
2024-2025 Board

President: Jim Walker

Vice-President: Rich Warosh

Secretary: Linda Rollins

Treasurer: Joe Crueger

Newsletter: Sue Goodacre

Website: LuAnn Elsinger

Membership: Carol Gardner

The Jackson Milling Company

Reprinted from Pedigree Pointers, Vol. XVIII, No. 3, Spring 1996
This profile originally appeared in the March 1903 Portage County Gazette.

The Jackson Milling Co. is doing a large and satisfactory business. Their plant is admirably equipped for the work, the mill at Stevens Point occupying a four story stone and frame structure furnished with all the most modern machinery for the best flour making, with the utmost convenience and economy of arrangement. They manufacture hard wheat flour, made from Dakota hard spring wheat, which is shipped to them direct. Their fine flours, of which they make two special brands, are known as "Gold Crown" and "Rosebud." They have no superior, and their maintained high quality and the firm's reputation for square dealing has established for them an extensive and most substantial business. Their special brand of rye flour is "White Rye," which has a high reputation throughout the northwest. The Jackson Milling Co. also have several other brands that possess an enviable reputation, and wherever they have been allowed an initial trial they are always on the grocer's list for a second order. This company also manufactures a breakfast food that is unexcelled in purity. Besides the North Star mill at Stevens Point, the Jackson Milling Co. conducts a mill at Amherst, Wis. In addition to manufacturing flour, this company also deals extensively in grain and feed. Under the able and judicious management of Mr. H. H. Pagel, the mill here is daily increasing its volume of business, and it runs full time both day and night.