
2024-2025 Board

President: Jim Walker

Vice-President: Rich Warosh

Secretary: Linda Rollins

Treasurer: Joe Crueger

Newsletter: Sue Goodacre

Website: LuAnn Elsinger

Membership: Carol Gardner

George W. Fleming

Reprinted from "A Standard History of Portage County, Wisconsin" Volume II, pages 380-383.


Among the representatives of pioneer families of Portage County, whose members have assisted in subduing the wilderness and developing this section into a land of plenty and prosperity, one who has been an active factor in agriculture as well as in financial circles is George W. Fleming. He has lived in Amherst sixty-one years, where he is president of the International Bank. He has been active in the civic life of the community, and is thoroughly representative of his pioneer father, a man of sterling character and sturdy nature who was among the first to settle in this part of the county.

George W. Fleming Was born in Eau Pleine Township, Portage County, Wisconsin, March 18, 1855, a son of William V. and Carolina (Wylie) Fleming, and comes of good Scotch ancestry. His paternal grandparents were Thomas and Rachel (Van Hart) Fleming, who in their later years came to Wisconsin to join their children, who had located at Amherst about the year 1855. These children were: Hannah, who became Mrs. William J. Rice; William V.; Maria, who became Mrs. Thompson; Amelia, who became Mrs. Rierson; Harriet, who married Robert Wilson; Phoebe, who married William Wilson; and Benjamin. The maternal grandparents of George W. Fleming were Daniel and Elizabeth (Jarvis) Wylie, the former of whom died in the East, following which his widow married her first husband's brother, Melancton Wylie, and subsequently they became early settlers of Portage County, where for many years they conducted the old Wylie Hotel, a well known stopping-place for the travelers of pioneer days.

William V. Fleming was born at Trenton, New Jersey, August 22, 1819, and as a young man went to Great Bend, Susquehanna County, New York, where he was married to Carolina Wylie, who had been born there. Together they made the journey to Illinois, but Mr. Fleming, who was a shingle weaver by trade, did not find conditions satisfying to him in the Prairie State and decided to seek another and newer field in which to gain his fortune. Accordingly, in 1845, he left his wife and child in Illinois and started out on foot for Portage County. His capital when he started was very small, and by the time he reached Plover it had dwindled down to the sum of fifty cents, but he perseveringly pushed on and eventually reached Stevens Point, where the only structure at that time was the log cabin occupied by Mr. Stevens. There he made a brief stop, and while resting saw several discouraged parties returning from the North, but subsequently saw several parties going in that direction, which made him undecided whether or not to continue his journey. Mr. Fleming lay down underneath a tree on the river bank to think things over. While he was not what is termed a well-educated man, having never gone to school, he was intelligent and practical and not inclined to be superstitious. However, he decided to leave matters to chance. Picking up a stick and letting it fall he went in the direction the stick pointed and accordingly continued his journey and located in the woods in what was Eau Pleine Township and now is the Town of Dewey. There he lived and made shingles for two years, and in the following fall was joined by his wife and one child. When she settled with her husband in the woods Mrs. Fleming was the only white woman between Wausau and Stevens Point.

As Mr. Fleming's finances became better he put up a sawmill on the Little Eau Claire River in the same township, and it was at this location that George W. Fleming was born. The mill was later known as the Peter Le Mieux Mill, and was conducted by William V. Fleming until 1855, at which time he removed with his family to Amherst Township, near the Village of Amherst. He squatted on this land, as it had never been surveyed, but subsequently entered it, this being the first entry of land made in the township. There William V. Fleming passed the remaining years of his life in agricultural pursuits, developing a good property and becoming one of the substantial men of his community. His death occurred in 1887. He had been denied advantages in his youth, but possessed inherent abilities and the power of leadership, so that he was an influential man, in his community. While he was still living north of Stevens Point, in the woods, he became a member of the first board of county commissioners, which at that time consisted of but three members, there being but three townships in the county. Later he was many times chairman of Amherst Township, and his fellow citizens showed their confidence in him by electing him to a number of other offices. He was always an active republican. He was active also in the organization of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Amherst, the first church in the village, and for years was one of its mainstays. Mrs. Fleming, a devout Christian woman of many virtues, survived her husband until 1906, and died in the faith of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which she had been a life member. She and her husband were the parents of five children: Mellicent, who died as the wife of W. W. Sherwin; Wilhelmina, who died as Mrs. D. A. Barton; Rachel, who became Mrs. A. Howes; George W.; and Carrie, who was born on the farm in Amherst Township, and who died as the wife of F. E. Purple.

