Town of Hull: 1858 - 1958
Directory Of Officials and A Brief History
- Compiled by Myron M. Felckowski, 2003
The information contained within was compiled from the following:
- Town of Hull
- Book of Clerk Records from 1855 - 1870
- Two Books of Clerk Records dated March 28, 1934 to March 31, 1943 but in fact contain records from 1927 to 1960
- Portage County Library
- Microfilm records of newspapers
- The Gazette
- Stevens Point Weekly Journal
- Stevens Point Daily Journal
- Portage County Historical Society
- University of Wisconsin Stevens Point
- Nelis R. Kampenga University Archives
- Book of Town of Hull Clerk Records from 1887 - 1895 with parts till 1900
- Book of 1896 titled Portage County Director
NOTE: Original spelling retained from source records.
It was during the decade between 1850 and 1860 that most of the towns in Portage County were organized: Eau Pleine in 1851; Almond and Amherst in 1852; Stockton in 1855; Pine Grove, New Hope, Linwood, Lanark and Belmont in 1856; Hull in 1858 and Sharon in 1859. Stevens Point was incorporated as a city in 1858.
Since its inception, the town of Hull’s boundaries have been as fluid as the waters of Jordan Pond, which forms a permanent border on the east end of the town. The city of Stevens Point and surrounding municipalities have mercilessly taken pieces and chunks of the town for the more than 130 years of Hull’s existence. Choice town of Hull land still is coveted by Stevens Point.
On Nov. 12, 1858, organization of the town of Hull was approved and was to include several sections in towns 24 and 25 in ranges 8 and 9. Before an election was held, though, the Portage County Board of Supervisors changed its mind and gave Hull three more sections in town 23, range 8, according to Malcolm Rosholt’s book “Our County Our Story.”
A year later, those three sections were given to Plover. A large portion of Hull also was taken that year to form the town of Sharon.
In November 1860, a number of sections to the north and east of the city of Stevens Point were taken from the city and attached to Hull,” according to “Our County Our Story.”
It was almost four decades before several sections in town 25, range 9 were detached from Hull and given to Sharon. Two other towns were taken to form the town of Dewey in 1899. Hull was compensated by annexing several sections in town 24, range 7 east of the Wisconsin River, which formerly had been part of the town of Stevens Point, Rosholt tells in his book. Hull’s makeup also has changed. Probably named after Hull, England, the town originally was settled by Englishmen. Polish settlers have since replaced them.
Jordan, A Pioneer Village
In the May 12, 1856 issue of THE PINERY a column capitalizes ‘NEW JORDAN’ in bold type and goes on to say “Where is that? About 5 miles N.E. of Stevens Point on the beautiful Plover River. It is the same as has been formerly known as McGreer’s Mills. One of the finest waterpowers of all the region, being now well improved by the erection of some two or three good saw mills, and a small grist mill. Business is centering there, and a village is springing up almost before the owners themselves are aware of it. It is a good point, and cannot fail of a population herewith”.
That there was an honest-to-goodness village there is further proved by this comment in General A. G. Ellis’ Handbook of Stevens Point and the Upper Wisconsin, written in 1857. He says: “Jordan is the name of the new village on the Plover River. At present there are some forty buildings of which 23 are dwellings. The rest are out-buildings, barns and mills. It has a population of 165. Here is located the extensive sawmill of the Wisconsin Lumber Company (Wells and Mason). There is a grocery store, blacksmith shop, and match factory.
Twenty-three dwellings means men, women, and children. THE PINERY relates the Sunday-school up-bringing of the children under Anselm Vaughan and Alonzo Streeter - describes the fervent patriotism of the community when the Civil War was hardly a year old notes “a brief but eloquent speech(??) by Wilson Muzzey, who presided at a Civil War Nite as ‘the best of the occasion” and tells of a prize-fight to delight the rough and hardy men that worked and lived there, ‘the best we have ever witnessed (??) said the sports-reporter (the editor of THE PINERY) though it was all over in 54 minutes. Such personal stories clothe with flesh the people whose names we know - the MeGreers, the Muzzeys, the Vaughans, the Robert Maines, the Wadleighs, the Walkers, and later the Van Orders.
