
2024-2025 Board

President: Jim Walker

Vice-President: Rich Warosh

Secretary: Linda Rollins

Treasurer: Joe Crueger

Newsletter: Sue Goodacre

Website: LuAnn Elsinger

Membership: Carol Gardner


From Our County Our Story by Malcolm Rosholt is the chapter "The Advance of Education."

From History and Memories: Portage County, Belmont Township by Wayne A. Guyant is the chapter on schools in Belmont Township.

The May 6, 1974 edition of the Stevens Point Journal contained an article on Old Schoolhouses from the Amherst area.

School Directory of Portage County 1926 - 1927

School Reports - City - 1887
School Reports - Plover and Lanark - 1887
School Reports - Stockton and Amherst - 1887
Stevens Point High School - First Five Graduating Classes (1881-1885)
Stevens Point High School Class of 1912
Teacher Certificates - Portage County - 1878
Teachers and Salaries - Stevens Point Schools - 1896

Keene School - circa 1908 (with children named)
Maine School - circa 1905 (with children named)

School Photos - Can you help identify these schools and/or name these students? If so, please email us using the Contact Us link above on the left.
Unknown School 1
Unknown School 2
Unknown School 3
Casimir School 1956    (larger file)
Casimir School 1958