The educational advantages secured by George W. Fleming were those afforded by the district schools of Amherst Township during the short winter terms, his summers being passed in assisting his father in clearing and developing the home farm. Later, with the elder man, he lumbered on the Wolf River for seven or eight years, and they were associated together in business at the time of William V. Fleming's death. George W. Fleming continued to follow the lumber business in connection with agriculture until about 1897, when he gave up the former to give all his attention to farming, in which he has made a signal success as a dairyman and potato grower. His 330 acres are finely cultivated, and have been improved by large and substantial buildings, attractive and well placed, while the latest machinery and equipment are used, and modern methods are the order of procedure. The present farm home was built in 1887, and Mr. Fleming resided therein until 1917, when he built his present handsome home in the Village of Amherst, into which he moved in the fall of that year. Mr. Fleming assisted in the organization of the International Bank at Amherst, the first and only bank of the village, and has been a member of the board of directors since its inception. He was the third man to become president, and has held that office for a considerable number of years. It has become known as one of the sound and reliable institutions of the county, and its patronage is large, particularly among the farming class.

Mr. Fleming was married December 21, 1882, to Miss Annie Carter, who was born at Berlin, Wisconsin, daughter of Enoch Chellis and Sarah Jane (Boss) Carter, the former a native of New Hampshire and the latter of New York State. Her parents were early settlers of Wisconsin, Mr. Carter first being a merchant at Berlin and later becoming the first telegraph operator at Fort Howard, where he was employed by the Northwestern Railway. He died at that point when his daughter was only three years of age. Mr. Carter was one of the prime movers in securing a telegraph line between Ripon and Berlin, and the newspapers of that period were complimentary in their statements regarding his achievements in this direction. His wife survived him only five years. The maternal grandparents of Mrs. Fleming were William E. and Caroline (Carpenter) Boss, the latter a native af England who came to the United States at the age af eleven years and met and married Mr. Boss in the East. During the '60s they came to Portage County, Wisconsin, and here died in the vicinity of Amherst where they had been engaged in agricultural pursuits. Mrs. Fleming after the death of her parents lived with E. P. Royce of Escanaba, Michigan, until her marriage in 1882. To Mr. and Mrs. Fleming there was born one daughter: Eva-Ray, born January 14, 1887, married Garth W. Cate, son of A. G. Cate, and died at Phoenix, Arizona, August 13, 1910. She was born on the old homestead farm, where she was reared, and received good educational advantages.

Mr. Fleming has always taken a good citizen's interest in public matters and has been a supporter of movements which have promised to be of benefit to his community. He has never been an office seeker, but as a man of intelligence, ability and substantiality has earned the confidence of his fellow-citizens, who have elected him to various local offices, and on several occasions he has acted in the capacity of township chairman. His record in office is an excellent one. Mr. Fleming's interest in fraternalism is evidenced by his thirty-five years of membership in the lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows at Amherst, and his like period of membership in the Masonic Lodge at Waupaca. During a long and uniformly successful career it has been his fortune to have made the most of the opportunities that have presented themselves and to utilize them in such a way as to bring credit upon himself, his community and the honorable name that he bears.

Frank Pierce Guyant

Reprinted from "A Standard History of Portage County, Wisconsin" Volume II, pages 385-386.


One of the best known names in the citizenship of Portage County is that of Guyant. For at least half a century the name has been identified with the farm life of the county. Within recent years two members of the family have held the office of sheriff, Frank Pierce Guyant and his son both having been thus officially honored. Frank P. Guyant owns one of the large and well ordered farms of Belmont Township, and aside from his early work as a woodsman and his service in official positions farming has been his steady vocation for a long period of years.

Mr. Guyant was born in Oswego County, New York, August 13, 1852. His paternal grandfather served as a soldier in the Revolutionary war. His parents were Elbert and Loranna (Bordon) Guyant. His father was born in New York State in 1803 and his mother in Canada in 1813. Elbert Guyant by his first wife, a Miss Warner, had four children, named Gus, Octave, Hobart and James. Elbert and Loranna Guyant were married in Oswego County, New York, and in 1856 came west to Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin. His wife died there in 1861 and he passed away in 1870. He was a carpenter and joiner by trade, but also had a farm in Fond du Lac County. He was a democrat in politics and a member of the Universalist Church. He and his second wife had four children, named Henry, Frank P., Bert and Edward.