While there apparently is no formal record of a platted area on the west side of the river, both dwellings and business places were established there. It is quite possible the residence of Hugh McGreer was there. Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors, Vol.1, note: "The first Town meeting (Hull) to be held at the house of Hugh McGreer on the 1st Monday in April. 1857". The first school was located in the southeast corner of this forty and Our County Our Story states that a grocery store operated by F. W. Muzzey who was the first postmaster for the Post Office of ‘Hull’ was in the very southeast corner of this same forty. These buildings were later owned by the Marchels, Chryst Marchel serving as the last postmaster in 1903.
It was almost 30 years that the village existed, gradually declining as the lumbering, which was its life-blood, ceased.
Stevens Point Daily Journal, Friday April 8, 1898 -
The Patriarch of Jordan Wilson Muzzy, one of the oldest residents of the county
in point of years and settlement, died at his home in Jordan, town of Hull. He
came to this state with his family 42 years ago and after a year’s residence
in southern Wisconsin came to Jordan where he has been engaged in farming and
lumbering continuously ever since.
The Gazette, April 13, 1898 -
Called Hence Mr. Muzzy was a large, powerful man, a familiar figure to all, and was universally respected.
Clerk Records from 1855 - 1870
2 Sep 1855
Road surveys for the Town of Stevens Point and other years prior to 1859
05 Apr 1859
First election of public officials held at the school house
31 Oct 1859
Form two election districts for the election of 08 Nov 1859. First district
at the School House No 9 in the Village of Jordan. Second district at the
School House near the house of James Moore.
08 Jun 1861
Meeting regarding a bridge across the Big Plover River
01 Jun 1863
Petition approved to permit cattle and hogs to roam at large
25 Dec 1863
Special meeting in the Village of New Jordan to raise money to pay each volunteer
to enlist and serve the United States
16 May 1864
$200 for building a bridge across the Big Plover River 0.5 mile above Gails
Mill in T24N-R9E
02 Jun 1864
Specifications and contract for bridge
09 Nov 1864
O. Buffum vacated Chair position James Delaney was approved Chair
18 Nov 1865
Build a bridge across Plover River at a place known as Anderson Mill
02 Nov 1869
Town house in said Town was sold to Archibald Sievewright for $25
05 Apr 1870
Annual meeting held in the Village of Jordan
Clerk Records from 1887 – 1895
03 Apr 1888
Resolution was made that the hogs shall not run at wilde & at large.
02 Apr 1889
Resolution was made that the hogs shall be pined in.
07 Apr 1891
Resolution was made that the cattel shall be piened in.
05 Apr 1892
Resolution was made that the catle shall be clous up. Resolution was made that
the hogs shall be clous up.
Clerk Records from 1927 – 1943
05 Apr 1927
Wages for road work $0.25 per hour.
02 Apr 1929
Wages for road work $3 per man and $6 per team for 10 hours.
05 Apr 1932
Wages for road work $0.30 per hour and men furnish own tools.
10 Apr 1934
Reward for dumping rubish and garbage $2.00
08 Dec 1936
Hereby resolved that any able bodied man asking for relief must work for it.
06 Apr 1937
Wages for road work, 40 cents per hour for man, 70 cents per hour for team
01 Apr 1941
$1200 for bridge over Heymeadow Creek, $800 for bridge on Thruna Road
Stevens Point Daily Journal, April 1924
Deposed Chairman Again to Take Throne Winner Deposed Chairman
The Hull chairmanship contest was of special interest as Laszewski was put
out of this office and the chairmanship declared vacant recently by circuit
court decision. Alleged irregularities in the conduct of the 1923 election
prompted court proceedings against Laszewski. The duties of the position have
been looked after by the two supervisors during the period of vacancy.
Mr. Laszewski is especially gratified with the result of the election in his town, which he regards as a vindication of himself on the part of the voters. The election was conducted with special care this year, giving no opportunity for dispute.
