4 Nov 1897, front page

Married at St. Paul: A Stevens Point Girl Weds a Nebraska Politician

St. Paul, Minn., Nov 3 "A quiet wedding ceremony was performed this afternoon at St. Paul's by Rev. John Wright, who joined together Albert L. Towle of Niobrara, Neb., and Miss Mary E. Hill of Stevens Point, Wis. The two people arrived from their respective homes during the day, met by appointment and without delay proceeded to St. Paul's where Dr. Wright read the Episcopal ritual, which made them one, in the presence of several witnesses who they had never seen before. This was at 5 o'clock. Mr. Towle, who is an attorney by profession, is a well-known Nebraskan, was receiver of the land office at O'Neil during Harrison's administration, has been one of the leading Republicans in the state legislature at Lincoln and in addition is the proprietor of the Hubbard Hotel at Niograra. Nearly eight years ago he met and fell in love with Miss Hill."

Nelson - Miller

Reprinted from the Stevens Point Daily Journal, Friday, 29 Oct 1897, front page

Miss Matilda Miller, daughter of M. G. Miller of 209 North Second St., was united in marriage at 7:30 o'clock last evening to Mr. Andrew Nelson, one of the prosperous young farmers of Plainfield, by Rev. A. S. Badger at the Presbyterian manse. The attendants were Miss Gusta Augusted and Mr. J. A. Miller. After the ceremony the bridal party repaired to the home of the bride's parents where a fine wedding supper was spread. This morning Mr. And Mrs. Nelson took the Portage train for Plainfield where they will reside permanently on Mr. Nelson's farm, which occupied a conspicuous place on Main Street close to the village.

Van Laanen - Tack

Reprinted from the Stevens Point Daily Journal, Thursday, 21 Oct 1897

The Marriage of a Popular Young Stevens Point Couple

Miss Margaret Flora Tack, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Tack and Edward J. Van Laanen were united in marriage at St. Stephen's chapel, at 8 o'clock this morning, Rev. W. J. Rice of St. Stephen's congregation officiating. The attendants were Miss Helen Tack, a sister of the bride, and Thomas F. Lawler. The chapel was decorated with cut flowers, smilax and carnations, the gift of the Young Ladies' Sociality of which the bride was a member. The marriage was private, none being present except relatives and the most intimate friends of the couple.

Dinner was served to the bridal party at 1 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tack, which has also been profusely decorated, and this evening the guests will be entertained with music by Misses Corcoran Gross. Mr. and Mrs. Van Laanen will reside with the parents of the latter, at 603 Strongs Avenue, where they will be at home to their friends after November 1.

Those in attendance from abroad were: Mrs. Edward Stoddard and Mr. Eugene Stoddard; Mrs. George Weheim; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Young; Mr. and Mrs. August Martin of Wausau; Mr. Christ Young of Merrill; Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Tack of Marshfield; Mr. and Mrs. John Aich of Waukesha; Mrs. John Van Laanen of Bay Settlement: Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Van Laanen and son Vance of Green Bay; Mr. Albert Van Laanen of Iron Mountain, Mich.; Mr. Charles Stone of Neenah: and Mrs. Theresa Reischal of Menasha. It was a pleasant coincidence that the day was also the 36th anniversary of the marriage of Mrs. John Van Laanen, mother of the groom, although this was not noticed at the time the date was set, and when the fact was discovered, Mrs. Van Laanen, Sr., was also the recipient of many warm congratulations from those present.

Merryfield - Foster

Reprinted from the Stevens Point Daily Journal, Monday, 18 Oct 1897, front page

Married Sunday Evening

Mrs. Diana Alice Foster was married to Mr. Frank E. Merryfield at the Methodist parsonage at 7 o'clock Sunday evening by Rev. J. H. Tippetts. The witnesses were Mr. And Mrs. Frank E. Halladay of Plover. After the ceremony, the party attended the evening service at the church and as the story of their recent marriage leaked out they became the cynosure of all eyes in the congregation. After church the party went to the home of Mrs. Foster's daughter at 804 Brown Street, where a fine wedding spread was served to a number of invited guests. After a few hours of social chat, the company parted and Mr. and Mrs. Merryfield went to 929 Briggs Street, where they are to reside. The daughter's home and the tables was beautifully trimmed with flowers for the occasion.

Rieschl - Gregotech

Reprinted from the Stevens Point Daily Journal, 11 Oct 1897

Miss Elizabeth Gregotech was married to Joseph Rieschl at St. Joseph Catholic Church this morning by Rev. L. Starostzich. The attendants were Martin Sager and Miss Mary Kommer. The groom is a young man from Colby in which city they will make their future home.

