
2024-2025 Board

President: Jim Walker

Vice-President: Rich Warosh

Secretary: Linda Rollins

Treasurer: Joe Crueger

Newsletter: Sue Goodacre

Website: LuAnn Elsinger

Membership: Carol Gardner

The Coye Furniture Company of Stevens Point

Reprinted from Pedigree Pointers, Vol. X, No. 3, Spring 1988
This profile originally appeared in the October 25, 1899 Portage County Gazette

To Be Built at Once by the Coye Furniture Company of Stevens Point - Capitalized at $75,000

Within the next few months Stevens Point will have in active operation one of the best and largest furniture manufacturing plants in the state of Wisconsin. It will be known as the Coye Furniture Co. of Stevens Point, articles of incorporation having been filed with the register of deeds on Saturday morning last. The company will have a capital stock of $75,000, about $50,000 of which has already been taken. The members of the corporation are all Stevens Pointers with one single exception, that being Mr. W. H. Coye, at present a resident of Marshfield and general superintendent of the Upham Manfg. Co." furniture factory. Mr. Coye will sever his connection with the latter institution on the 1st of December, however, and will come to Stevens Point to reside. A meeting of those interested was held at the Citizens National Bank, last Friday evening, Mr. Coye being present, and all details of the organization were fully agreed upon, including the naming of the company as above stated. On Saturday evening a meeting of stockholders was held and the following directors chosen: A. R. Week, E. J. Pfiffner, W. H. Coye, D. E. Frost, F. E. Bosworth, L. Brill and F. A. Southwick. At this time the form of contract with Mr. Coye was read and adopted, giving that gentleman the entire management of the plant, including the manufacturing, buying and selling. The new plant will occupy a building 70 x 300 feet in size, two stories in height, and will be a frame structure, work upon which will be commenced as soon as the contracts can be let. Besides this there will be constructed the necessary dry kilns and other additions, and the cost of the new industry when completed, including macnhinery, is estimated at about $35,000. The kind of furniture to be manufactured will be chamber suits, chifoniers, side boards, etc., for which there is a steady market.

Mr. Coye, who will be the general manager of the new plant, has been located at Marshfield for the past five years, and under his management the Upham factory has grown to be recognized as one of the best of its kind, giving employment to about 125 hands and is a paying enterprise for its owners. The Stevens Point plant will employ about the same number of men, and under the management of Mr. Coye is certain to prosper. His entire life has been devoted to this line of business. He understands all the details thereof and is well acquainted with the trade throughout this country, enjoying the confidence of all. He is a man of family, having a wife and three children, and decided to come to Stevens Point on account of our excelent educational facilities, as well as for the fact that this city is one of the best manufacturing locations in the state, with no limit of hard wood and other timber at our very door, besides having good shipping accomodations.

Mr. Coye will be in the city tomorrow afternoon, at which time the directors will meet and the organization perfected by the election of officers. Thereafter a site will be selected and work on the building commenced with the least possible delay.

Those who have taken stock in the new company thus far are F. E. Bosworth, E. J. Pfiffner, A. R. Week, N. A. Week, L. Brill, F. A. Southwick, V. Pl Atwell, D. E. Frost, W. W. Spraggon, Bukingham & Engberry, E. D. Glennon, J. A. Slothower, C. A. Hamacker, Harry C. Welty, R. A. Cook, W. E. Kingsbury, Thos. Hyde, L. R. Anderson, Jackson Reuter, W. W. Mitchell, August Goerke, W. T. Whiting, Alexander Krembs, g. F. Andrae, Henry Hoeffler, P. F. Mullen, Boston Bros., Taylor Bros., I. C. Newby, Fred. Stieler, Gus. Hein, J. A. Mirat, E. I. Tozier, John Martini, Gross & Jacobs, A. G. Green, W. w. Gregry, B. Brill, J. M. Bischoff, J. D. Lindores, D. N. Alcorn, G. E. Oster, G. L. Park estate, P. Rothman, W. F. Owen, E. W. Sellers, Frank Blood, Jr., W. H. Mulvey.