Directory of Town Officials 1859 - 1958
05 Apr
1859 Chair – Samuel Brown Supervisor – Joseph Easterly Supervisor – Michael Dawson Clerk – Alexander Jack Treasurer – Timothy Leary Assessor – James Delaney Justice – James Moore Constable – Archie Severight Constable – William Carver Constable – Michael Feneran Weights & Measures – Richard Keaff Superintendent Schools – James Moore |
03 Apr 1860 Chair – Hugh McGreer Supervisor – Gardner Harvey Supervisor – E.D. Brown Clerk – A. B. Redfield Treasurer – Alonzo Streeter Assessor – Andre Otis Justice – Oliver Bufum Justice – L.P. Harvey Constable – Archibald Seivright Constable – Wilson Muzzy Constable – George Buffum Weights & Measures – Alonzo Streeter |
02 Apr
1861 Chair – Hugh McGreer Supervisor – James Delaney Supervisor – H. Anderson Clerk – Thomas Clements Treasurer – A. B. Redfield Assessor – Oliver Buffum Justice – Thomas Clements Justice – A.B. Redfield Justice – H. Anderson Constable – Henry Pool Constable – Wilson Muzzy Constable – M.M. Jpaffore Weights & Measures – S. Campbell |
01 Apr 1862 Chair – Hugh McGreer Supervisor – H. Anderson Supervisor – James Delaney Clerk – Thomas Clements Treasurer – James Delaney Assessor – O. Buffum Justice – John Parks Constable – Geo. Buffum Constable – O.S. Andrews Constable – W. Reading |
07 Apr
1863 Chair – H. Anderson Supervisor – C. Muzzy Supervisor – Jer. Banker Clerk – Thomas Clements Treasurer – James Delaney Assessor – O. Buffum Justice – Thomas Clements – 2 years Justice – O. Buffum – 2 years Justice – Wm. Lynch – 1 year Justice – John Welsh – 1 year Constable – Geo. Guffum Constable – John Bryan Constable – Thomas Copp Weights & Measures – Henry Pool |
05 Apr 1864 Chair – O. Buffum Supervisor – Wilson Muzzy Supervisor – John Bryan Clerk – Thomas Clements Treasurer – James Delaney Assessor – Murt Byrnes Justice – Robert Maine Justice – W. Lynch Justice – Michael Carmocz Constable – John Consaue Constable – W. Reading Constable – W. Lynch Weights & Measures – O. Buffum |
31 Mar
1865 Chair – J. M. Gilman Supervisor – Wilson Muzzy Supervisor – John Ryan Clerk – John T. Consaul Treasurer – James Delaney Assessor – J.M. Gilman Justice – A. Vaughn Justice – Barnia Cassey Justice – J. Bankes Constable – Smith Roges Constable – W.P. Haswood Constable – John Leahy Weights & Measures – William Lynch |
07 Apr 1868 Chair – Wilson Muzzey Supervisor – Murt Burns Supervisor – F. Tallerness Clerk – Wm Reading Treasurer – John Welch(Welsh) Assessor – Michael Lynch Justice – Barney Cassady Justice – H. Brill Constable – D. Platta Constable – Wm. Reading Weights & Measures – Michael Cassady |
05 Apr
1870 Republican Ticket Chair – Robert Maine Supervisor – W. Muzzy Supervisor – A. Vaugn Clerk – A. Van Order Treasurer – S. Hacket Assessor – Wm. Reading Justice – Moses Bickmore Justice – Martin Griffen Constable – A. Sievwright Constable – J. Patterson Constable – G. Bently |
05 Apr 1870 Township Ticket Chair – Valentine B. Beckons Supervisor – Michael Smith Supervisor – Martin Sirifiuski Clerk – J. W. Gilman Treasurer – John Welsh Assessor – William Weebe Justice – John Seri Constable – John Brisiki Constable – Frank Purcerop Weights & Measures – Mathew Brill |
06 Apr
1880 Chair - John Welch Supervisor - John Krajeski Supervisor - Nick Wrica Clerk - J. M. Szarkoski Treasurer - Anthony Cyra Assessor - Andrew King Justice - Michael Leahey Justice - Valentine Ligman Justice - Anthony Petta Justice - J.B. Grubba Constable - Peter Walter Constable - Frank Pukroop Weights & Measures - Mathew Brill |
