
2024-2025 Board

President: Jim Walker

Vice-President: Rich Warosh

Secretary: Linda Rollins

Treasurer: Joe Crueger

Newsletter: Sue Goodacre

Website: LuAnn Elsinger

Membership: Carol Gardner

Various 1903 Stevens Point Businesses

In March of 1903, THE GAZETTE ran a special industrial section, which described the various businesses in Stevens Point. Following are some of the companies, not necessarily in the same order as they appeared in the paper. Reprinted from Pedigree Pointers, Vol. XVIII, No. 3, Spring 1996

A matter of prime importance, for the benefits are so manifestly apparent, is the proper illumination of a city. In this respect Stevens Point is among the favored, having facilities which few cities in the country possess, and as low a price for gas and electric light as any city of its size in the country. All the streets of the city are well and thoroughly lighted by electricity, about 70 arc lights doing the work. The business houses and homes are supplied by about 5,000 incandescent electric lights, besides gas. The gentlemen at the head of this enterprise are Wm. Mainland of Oshkosh, W. A. Furlong of Milwaukee, and Sinclair Mainland of Green Bay. Roderick McKenzie, the superintendent of the Stevens Point Lighting Co., has been identified with this plant for sometime. His record is the up-building of so large a business. The office is located at 509 Main St. Eleven persons are now employed in the various departments, and the service rendered is as nearly perfect as it can be made. Complaints have been reduced to a minimum through searching and systematic inquiry as to the cause to prevent recurrence. The Stevens Point Lighting Co. is a great credit to the interest of Stevens Point and to the business ability of the company and the genius of its originators. The company has in view the establishment of a power circuit, intending to make a power schedule which will attract the small manufacturers, and thus do its share in advancing Stevens Point’s prosperity as well as its own. The result of the company's work is that Stevens Point is one of the best lighted cities in the state. The price of gas for heat and cooking is only $1.25 and $1.75 per thousand feet. The aim of the company is to render the best service possible at the lowest living rate, benefiting not only itself but the consumers as well, and this feature is the business and manufacturing interests of the city.

Mr. Goerke’s tailoring business was founded in 1874. It is now the leading house of the kind here, and as such not only draws a large trade from the city and county, but from all over the Northwest. Mr. Goerke is a practical and skilled cutter. His store, which is owned by him, is located at 452 Main street and is arranged especially for his business. The stock of goods is also among the largest in the state. This comprises both foreign and domestic makes in the most fashionable patterns. His good reputation was earned by establishing confidence between himself and his trade in this way: He never allows a suit to leave him which does not fit. He makes it up in style and the goods are always exactly as represented. He employs only the best workmen and his prices are the lowest for first class work. In other words, he looks to a permanency in trade, rather than the temporary profits. As a result, he has a constant trade which, comes to him every year. He employs six tailors. Mr. Goerke conducts the business on the strictest principles of mercantile ethics and his success is merited.

The Stevens Point branch of the Pabst Brewing Co., of Milwaukee, was established in 1885 and is one of the largest in the state. Mr. F. W. Mueller, the manager, possesses the confidence of the businessmen in Stevens Point, which has been won by his strict attention to business. A full stock is always carried of the various brands of Pabst Milwaukee beer, of which we would mention the "Select," "Bohemian" and "Dopplebrau" beers, which have carried off the highest honors at the various exhibits. This branch also has on hand a large supply of bottled beers. The Red, White and Blue, Export, Bavarian and Blue Ribbon have become favorite beers among Stevens Point families, and the Pabst Brewing Company is well deserving of the many orders it receives for these fine brands. Telephone 42-1 for a sample case and we guarantee you will be satisfied with your outlay.

Among those who have gained enviable reputations for the correct manner in which they conduct their business may be named the above gentleman, Mr. Nelson being in the real estate business for the past twenty-three years. He was formerly located at Amherst, until seven years ago. Everything known to a general real estate business is done, such as negotiating the purchase and sale of real estate. He has at all times, choice improved farms for sale or for rent, located all over Portage county and adjoining counties. His clever management has given him an enormous business and the confidence of our city and country people. When looking for land in this and surrounding counties, you will do well to make a call on Mr. Nelson. He has much valuable land for sale at a low price, and on the most favorable terms. Mr. Nelson is also president of The International Bank of Amherst. Since locating in Stevens Point he has made many friends in our business world.

Mr. Hull has been in business in Stevens Point since Aug. 1st, 1898, and he has built up one of the most flourishing dry goods businesses in the city. Through the agencies of judicious advertising and up-to-date business methods, he has secured a large patronage and a high commercial standing. Mr. Hull carries a full line of dry goods, dress goods and ladies’ and gents’ furnishings; also clothing, boots, shoes, hats and caps, etc., of the latest styles and up-to-date in design. He buys the best and caters to the tastes of the most fastidious. He employs eight sales people and customers receive every attention and most obliging service. The best goods, at the lowest consistent prices are the governing principles of this popular house. The spring display at this store affords excellent opportunities to the ladies of Stevens Point and vicinity to buy the latest novelties on the market. Mr. Hull’s store is located at 319 Main street. Call on him. You will find him an enterprising businessman, energetic and progressive, alive to all the modern methods of mercantile enterprises.

This model store is located at 432 Main street. It has a selected and exceptionally choice stock of goods, everything being the freshest and most desirable. It is over twenty years that Mr. Jensen has been in the business. Country produce is bought and sold at the market prices, and everything in the grocery line kept on hand. You can entrust your orders to this wide-awake and popular grocery house.