Frank Pierce Guyant acquired his early education in the public schools of Fond du Lac County. When he was thirteen years old he left home and after that depended upon his own resources and industry to get ahead in the world. He came to Stevens Point in 1867 and for twelve years made his home with Jack and Moses Finch, well known citizens of that time. During those years he was engaged in the lumber woods and on the river as a lumber jack and raftsman. In 1883 Mr. Guyant bought a farm of 240 acres where John Peterson now lives, and sold it ten years later. He then bought his present fine place in Belmont Township in sections 1, 2, 11 and 12. He has 200 acres, and a quarter a century of his ownership and management has sufficed to bring it into a splendid state of cultivation and improvement. He keeps a herd of high grade Holstein and Guernsey cattle and is still active in the harness as a farmer.

His political affiliation has always been with the democratic party, and his duties as sheriff occupied him at the county seat during 1907-08 and again during 1911-12. Since retiring from office he has devoted all his time and attention to his farm. He is affiliated with the Modern Woodmen of America.

October 31, 1878, Mr. Guyant married Miss Mary E. Bucknell. She was born in Winnebago County, Wisconsin, June 20, 1856, daughter of John and Jane (Housum) Bucknell. Her parents were born and married in England and came to the United States as their wedding trip. They lived in Winnebago County about three years and in 1856, shortly after the birth of their daughter Mary, moved to Waupaca County. Her father owned a good farm in that county and died there in 1914, at the age of eighty-four. John Bucknell was of long lived and very sturdy stock. His father died in England at the age of ninety. John Bucknell when eighty-three years of age husked 1,200 bushels of corn and thus his usefulness ended only with life itself. His wife died in 1909, at the age of seventy-nine. John Bucknell and wife had the following children: Joseph, of Waupaca County; Mary E; Jennie, who married Edward Guyant, a brother of Frank P.; George, who is unmarried and lives on the old home farm in Waupaca County; Ann, who married William Kent, of Portage County and lives at Morrill, Nebraska; Alice, who is unmarried and lives with her brother George on the old farm; William, who also occupies part of the homestead.

Mr. and Mrs. Guyant are the parents of three children: Elma A., who was born August 13, 1879, was educated in the public schools and the Stevens Point State Normal, was a teacher for several years, and is now living with her parents, widow of Guy Lyons. She is the mother of three children, Hazel, Belma and Robert. Merrill Guyant, who was born April 29, 1882, had a public school education, and for ten years was under sheriff of Portage County, part of the time under his father and also under Sheriff Kubisak. Later he was elected and served as sheriff of the county during 1915-16, and is still living at Stevens Point. He married Alice Miller, formerly a trained nurse. Cole Franklin Guyant, the youngest of the family, was born July 27, 1889, was educated in the public schools of Belmont Township and married Bessie Sawyer, daughter of Mr. Don W. Sawyer. They have one child, Verna.

Herman H. Hoffman

Reprinted from "A Standard History of Portage County, Wisconsin" Volume II, pages 481-483.

HERMAN H. HOFFMAN, president of the Village of Amherst Junction, is a citizen of mature years, of wide experience, and has done much for himself and family and also for the community. He served as a good soldier during the rebellion, and after the war applied himself for many years industriously and with a fair measure of profit to the business of farming in Portage County. His home has been in this county for more than half a century.

Mr. Hoffman is a native of Prussia, Germany, where he was born April 1, 1844. His parents, John G. and Christina (Exner) Hoffman, were both natives of Prussia. In 1856, when Herman was twelve years of age, the family immigrated to America and first lived in Jefferson County, Wisconsin. In the fall of 1859 they moved to Amherst Township of Portage County, trading their old place in Jefferson County for new land in Portage County. This latter place was east of Nelsonville. John G. Hoffman lived there until his death on June 8, 1886. His wife died November 7, 1884, at the age of sixty-seven. They have four children: Herman H., Gustav A., Mary, and Ida, deceased. John G. Hoffman improved and developed a good farm of 160 acres in Portage County, cleared much of it himself, and in course of time replaced the old log buildings with substantial structures in the way of houses and barns, all of which were most creditable to his enterprise and long continued labors.