01 Apr 1884 Chair - August Buza Supervisor - Michael Tofelski Supervisor - Nick Wricza Clerk - L. Kieliszewski Treasurer - Joseph Jerzak Assessor - W.F. Webie |
Apr 1885 Chair - Joseph Jerzak Supervisor - Jacob Gosh Supervisor - Frank Pokrupp Clerk - L. Kieliszewski Treasurer - Michael Friday Assessor - W.F. Webie |
06 Apr 1886 Chair - Robert Maine Supervisor - Peter Wricza Supervisor - Steve Jaincki Clerk - L. Kieliszewski Treasurer - Michael Friday Assessor - W.F. Webie Justice - M. Kieliszewski Justice - Paul Saczka Constable - Jacob Dardaz Constable - John Golon |
Apr 1887 Chair - Robert Maine Supervisor - Peter Wricza Supervisor - John Konopacki Clerk - L. Kieliszewski Treasurer - M. Friday Assessor - W.F. Webie |
12 Apr 1888 Chair - Robert Maine Supervisor - Peter Wricza Supervisor - Frank Olbrance Clerk - L. Kieliszewski Treasurer - M. Friday Assessor - W.F. Webie |
Apr 1889 Chair - John E. Welch Supervisor - August Walkush Supervisor - Christ Marchel Clerk - L. Kieliszewski Treasurer - M. Friday Assessor - Barney Polubitzki |
09 Apr 1890 Chair - John E. Welch Supervisor - August Walkush Supervisor - Frank Bemowski Clerk - John King Assessor - August Buzza Weed Control - Frank A. Lasetski |
Apr 1891 Chair - John E. Welch Supervisor - Frank Bemowski Supervisor - Christ Marchel Clerk - John King Assessor - August Buzza Assessor - W.E. Parks - 18 May 1891 Weed Control - Joe Firkus Justice - Jacob Lake Roads - Joseph Ramchek |
12 Apr 1892 Chair - Crist Marchel Supervisor - Frank Bemowski Supervisor - John Thrun Clerk - M. Friday Treasurer - August Walkush Assessor - W.E. Parks Roads #1 - Joseph Ramchick Roads #3 - Johan (John) Cera |
Apr 1893 Chair - Christ Marchel Supervisor - Frank Bemowski Supervisor - Frank Dzurdzella (Diziurdzielie) Clerk - Mike Friday Treasurer - August Walkush Assessor - W.F. Webie |
09 Apr 1894 Chair - John E. Welch Supervisor - Frank Bemowski Supervisor - Frank Dzurdziela Clerk - John King Treasurer - August Walkush Assessor - Julius Fierek (Firek) |
Apr 1895 Chair - Christ Marchel Supervisor - Felix Bruski Supervisor - Wm Laskowski Clerk - John King Treasurer - August Walkush Assessor - Julius Fierek Roads - Joseph Boarski Roads - Frank Klopotek Roads - Joseph Walkush |
07 Apr 1896 Chair - Christ Marchell Supervisor - John Jach Supervisor - Wm. Laszewski Clerk - John King Treasurer - Aug. Walkush Assessor - Julius Fierek |
Apr 1897 Chair - Cryst Marcheil Supervisor - John Yoch Supervisor - Felix Bruski Clerk - John King Treasurer - A. Walkush Assessor - Julius Fierek Justice - John Barwig Justice - John E. Welch Constable - Thos. Negoski Constable - Mike Kranski |
05 Apr 1898 Chair - Arthur Van Order Supervisor - John Jach Supervisor - Wm. Loss Clerk - John King Treasurer - August Walkush Assessor - Aug. Buzza Justice - Jacob Gosh Justice - John Barwick Constable - Teofil Walters Constable - Jos. Sobish |
Apr 1899 Chair - Theo Rutta Supervisor - Frank Bemowski Supervisor - Thomas Zmick Clerk - John King Treasurer - August Walkush Assessor - W.F. Webie Justice - Frank Muzzy Justice - Frank Jerzak Constable - Frank Wheelock Constable - Lawrence Adamchak |
03 Apr 1900 Chair - Theo Rutta Supervisor - Theo Zwick Supervisor - Peter Wrezca Clerk - Frank Cieswski Treasurer - Aug. Walkush Assessor - W.F. Webie |
Apr 1901 Chair - Christ (Chryst) Marchel Supervisor - John (Varrish) Warush Supervisor - Nick (Wriche) Wricza Clerk - Frank (Czyfski) Ciezyski Treasurer - August Walkush Assessor - John (Thrum) Thrun |