Barth - Christianson

Reprinted from the Stevens Point Daily Journal, 15 Oct 1897

Miss Amy Christianson and Gustave Barth, Jr., both of Dancy, were married by Justice Park this afternoon. Both are prominent young people from the northern part of the county, the groom being the son of the town clerk of Eau Plaine.

Lillie - Murphy

Reprinted from the Stevens Point Gazette, 18 Sep 1895, Front page

Romantic Marriage

There was a marriage last Sunday afternoon, that savors somewhat of romance. Frank Lillie secured a two seated carriage and drove to the home of Daniel Bennett, on S. Third St., where Miss Ella F. Murphy had been making her home with her sister. Soon that young lady was seated in the vehicle, as was also her sister, Miss Alice Murphy. They then drove around on Clark St. and asked Miss Kate Welch to accompany them for a drive, which invitation was readily accepted, the weather being delightful and the dust of the previous two weeks having been effectually laid by the heavy rains of the night before.

A drive to Plover would be over a good road, and when suggested to the last named young lady she agreed it would be just the proper thing. Things went merrily on and when Plover was reached, Frank drove at once to the residence of Rev. Ira S. Eldredge, the Methodist clergyman, where all alighted and entered.

Miss Welch had entertained a faint suspicious for a little while that the drive was an unusual one, but now she was thoroughly convinced. It did not take long for the reverend gentleman to pronounce the solemn words that bound Mr. Lillie and Miss Ella Murphy, "for better or for worse," and the quartette then drove back to the city. The bride's sister had been let into the secret, but Miss Welch is still a little mystified as to just how it happened.

The groom is a resident of Wausau, where he was born and raised, but has made this city his headquarters during the past three years, looking after the lumber interests of Silverthorn & Anderson of Wausau. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Murphy of the North Side, a graduate of our High School, class of '83, and for several years has been engaged as clerk in the bakery of her brother-in-law, Daniel Bennett. Both have many friends whose well wishes will follow them. After a brief wedding tour to Milwaukee and Chicago, they will make their future home at Wausau.

Rice - Warren

Reprinted from the Stevens Point Gazette, 2 Oct 1895, Front page

Chas. W. Rice, of this city and Mrs. Mina C. Warren, of Amherst, were quietly married at the M.E. parsonage last Wednesday evening, Rev. E. W. ReQua conducting the interesting ceremony. Mr. Rice has been a resident of Stevens Point for nearly three years, being employed as brakeman on the Central road between this city and Minneapolis. He is highly spoken of by all who have formed his acquaintance. The bride is a sister of Mrs. Lucy Weston and has made frequent visits to the latter's home on Ellis Street. She is a most excellent lady and will make a good wife. Shortly after the ceremony the newly married couple repaired to their home at 301 East Ave, which had previously been furnished throughout for housekeeping.

Reton - Malone

Reprinted from the Stevens Point Gazette, 16 Oct 1895, Front page

One of Stevens Point's best known young business men will be married at Wausau this afternoon, having started for that city this morning, accompanied by his best man, to take unto himself a bride. The contracting parties are John Reton, junior member of the firm of Reton Bros. & Co., and Miss Lizzie Malone of Wausau. D. J. Leahy and Miss Maggie McAuliffe, both of this city, will act as groomsman and bridesmaid, respectively, and the ceremony will be performed by Rev. P.L. Gaspar, pastor of the Catholic Church. The bride is quite well known to this city, having spent much of her time here during the past couple of years. She is a niece of Mrs. R. J. Houlehan, and as estimable and good as she is pretty and accomplished. The groom has lived in Stevens Point all of his life, is a successful young businessman, having kept up with the growth of the city, and ever enthusiastic to keep to the front. The many friends of both here and elsewhere will join The Gazette in wishing the young couple long continued happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Reton will soon be at home to friends at 810 Main Street, the residence being already furnished throughout for their reception.

Parsons - Camp

Reprinted from the Stevens Point Gazette, 30 Oct 1895, Front page

Married last Thursday at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Baker, 802 Dixon Street, Oct. 24, 1895, Delworth Parsons and Lizzie Camp were joined in wedlock, Elder A. C. Phelps officiating. The contracting parties are both of the city, and are among our most popular and estimable young people. After the ceremony and congratulations had been showered upon the bride and groom by all those present, all were invited to the dining room where a sumptuous and bountiful wedding supper was served, such as would do honor to the queen. The groom is the son of Walter Parsons of the town of Plover and the many friends of himself and the bride will join with the Gazette in extending congratulations.