Herman H. Hoffman, as already indicated, was twelve years of age when brought to America by his parents. He had received most of his schooling in the old country, and he came to manhood with practically no knowledge of the English language except the ability to use some of the more common words in speech. He was twenty years old when October 20, 1864, he enlisted at LaCrosse, Wisconsin, in Company E of the Seventh Wisconsin Infantry. It was in the army that the need for an English education was forcibly brought home to him. He wanted to send some message home, and for that purpose sought out his most intimate comrade, asking him to write a letter. This comrade he discovered was unable to write and Mr. Hoffman realized that his deficiency was not only working a present hardship so far as communication with home and friends was concerned, but the same might prove a permanent bar to his advancement in a business way. He therefore determined without loss of time to acquire a knowledge of the English language. Of course his early education in the German tongue served him to good purpose, and he began reading newspapers and books even without understanding what he read and practiced writing on every scrap of paper he could find about the camp. Thus he largely educated himself by self application and his war experience was really his principal school after coming to America. That in no wise prevented him from serving capably as a soldier. He was with his regiment on all duties until honorably discharged July 3, 1865. The captain of his company, William H. Gildersleeve, wrote on the back of his discharge a very complimentary note saying that Mr. Hoffman had been a most faithful soldier under all circumstances, and that on one occasion he had left the hospital at his own volition and joined the regiment on hearing that his comrades had received marching orders.

Immediately after his return from the war Mr. Hoffman returned to Portage County and bought 160 acres in Amherst Township. It was totally wild land and his own labors cleared and improved it. He was one of the leading farmers of the township until he retired to Amherst Junction in 1904. At his home in the village he now has 2 ½ lots of ground and combines some of the comforts and conveniences of the country with those of town.

On September 27, 1867, Mr. Hoffman married Miss Margaret Rothlander. She was born in Bavaria, Germany, September 20, 1849, daughter of Andrew and Magdeline (Weisensee) Rothlander. Her parents came from Bavaria in 1857, arriving at Amherst in the fall of that year, and locating in Stockton Township of Portage County, on a farm two miles southwest of Amherst Junction. Her father continued an active farmer in that community until his death on February 17, 1899, at the venerable age of eighty-three. Her mother died April 1, 1882, aged sixty-six. Mrs. Hoffman was one of only two children that grew up, her sister being Sophia. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman have been married fully half a century. They became the parents of a large family of nine children: William Frederick, deceased; Henrietta, wife of Edwin P. Tobie, who is now farm manager of the Hoffman farm; Milo who died in infancy; Henry H., of Amherst Junction; Ada, wife of Bernard Waller, of New Hope Township, Portage County; Mary, wife of Chester Aldridge, of Amherst; Grant, deceased; Leslie, living at Wausau, Wisconsin; and Ruby, a resident of Amherst.

Mr. Hoffman has again and again been honored with positions of trust and responsibility, indicating the high esteem in which he is held by his fellow citizens. He served as side supervisor of the township and also township chairman and was village supervisor before his election to his present office as village president. He has been a member of the Soldiers Relief Commission of Portage County since the commission was established and is now its chairman. In 1895 he represented Portage County in the State Legislature, and whether in the discharge of his responsibilities at the state capital or at home, has always shown that competence and honesty which are the prime prerequisites of efficient public service. He has always been an active republican, has been a member of the Grand Army Post since 1876 and is past commander of the post at Amherst, and is also a charter member of Amherst Lodge, No. 274, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, which was organized in October, 1877. He has served as president of the Stockton Fire Insurance Company of Portage County and is now president of the Old Settlers Club.

George M. Houlehan, D. D. S.

Reprinted from "A Standard History of Portage County, Wisconsin" Volume II, pages 393-394.

It is scarcely believable that in the present enlightened days, in any remote community may yet be found one of the old fashioned dentists, those mighty wielders of the forceps whose reputations were largely founded on their strength in their professional work rather than their skill. In the days of our fathers, "going to the dentist" was a matter of fearful resolve, and only undertaken after the failure of every domestic remedy. Along no line of surgical science have more vital discoveries been made than in dentistry. They have revealed the fact that in the preservation of the teeth largely rests the conservation of health, and that it is to the dentist instead of the doctor that nine-tenths of the mysteriously ailing should apply for cure. The modern dentist, with his sensitive fingers, his mathematical talent for exactness, his proverbial patience and his scientifically acquired knowledge, which includes a course in medicine, works in his sanitary office with scientifically perfect tools and preparations, and practically without pain, does wonders for his patients. At present, in the United States, he is not only engaged, outside his private practice, in giving advice and professional services in the school-children's clinic, but belongs to hundreds of units that have answered the call, even from beyond the sea, for his invaluable help in making whole his country's brave fighting men.