01 Apr 1902 Chair - Cryst Marchel Supervisor - Jacob Warush Supervisor - Peter Wrycza Clerk - John Winkler Treasurer - Aug. Walkush Assessor - Wm. Webie |
Apr 1903 Chair - August Walkush Supervisor - Wm. Webie Supervisor - Frank Jazado Clerk - J. W. Winkler Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Jake Petrick |
05 Apr 1904 Chair - Aug. Walkush Supervisor - Wm. Webie Supervisor - Frank Jurjella Clerk - John C. Winkler Treasurer - Felix Tetsloff Assessor - Jake Petrick |
Apr 1905 Chair - Aug. Walkush Supervisor - Wm. Webie Supervisor - Frank Dzrdzlla Clerk - J.C. Winkler Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Jacob Petrick Justice - John Kajeck Constable - Jos. Heft |
03 Apr 1906 Chair - Frank Cisewski Supervisor - Joe Weisbrod Supervisor - Frank Dzurdzella Clerk - John Marchel Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Jake Petrick Justice - Aug. Walkush Justice - J.P. Kryjecki Constable - John Warosh |
Apr 1907 Chair - Aug. Walkush Supervisor - Jos. Weisbrod Supervisor - Frank Jurzella Clerk - John Marchel Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Jacob Petrick |
07 Apr 1908 Chair - Aug. Walkush Supervisor - Jos. Laszewski Supervisor - Frank Jurjella Clerk - John King Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Jacob Petrick |
Apr 1909 Chair - Aug. Walkush Supervisor - Jos. Laszewski Supervisor - Frank Jurgella Clerk - John King Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Jacob Petrick Justice - Frank Woitoowski Justice - John Rejeski Constable - Thomas Zmich Constable - Nick Hoppa |
05 Apr 1910 Chair - Aug. Walkush Supervisor - Peter Wrycza Supervisor - Jos. Laszewski Clerk - John King Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Jacob Petrick Justice - Matt Shuda Justice - Peter Wrobleski Constable - John Rutta Constable - Ed. Scherwinski |
Apr 1911 Chair - Aug. Walkush Supervisor - Peter Wrycza Supervisor - Joseph Laszewski Clerk - John Marchel Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Jos. Weisbrod |
02 Apr 1912 Chair - Arthur Van Order Supervisor - Anton Meshak Supervisor - James Lela Clerk - John G. Marchel Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Jos. Weisbrod |
Apr 1913 Chair - Jos. Laszewski Supervisor - Ed Gerwinski Supervisor - Antone Meshak Clerk - John Marchel Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Joseph Weisbrod |
07 Apr 1914 Chair - Jas. Laszewski Supervisor - Anton Meshak Supervisor - Stanislaus Meshak Clerk - John G. Marchel Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Joseph Weisbrod |
Apr 1915 Chair - Jos. Laszewski Supervisor - Stanley Czervinski Supervisor - Anton Mishak Clerk - John G. Marchel Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Jos. Wiesbrod |
04 Apr 1916 Chair - Jos. Laszewski Supervisor - S. Czervinski Supervisor - A. Mishak Clerk - J. G. Marchel Treasurer - F. Tetzloff Assessor - Jos. Weisbrod Constable - P. Kaczmarek |
Apr 1917 Chair - Joseph Laszewski Supervisor - Stanley Czervinski Supervisor - Anton Miszah Clerk - John G. Marchel Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Joseph Weisbrod |
02 Apr 1918 Chair - Joseph Laszewski Supervisor - Steve Czervinski Supervisor - Anton Meshak Clerk - John G. Marchel Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Joseph Weisbrod Constable - Andrew Zimbaur |
Apr 1919 Chair - Joseph Laszewski Supervisor - Peter Wroblewski Supervisor - Anton Mischek Clerk - John G. Marchel Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Joseph Weisbrod |