In the great state of Wisconsin the lumber industry is an invaluable accession to the welfare of numerous commonwealths, there being scarcely any article containing wood manufactured for daily use that is not produced in the "Badger State." Here in the thriving city of Stevens Point is a manufacturing institution that ranks high among the industries of the state. We refer to the Vetter Mfg. Co. which manufactures sash, doors, blinds, moldings, etc., and which has by placing a high grade of work before the public gained an enviable reputation for its excellent production of interior finish. In the quality of its product the company stands among the first in the northwest, acknowledging no superiors. The Vetter Manufacturing Co. was established in 1894 and its officers are Henry Vetter, president; C. H. Vetter, vice president, and H. A. Vetter, secretary and treasurer.

For more than twelve years the manufacture of paper has been one of the chief industries of this city, and the success that has followed markedly demonstrates the business for sight of Geo. A. Whiting, president, and C. A. Babcock, secretary and treasurer, and Jack McCorkindale, the superintendent. Mr. McCorkindale is one of the best paper makers in the United States.

In the year 1891 the plant here was established. This company manufactures a superior grade of newspaper, which is made exclusively of wood, and which contains an excellent finish, the surface being noticeably smooth and glossy. The mill is equipped in each department with machinery the inventive genius has for years been striving to bring into state of perfection. The new grinders, especially, which are equipped on horizontal wheels, are a vast improvement over the old ones, and each possess three hundred and sixty-five horsepower. All the equipments are of an improved nature and tend to maintain the high standard of the mill's production. The Wisconsin River Paper and Pulp Co. consume fifteen thousand cords of wood, mostly spruce, annually, and its daily output of paper is about one hundred thousand pounds. One hundred and fifty hands are given steady and remunerative employment throughout the year, and during the winter a great many additional men find employment in this mill. Their principal trade is secured in the west, south and southwest, but they have filled orders from Japan and China, and as America's trade increases in the Orient, it is safe to say that the Wisconsin River and Pulp Co. will secure its full share of the patronage from that country.

This store perhaps contains more rare things to tempt the appetite than any other place of the kind in the city. It makes a specialty of introducing the delicacies of the season just as soon as they are found in Chicago or any large city, and the trade comes from the class of people who instinctively look for the best and choicest of eatables. The firm deals in groceries, vegetables, flowers, plants, confections, fruits, etc., and always have the very best to be obtained in this line. G. F. Hebard and F. H. Murray are the founders. Mr. Murray has a commercial experience of the best order. Their store is up to date and is located at 108 Strongs Avenue. Both men are wide awake business men and they conduct their business on the strictest principles of mercantile ethics, and their success is merited.

Mr. Glinski has been in the tailoring business in Stevens Point for the past twenty three years. He has no superior here as a cutter and designer, and enjoys a good trade from our best people. When in want of a fine suit, call at 306 Main street. A large stock of cloths is always on hand. Mr. Glinski is widely known over this entire section and enjoys the fullest confidence of the community.

One of the largest industrial enterprises of Stevens Point is the John Week Lumber Co. as manufacturers and wholesale dealers in lumber. The business was established in 1851 and incorporated in 1884. The officers are N. A. Week, pres., Jno. A. Week, vice pres., A. R. Week, sec. and treas. Since its incorporation the business has grown into one of mammoth proportions. Lumber of all grades, hemlock pine and hardwood, is manufactured in immense quantities, and is sold and shipped, to local and foreign points, and a planing mill is kept constantly running. The piling grounds and sheds are noticeably extensive, covering over 20 acres. On these grounds millions of feet of lumber are piled annually, ready for delivery at a moment's notice. The mill of this company cuts large quantities regularly, a steady demand for the product keeping the plant busy throughout the year. In addition to being manufacturers of and wholesale and retail dealers in lumber, this firm does an extensive business as jobbers of sash, doors and blinds, and have become well and favorably known throughout the country for handling a superior grade of goods. This house also keeps on hand a stock of birch and maple kiln-dried flooring. The capacity of their mill is 12,000,000 feet per annum, and car lot shipments are made. Steady employment is given to about 150 hands, and is consequently an important factor in Stevens Point's industrial life. It requires ceaseless activity on the part of the management to keep all the wheels of this extensive business in constant motion, but the officers of the John Week Lumber Co. are equal to the occasion, as growth of their business would indicate. Each member of the firm is favorably known in this community as a thorough businessman, holding a high position in commercial and social circles.

The firm of E. M. Copps & Co. first made its appearance in 1895. Prior to this date Mr. Copps was engaged in the lumber business, having built what is now the Pfiffner Mill. Mr. Copps is the originator of the Stevens Point market for potatoes - a potato market that is now known throughout this section of the state for the liberal prices it quotes. Associated with Mr. Copps is Mr. Len Starks of Plainfield. E. M. Copps & Co. transact business every day in the year, always paying the highest price that the market affords, and farmers and potato growers will find it profitable to deal with them. While this firm makes a specialty of dealing in potatoes, they also give strict attention to their extensive operations in flour, feed, hay, oats, corn, coal, etc. The firm possesses all the advantages necessary to successfully compete with firms of a like character in the larger cities. When in the market for goods in this line address above firm

The Meyer Drug Company, whose store is located at 445 Main street, has a complete line of drugs, fine chemicals, perfumes, toilet and fancy articles, etc. Prescriptions are compounded with accuracy. A handsome new soda fountain adorns the front of the store. This store is fitted with oak fixtures throughout and the stock is up-to-date in every particular, making it one of the finest drug stores in the country. The members of the firm are W. W. Albers, president; A. A. Kryger, secretary and manager. The long period which the firm has given satisfaction to their trade is the very best recommendation of their goods and trade policy.