Among the professional men well and widely known at Stevens Point, Wisconsin, not one stands higher either professionally or personally, than Dr. George M. Houlehan, dental surgeon, who has spent the larger part of his mature life in practice here. He was born in Taycheedah Township, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, April 16, 1867. His parents were James and Margaret (O'Connor) Houlehan. They were natives of Ireland and were among the early settlers in Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, where the father followed farming until 1887, when he removed his family to Stevens Point. Here both father and mother died, the former on November 2, 1893, when aged eighty years, and the latter on December 10, 1903, being in her seventy-sixth year. Seven of their family of eight children are living, Dr. George M. being the youngest. They were highly respected residents of this city and were faithful members of the Roman Catholic Church.

George M. Houlehan obtained his early education in Fond du Lac County and after completing the public school course, entered the Northwestern College of Dental Surgery, Chicago, and practiced to some degree at Stevens Point even before he was creditably graduated, receiving at that time the Lake Forest University gold medal. Since 1892 Doctor Houlehan has been in active practice here, maintaining his well equipped office at No. 448 ½ Main Street. He has the distinction of being the oldest dentist here, in length of practice. He has always kept abreast of the times in his profession, taking a past graduate course in Lane College, attending clinics when opportunity has offered and reading the best of professional literature.

Doctor Houlehan was married May 6, 1891, to Miss Matilda Khusmeyer, of Lombard, Illinois, who died at Stevens Point, November 23, 1914. Two sons were born to them, Forest George and Alfred R. Forest George was graduated from high school and the Commercial Course at Bourbonnais, near Kankakee, Illinois, where he carried off the honors of the commercial course class, receiving the gold medal for proficiency. He is a member of the National Army, being sergeant of Battery E, One Hundred and Twentieth Field Artillery, now stationed at Waco, Texas. His younger brother, Alfred R, is equally patriotic and is a member of the same battery. Alfred R. spent one year at St. Thomas' Military School, and both he and brother were graduated from St. Viator College, Bourbonnais, Illinois. They are young men of sterling character and have the warm esteem of their comrades, the high regard of their superiors and the admiration and good wishes of all the worthy people of Stevens Point.

Doctor Houlehan is identified quite prominently with several of the representative fraternal organizations of the country. He belongs to the Catholic Knights of Wisconsin, to the Catholic Order of Foresters, to the Knights of Columbus and to the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. In the last named order he is past exalted ruler of Lodge No. 641, and was the delegate sent from Wisconsin to the National convention of Elks that met at Atlantic City.

Frank M. Glennon

Reprinted from "A Standard History of Portage County, Wisconsin" Volume II, pages 399-400.

The mercantile interests of Stevens Point are important and they engage the attention of business men of keen intellect and sound financial understanding. One of the leading merchants here is Frank M. Glennon, whose impressive business house is situated on Main Street, a fine building 30 by 180 feet in dimensions with ground floor space covering Nos. 436 and 438. Mr. Glennon is a native of Portage County and through his numerous business connections is known throughout its extent.

Frank M. Glennon was born at Stevens Point, Wisconsin, September 25, 1869. His parents were James and Julia (Fleming) Glennon, and farther back the ancestry belonged to Ireland. In early boyhood he attended the parochial school and later, while partly providing for his own necessities by selling newspapers and making himself generally useful, he completed the public school course. He then accepted a position as clerk in a dry goods store and continued as such for seventeen years, during this time securing a sound understanding of merchandise values and business methods. In 1903 Mr. Glennon bought the interest of John Rothman in the dry goods firm of Moll & Rothman, since which time the style has been Moll Glennon Company, and since its incorporation Mr. Glennon has been secretary and treasurer of the firm, Mr. Moll being president and Charles E. Blodgett, of Marshfield, Wisconsin, being vice president. This firm is one of the sound and representative business houses of Portage County, both collectively and individually, and its standing in the general commercial field ranks it with concerns in much larger cities. An extensive business is done in dry goods and ready to wear garments, the choice and selection of which are guided by ripe mercantile experience.

Mr. Glennon was married in 1902 to Miss Anna Plicka, who was born in the City of Chicago, where her father died. Her mother, Mrs. Anna Plicka, resides with Mr. and Mrs. Glennon. They have two children, a son, Kenneth, who is seven years old, and a daughter, Florence, who is five years old. The family home is the handsome residence standing at No. 639 Main Street, Stevens Point. A member of St. Stephen's Roman Catholic Church, Mr. Glennon is a liberal contributor to its many branches of benevolent work, is not only helpful in this way but is ever ready to assist in furthering humanitarian movements that concern the whole world.