06 Apr 1920 Chair - Joseph Laszewski Supervisor - Peter Wroblewski Supervisor - Anton Meshak Clerk - John G. Marchel Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Jos. Weisbrod Constable - Andrew Zimbauer |
Apr 1921 Chair - Anton Laszewski Supervisor - Peter Wroblewski Supervisor - Anton Mishak Clerk - John G. Marchel Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Jos. Weisbrod Constable - Andrew Zimbaur |
04 Apr 1922 Chair - Anton Laszewski Supervisor - Peter Wroblewski Supervisor - Anton Meshak Clerk - John G. Marchel Treasurer - Felix Tetzlaff Assessor - Joseph Weisbrod Constable - Andrew Zimbauer |
Apr 1923 Chair - Anton Laszewski Supervisor - Peter Wroblewski Supervisor - Anton Meishak Clerk - John G. Marchel Treasurer - Felix Tetzlaff Assessor - Joseph Weisbrod Constable - Andrew Zimbauer |
01 Apr 1924 Chair - Anton Laszewski Supervisor - Alex Zalewski Supervisor - Anton Meshak Clerk - John G. Marchel Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Joseph Weisbrod Constable - Peter Dzurdzella Constable - Valerian Zewicki |
Apr 1925 Chair - Joseph Zagrzebski Supervisor - None listed Supervisor - None listed Clerk - John Marchel Treasurer - Julius Tetzloff Assessor - Joseph Weisbrot |
06 Apr 1926 Chair - Joseph Zagrzebski Supervisor - Joseph Treder Supervisor - Anton Mishak Clerk - John Marchel Treasurer - Felix Tetzlaff Assessor - Joseph Weisbrot Constable - Peter Jugella |
Apr 1927 Chair - Jos. B. Zagrzebski Supervisor - Anton Meshak Supervisor - Frank Brillowski Clerk - John G. Marchel Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Joseph Weisbrod Constable - Peter Dzurczella |
05 Apr 1928 Chair - Anton Laszewski Supervisor - Anton Meshak Supervisor - Frank Brillowski Clerk - August Walkush - 05 Apr 1928 Clerk - John G. Marchel - 14 Apr 1928 Clerk - Frank Blaszkiewicz - 19 Apr 1928 Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Joseph Weisbrod - 10 Apr 1928 Assessor - Frank Rutta - 30 Apr 1928 Constable - Peter (Jurgella) Dzurczella |
Apr 1929 Chair - Anton Laszewski Supervisor - Anton Myshak Supervisor - Frank Brillowski Clerk - Frank Blaszkiewicz Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Frank Rutta Constable - Peter Jurgella |
08 Apr 1930 Chair - Anton Laszewski Supervisor - Anton Meshak Supervisor - Luke Helminiak Clerk - Frank Blaszkiewicz Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Frank Rutta Constable - Peter Jurgella |
Apr 1931 Chair - Anton Laszewski Supervisor - Anton Meshak Supervisor - Willie Ostrowski Clerk - Frank Blaszkiewicz Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Frank Rutta Constable - Peter Jurgella Clerk - Helen Blaszkiewicz - 20 Nov 1931 |
12 Apr 1932 Chair - Anton Laszewski Supervisor - Anton Meshak Supervisor - Willie Ostrowski Clerk - Frank Blaszkiewicz Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Frank Rutta Constable - Peter Jurgella Deputy Clerk - Helen Blaszkiewicz |
Apr 1933 Chair - Anton Laszewski Supervisor - Anton Meshak Supervisor - Willie Ostrowski Clerk - Frank Blaszkiewicz Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Frank Rutta Constable - Peter Jurgella Deputy Clerk - Helen Blaszkiewicz |
05 Apr 1934 Chair - Anton Laszewski Supervisor - Steve King Supervisor - Willie Ostrowski Clerk - Joseph Bonowski Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Frank Rutta Constable - Peter Jurgella |