Vinaski - Gussman

Reprinted from the Stevens Point Gazette, 6 Nov 1895, p. 4

There was an interesting wedding at St. Casimir's Church, in the town of Hull, last Monday morning, the contracting parties being Michael Vinaski and Miss Mary Gussman. John King and Geo. Indroski were the groomsmen and Misses Mamie Podach and Verona Krutza the bridesmaids. A reception followed at the home of the bride's parents and the bridal dance in the evening. She was presented with $110 by the guests in attendance. The groom has been in the employ of W.E. Langenberg at his brick yard for several years and the bride of fifteen years of age is a very pretty young lady.

Putney - Martin

Reprinted from the Stevens Point Gazette, 6 Oct 1895, p. 2

At high noon today, G. W. Putney, of Appleton, and Miss Clara Martin of this city, were married at the home of the bride, 814 Center Ave. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Fred Sherwin, of Omro, an old friend of the bride and the happy pair were attended by two little misses, Hazel Clark, of this city and Zillah Forrest, of Marshfield. Other relatives and intimate friends present from abroad were Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Forest, Marshfield; Mr. and Mrs. Prinkle and daughter, Appleton; Mr. and Mrs. Sherwin, Omro.

The happy pair left for their future home at Appleton on the Green Bay train, this afternoon, and will be at home to friends after the 15 th . The bride is one of Stevens Point's best known and most estimable ladies, a most kind, courteous and pleasant woman, and her friends are numerous as her acquaintances.

"Dolly" Martin, by which name she is better know among friends, has lived in Stevens Point all her life, receiving her education in our public schools, and while the fact that she will make her home elsewhere will be regretted, it is a pleasure to note that she has accepted the hand of a most worthy gentleman, one who is well to do in the world's goods, and they will step into a find home at Appleton. The Gazette extends its congratulations.

Kujawa - Spalenka

Reprinted from The Gazette, November 27, 1895

There was a pretty wedding at St. Peter's church, North Side, at 9 o'clock on Tuesday morning, and at which time a most worthy young couple pledged themselves to live as man and wife until death do part. The contracting parties were Alexander J. Kujawa and Miss Mary Anna Spalenka. Rev. Q. Zielinski adjusted the nuptial knot, and the groomsmen were Paul Pasternacki and Julian Borowski and the Misses Josephine Pasternacki and Anna Spalenka were bridesmaids. Stephen Worzala and John Lukaszevig acted as ushers at the church and the ceremony was witnessed by several hundred friends of the young couple.

Thereafter a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Spalenka, 800 Fourth Ave, and was attended by the relatives and a few of the most intimate friends of the contracting parties, lasting throughout the day and during the early evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Kujawa will make their home with the bride's parents during the winter, to commence housekeeping in the early spring. The groom is a native Stevens Pointer, having been born just beyond the city limits, in the town of Hull, and is a bright, progressive and self-made young man, one whose future is certain to be crowned with success. He is bookkeeper and collector for the First National bank, a member of the Board of Education, and can be relied upon to be found upon the side of right and progression at all times. The bride has made Stevens Point her home for a dozen years, is the possessor of a good education, bright and pretty, and will prove a worthy helpmate. With many friends The Gazette extends its congratulations.

Potter - Woodbury

Reprinted from The Gazette, October 6, 1895

Married, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Woodbury, at Plover, on Friday evening, Oct 4th by Rev. E. P. Rankin, of Stevens Point, Mr. S. S. Potter and Miss Celia Woodbury. Only a few invited guests attended the ceremony, after which a bountiful wedding supper was served and the happy couple took the 9 o'clock Green Bay train for Grand Rapids and Wausau on a short wedding trip, returning Sunday night. They are now living at the home of the bride's parents. The groom, whose home is at Cambridge, Wis., was principal of the Plover schools last year and is holding the same position this year. He is a teacher of marked ability and a perfect gentleman. The bride is one of Plover's brightest young ladies, and will make a good wife.

Hoag - Curtis-Diggler

Reprinted from The Gazette, October 30, 1895

Newman Hoag and Mrs. Jennie P. Diggler were married at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Curtis, 902 Minnesota Ave at 3:00 last Saturday afternoon, rev. E. P. Rankin performing the ceremony. The wedding was strictly private, no one being present excepting the immediate family. The groom is a resident of the town of Stevens Point, a most estimable gentleman, and has made this city his home for many years. The bride has lived here for some time and has many friends in the community and her new relations all wish herself and her husband long continuing happiness.

Cooper - Cram

Reprinted from The Stevens Point Daily Journal, June 20, 1910

Miss Alice Melvina Cram and Eugene Cooper, both well known young people of the Sixth ward, were married at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, June 14, at the home of the bride's father, F. C. Cram, 1117 Church street, by Rev. W. H. Fuller of the Baptist Church. The attendants were Miss Anna Hucke and R. S. Norton. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper left that evening by auto for Grand Rapids, where he is employed in electric work and where they expect to make their future home. The groom is a son of Samuel Cooper of Bancroft.