In political sentiment Mr. Glennon has always been a democrat but has never had any desire to hold public office, although from many standpoints no more effective training for public usefulness can be found than in the business field. He is an active member of the Commercial Commerce Club, the Retail Merchants Association and the Rotary Club, and fraternally is identified with the Catholic Order of Foresters and the Knights of Columbus.

Ernest E. Ingle

Reprinted from "A Standard History of Portage County, Wisconsin" Volume II, pages 398-399.

A comparatively recent addition to the progressive class of citizenship at Almond is Ernest E. Ingle, who came here to reside permanently and to take an active part in affairs in 1913. During the period that has elapsed since his arrival and the present he has been an active factor in promulgating and supporting many things which have worked out for the public benefit, and through the columns of his live and constantly growing newspaper, the Portage County Press, has done much to make outside communities acquainted with what this thriving little city is accomplishing and to spur his fellow-townsmen on to still greater efforts.

Mr. Ingle was born on a farm in Rock Township, Wood County, Wisconsin, February 9, 1887, and is a son of Charles and Ellen (Van) Ingle, both of whom were born in the East. His father, who was a son of English parents, passed his life in agricultural pursuits, having at different times owned properties in various communities, but did not live to see his industrious efforts bear much fruit, as he passed away when still in middle life, or about 1900, when his son was thirteen years of age. His death occurred on his farm in Waushara County, whence he had removed from Wood County, and at his death he left five children. His widow remarried and survived until 1909, passing away at Stevens Point.

The public schools of Plainfield, Wisconsin, furnished Ernest E. Ingle with his early education, and he was brought up on the farm, but the agricultural life did not appeal to his energetic nature, and in casting about for some more congenial vocation settled upon the printer's trade. He was about eighteen years of age when he started to learn this occupation, in an office at Plainfield, and when he had once mastered his trade he became a journeyman printer and for some years went from place to place, as is the wont of most young printers during the early years of their allegiance to this business. Finally, after he had gained much experience both profitable and otherwise, he and his partner started a newspaper in North Dakota, which was known as the Slope County News, but his connection with this sheet did not last a long time, when he sold out to other parties, the paper still being in existence there. On January 1, 1913, Mr. Ingle came to Almond, where he purchased the stock and good will of the Press Publishing Company, which had been established at this point some years before. Since that time he has been engaged in a general printing business, and also prints the Portage County Press, of which he is editor and publisher. This is a weekly publication which has a good circulation at Almond and in the southern part of Portage County, as well as in other communities, and is a neatly printed sheet, well edited and including live news matter and numerous interesting features. Mr. Ingle has kept his paper clean and reliable, and in this way has attracted the confidence and appreciation of the public, as well as of the advertising men of this community, the Press being well supported in the latter direction by merchants and professional men.

Mr. Ingle was married September 26, 1909, to Miss Ethel Elwood, of Almond, daughter of Charles H. Elwood. They have no children. Mr. Ingle is active in various avenues of affairs at Almond and is a man who touches life on many sides. He is interested fraternally in the Modern Woodmen of America and the Masons, and he and Mrs. Ingle are popular members of the Order of the Eastern Star and supporters of movements in the Methodist Episcopal Church. He has accepted his share of the responsibilities of citizenship and has served faithfully and capably as a member of the village board for two years and as clerk of the school board for four years.

John J. Heffron

Reprinted from "A Standard History of Portage County, Wisconsin" Volume II, page 403.

A worthy representative of the keen, clearheaded and progressive business men of Stevens Point, John J. Heffron, an extensive dealer in real estate, has been a conspicuous factor in the upbuilding of this part of the state, having bought, platted and built upon lands in both Portage and Marathon counties, his operations in that direction having been extensive and of benefit not only to himself but to the communities wherein he has labored. A son of the late Matthew Heffron, he was born in Portage County, Wisconsin, April 11, 1865, coming from honored Irish ancestry.