Apr 1935 Chair - Barney Danielski Supervisor - Stephan King Supervisor - Willie Ostrowski Clerk - Joseph Bonowski Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Frank Rutta Constable - Edwin Jurgella - 09 Apr 1935 Constable - Ernest Treder - 04 Nov 1935 |
14 Apr 1936 Chair - Barney Danielski Supervisor - Steve King Supervisor - Joseph Warosh, Sr. Clerk - Joseph Bonowski Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Frank Rutta Constable - Ernest Treder |
Apr 1937 Chair - Barney Danielski Supervisor - Stephan King Supervisor - William Ostrowski Clerk - Joseph Bonowski Treasurer - Felix Tetzloff Assessor - Frank Rutta Constable - Ernest Treder |
12 Apr 1938 Chair - Anton Laszewski Supervisor - Stephan King Supervisor - Joseph Warosh, Sr. Clerk - Joseph Bonowski Treasurer - Joseph Wojcik, Jr. Assessor - Joseph Brillowski Constable - Felix Burchardt |
Apr 1939 Chair - Anton Laszewski Supervisor - Stephan King Supervisor - Joseph Warosh, Sr. Clerk - Joseph Bonowski Treasurer - Joseph Wojcik, Jr. Assessor - Joseph Brillowski Constable - John Bukowski |
09 Apr 1940 Chair - Anton Laszewski Supervisor - Stephan King Supervisor - Valentine Ostrowski Clerk - Joseph Bonowski Treasurer - Joseph Wojcik, Jr. Assessor - Joseph Brillowski Constable - John Zalewski |
Apr 1941 Chair - Anton Laszewski Supervisor - Stephan King Supervisor - Valentine Ostrowski Clerk - Joseph Bonowski Treasurer - Joseph Wojcik, Jr. Assessor - Joseph Brillowski Constable - Joe Jurgella - 08 Apr 1941 Constable - John Rascka - 05 Nov 1941 |
14 Apr 1942 Chair - Anton Laszewski Supervisor - Stephan King Supervisor - Edwin Bemowski Clerk - Joseph Bonowski Treasurer - Joseph Wojcik, Jr. Assessor - Joseph Brillowski Constable - John Raschka |
Apr 1943 Chair - Anton Laszewski Supervisor - Joseph Strojny Supervisor - Edwin Bemowski Clerk - Joseph Bonowski Treasurer - Joseph Wojcik, Jr. Assessor - Joseph Brillowski Constable - John Raschka |
04 Apr 1944 Chair - Anton Laszewski Supervisor - Edwin Bemowski Supervisor - August Firkus Clerk - Joseph Bonowski Treasurer - Joseph Wojcik, Jr. Assessor - Joseph Brillowski |
Apr 1945 Chair - Joseph Wojcik, Jr. Supervisor - August Firkus Supervisor - Stephen King Clerk - John Bonowski Treasurer - Stanley Winkler Assessor - Joseph Brillowski Constable - Steve Chojnacki |
01 Apr 1947 Chair - Joseph Wojcik, Jr. Supervisor - August Firkus Supervisor - Bernard King Clerk - Joseph Bonowski Treasurer - Stanley Winkler Assessor - Joseph Brillowski Justice - Edward Bernas Constable - Steve Chojnacki |
Apr 1949 Chair - Joseph Wojcik, Jr. Supervisor - August Firkus Supervisor - Bernard King Clerk - Joseph Bonowski Treasurer - Stanley Winkler Assessor - Joseph Brillowski Constable - Steve Chojnacki |
03 Apr 1951 Chair - Joseph Wojcik, Jr. Supervisor - August Firkus Supervisor - Bernard King Clerk - Joseph Bonowski Treasurer - Stanley Winkler Assessor - Joseph Brillowski |
Apr 1953 Chair - Joseph Wojcik, Jr. Supervisor - August Firkus Supervisor - Bernard King Clerk - Joseph Bonowski Treasurer - Stanley Winkler Assessor - Joseph Brillowski Constable - John Bonowski |
05 Apr 1955 Chair - Joseph Wojcik, Jr. Supervisor - August Firkus Supervisor - Bernard King Clerk - Joseph Bonowski Treasurer - Joseph Dachyk Assessor - Joseph Brillowski Constable - Robert B. Demke |
Apr 1957 Chair - Joseph Wojcik, Jr. Supervisor - August Firkus Supervisor - Ray Bernas Clerk - Joseph Bonowski Treasurer - Joseph J. Dachyk Assessor - Joseph Brillowski Constable - Robert S. Coats |