Born in Kilkenny, Ireland, Matthew Heffron came to Portage County, Wisconsin in 1848, poor in pocket but rich in energy and ambition. He began work as a farm laborer, and being industrious and thrifty was enabled ere many years had passed to buy a tract of land in Portage County. Very successful as an agriculturist, he bought more land from time to time, at his death having a well improved farm of 340 acres, lying in Stockton Township. He married in Portage County Katharine Regan, who was born in Cork, Ireland, and as child came with her parents to Wisconsin. Children were born of their union as follows: Martin; Kate; Daniel W.; Nora; John J.; Bridget, deceased; Mary, who died at the age of five years; and Lizzie. Bridget, the sixth child, married, and died in Aberdeen, South Dakota, leaving one son, who is living with his father, W. McHugh, in South Dakota and three daughters. One daughter, Agnes, teaches in the State Normal School and another daughter, Mary, is a teacher in the schools at Grand Rapids, this state.

Brought up on the parental homestead, John J. Heffron was educated in the public schools, and under his father's tutelage acquired a practical knowledge of agriculture. As a young man he attended the State Normal School at Oshkosh, and later taught school for a year. In 1891, preferring an active rather than professional career, he embarked in the real estate business, making his first sale of farm land in October of that year. Encouraged by his first attempt in that line, Mr. Heffron continued his operations, and since that time has, perhaps, sold as many pieces of farm property as any real estate dealer in Portage County. He established the Village of Heffron in Belmont Township, Portage County, erecting 125 houses in the place; he also built forty houses in Knowlton, Marathon County; and in addition to those mentioned has put up about forty houses in Portage County. Mr. Heffron came from his farm to Stevens Point in 1900, opening an office at 313 Clark Street, and, as can be judged from his extensive real estate dealings, has built up a profitable business.

Mr. Heffron married, November 10, 1892, Miss Mary E. McHugh, of Stockton Township, and they have had three children, namely: Harold, deceased; Pearl M.; and John J., Jr. An active and influential member of the democratic party, Mr. Heffron served two years as alderman. Religiously he is a member of the Catholic Church. Fraternally he belongs to the Knights of Columbus and to the Catholic Order of Foresters.

Hugh C. Elliott

Reprinted from "A Standard History of Portage County, Wisconsin" Volume II, pages 417-418.

HUGH C. ELLIOTT is a railroad man, young in years but a veteran in experience, and in the performance of his duties as a locomotive engineer on the Soo line came to Stevens Point two or three years ago and has made himself an interested and public spirited factor in that community, where he is well known.

Mr. Elliott is a native of Wisconsin, born in Eau Claire August 14, 1882, son of Hugh M. and Olivia (Curtis) Elliott. His maternal grandmother, Isabel Curtis, a second time a widow, is still living at the age of ninety years, a resident of Chippewa Falls. Hugh M. Elliott was born in New York State in 1847 and his wife was born in 1852. When a young man he moved to Wisconsin and settled at Eau Claire, clerked in a store there, married, and for many years had charge of the Valley Lumber Company. He is now living retired. He is a member of the Masonic Order. He and his wife had five children, all living, named Jay W., Joseph, Hugh C., Laura Belle and Byron Curtis.

Hugh C. Elliott was educated in the public schools of Eau Claire and from high school went to work as an employee of the American Express Company in the Eau Claire offices. He was with the express company about seven years. His ambition was to get into the active operating department of the railway, and his first experience in that line was as fireman for six months on a railroad running out of Omaha. Then for a year and a half he was connected with the John S. Owen Lumber Company, and in June, 1910, became connected with the Soo line as a locomotive fireman, and in 1916 had the satisfaction of promotion to the post of engineer and is now driving one of the leading trains on the Soo out of Stevens Point. Mr. Elliott resides at 446 Church Street in Stevens Point. He is affiliated with Eau Claire Lodge No. 112, Free and Accepted Masons, is a republican in politics and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In March, 1909, he married Miss Cressie Carter, of Owen, Wisconsin. They have one son, Hugh Carter Elliott, born April 24, 1910.

John A. Ennor

Reprinted from "A Standard History of Portage County, Wisconsin" Volume II, page 763.

John A. Ennor is a Portage County Resident widely known over Wisconsin because of his exceptional talent in the artistic field. He is a photographer who learned his profession nearly forty years ago, has conducted studios and operated traveling photographic cars for many years, and is now especially well known in illustrated lecture work, and spends part of each year traveling as a platform entertainer.

Mr. Ennor was born in Apple River, Illinois, November 17, 1861. After getting his education in the public schools of his native town he went to work to learn photography when about seventeen years old. A few years later he was in business for himself, and after about ten years as a traveling photographer located at Neillsville, Wisconsin. In 1890 he came to Stevens Point and conducted one of the high class studios of the city until 1906. For some years he also operated a private photographic car, and in resent years has practically confined his business to illustrated lecture work. Mr. Ennor has had his home at 402 Fremont Street for the last twenty-two years. He is a republican in politics and a member of the Presbyterian Church.

In 1885 Mr. Ennor married Miss Sidney Woodward. She was born at Highland in Iowa County, Wisconsin, August 17, 1866, daughter of Thomas and Ann (Parry) Woodward. Her father was born in England in 1804 and her mother in Wales in 1831. Thomas Woodward had a half brother, Thomas Dolphin, who was at one time Speaker of the House of Commons in England. Thomas Woodward came to America when a young man and was a California forty-niner. He was married at Hyland, Wisconsin, and lived there as a farmer until his death in 1878. His widow lived at Hyland until about 1898, and spent the rest of her years in Stevens Point, where she died in 1912. Mrs. Ennor was one of four children: Thomas, deceased; Hannah; Sidney; and Emma, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Ennor have two very talented children, a daughter and a son. Mabel is a graduate of the State Normal School, also of the Wisconsin Conservatory of Music at Milwaukee, of the Chicago Musical College, and has taken other courses in the Chicago Art Institute and in the Columbia University. She is now teacher and supervisor of music and art in the public schools of Stevens Point. The son, LeRoy, was educated in the State Normal, studied music in Chicago, and has been a teacher of music. At the present time he is engaged in candy manufacture at Chicago.

Martin Heffron

Reprinted from "A Standard History of Portage County, Wisconsin" Volume II, pages 579-580.

Martin Heffron is a Portage County farmer who has not contented himself entirely with the routine handling of lands and crops and livestock. If there is a business farmer in Portage County it is Mr. Heffron. Everything he undertakes is done in a businesslike way, with an efficiency above the average. He is one of the principal dairymen of Stockton Township, and during his lifetime has played many parts and every one effectively. Some of the positions of public responsibility in his locality have been given him successively for so many years that his friends have almost lost track of a time when he was not thus honored.

Mr. Heffron was born in Stockton Township on the old Heffron homestead October 22, 1855. He is a son of Matthew Heffron, and is a brother of John J Heffron of Stevens Point one of the leading real estate men of that city. Concerning the establishment of the family here in pioneer times, and many other interesting particulars, the reader is referred to other items on other pages of this publication.

Martin Heffron grew up on the home farm, had a public school education, and since reaching his majority has been busied with many private and public interests. For about fifteen years he was associated with his brother John in the real estate business. Probably no other man is better informed on conditions in Portage County as a potato production center than Mr. Heffron. When a very young man he was associated with Charles Brady of Buena Vista in potato dealing and together they erected the first potato warehouse at Bancroft.

Besides owning the old Heffron homestead Mr. Heffron some years ago bought the old John Linn farm of 220 acres just across the road from the Heffron farm. The Linn farm contains 200 acres of dry land and twenty acres of marsh and 175 acres are under the plow. Mr. Heffron has done much to improve this land in various ways, has erected one of the fine modern country residences, also a tenant house, and the old Linn home was constructed many years ago. He believes thoroughly in the practical value of the silo as an adjunct of cattle feeding, and owns two of those preservers. He also has substantial barns and everything is arranged and equipped for the utmost efficiency in handling stock. Mr. Heffron has milked as many as thirty head of cows, and is the largest patron of the Stockton creamery. His cows are high grade Holsteins, some of which have met the highest standards of the milk test and general productiveness and all around quality.

In politics Mr. Heffron is a democrat. When he was twenty-one years old he was elected township clerk, and held that office successively for twelve years. The office which has known him longest is that of school treasurer of district No. 7 in Stockton Township. He was elected treasurer of the district when he was twenty-one and has now held it for an aggregate period of forty-two years, a record which is probably unequaled in any other county of the state. Mr. Heffron is a member of the Catholic Church and is affiliated with the Knights of Columbus.

In 1899 he married Miss Ellen Dawson who was born in Stockton Township in 1865 daughter of Michael and Catherine Dawson, early settlers of that township, now deceased. Mrs. Heffron was well educated in the public schools, also in the State Normal, and was one of the county's popular teachers for a number of years.

Mr. Heffron served three years as a member of the County School Board of Education, until the law affecting that office was changed. For four years he was a member and director of the Amherst Telephone Company. It is only stating the truth to say that Mr. Heffron has one of the best farms in Stockton Township, some of the best buildings, and his own work as a farmer is completely consistent with the equipment he possesses and uses.